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Thomas Linacre School


Full School Photo
Full School Photo
Photo: Harry Barton
Views: 6,160
Item #: 8289
School photo 1961 B

Comment by: RON on 15th December 2008 at 19:50

Got me. 6 from left back row. After me Alan Hallsworth(Now lives in Canada) then Roy Painter...

Comment by: Carl Fairclough on 15th December 2008 at 23:26

5th row left to right.
David Ellison,Terry Walker,David 'Dan' Locker,William Wood, Alan Houghton,Edmund Prytherch,Keith Pendlebury,Alan Addison,Jack Ashurst,James Hodson, ?, William Morris,Eric Stanier,Raymond Pye,Ian Hart,Brian Yates,Carl Fairclough,Tony Baines,David Bennett,Clive Richards.

Comment by: Graham Moss on 16th December 2008 at 11:31

Back row on left me, Graham Moss and next to me Martin Richrds. Know a few others but '61 was a long time ago!!

Comment by: Harry Barton on 17th December 2008 at 14:12

Teachers l to r
Clarence Thorpe,Mr.Melling,?,?,?,?,?,Harry 'Tricky' Hilton,,Mr.Colley,Len Smith
Any More??

Comment by: Carl Fairclough on 17th December 2008 at 17:07

The 3rd teacher to the right of 'Jasper' Melling is Bert Sutcliffe a maths teacher.

Comment by: broady on 20th December 2008 at 04:50

I am seventh from the left. Next to me is Dave Bridgewater and at the front is Billy Sedgewick. I see Peter Atkinson on the back row.

Comment by: rammy on 20th December 2008 at 21:06

Is the teacher to the right of 'Jasper' Melling, 'Jem' Hall

Comment by: broady on 21st December 2008 at 02:22

I think that is Mr. Fleming next but one to "Jasper" and maybe Mr. Sutcliffe next to him.

Comment by: Ray Armstrong on 23rd December 2008 at 18:27

Next to back row,2nd from left is me-Ray Armstrong,Graham Forrester,Dennis Pilling,John Walters,??,David Stanton,Ian Townley,David Cowser.

Comment by: peter banks on 28th January 2009 at 18:44

well I never thought I would see so many ugly buggers in one place again. Broady, still got that mop of red hair or is it grey now?. I remember one wet day we were all sat in the back of the hall and little Billy Sedgewick came stomping down the corridor and turned sharp right into the hall. Unfortunately the glass doors were shut and he bounced back ten feet or so, I came close to wetting myself that day i laughed that hard!
I recognise Dave Bridgewater as we used to go swimming of a friday night straight from school at Atherton baths, his mum made a mean tea for two hungry lads.
You were right about Jasper and Fleming,two really great masters. The one six to the right of fleming, as you look at the photo, with the light suit and cape, I think was either a maths or history master who used to lisp, so he would say shettle down boys shettle down.
Now four to the right of Billy I think is Alan Roscoe from Kew Yed city, there was a bunch of us who used to catch the 59 or 38 bus home. In fact Harry Barton was one of them if I remember right... a big lad!!.
Then three to the left of BS again as you look at it is Peter Leyland another "Kew Yed", he's the one with a smudged face. Another of the "Howfen mob was Les Gordon, but I can't see him anywhere.
In the other picture of the left hand mob, I think third left from PL was David Bryant, a brilliant artist at the time, while we were pulling each others boxes from under neath everyone he created some masterpieces.
Starting at the far left side, second row up, seven in looks like Alan Hargreaves,then dropping to the bottom row seven in is Frank Spencer, me and his brother Terry used to ride our motorbikes everywhere together. Then ten in is David Abbott, a good school friend though we did take the p**s about his height.
And finally, second row up, five in ME!! Peter Banks
Hope this has brought back some memories of a bloody fantastic school

Comment by: Ed Prytherch on 30th October 2009 at 16:13

The short guy on Harry Hilton's left is Mr. Walbank - Chemistry teacher.

Comment by: Graham Fee on 28th September 2010 at 16:17

5th from right on second row (with specs) is Mr Barlow - German teacher. A strict disciplinarian, I remember I remember when I was in 4S he replaced Deutsches Leben 2 with Deutsches Leben 1 because our competence was so poor. Basically his teaching managed to get me and several others to good O level grade in two years. I went on to do A Level German (with Gelling and Savigny at WGS)because of his inspiration. However, some said he taught us German with a Wigan accent! Barlow, along with Dacre Brown was a leading producer at Wigan Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society> At TLS he directed Julius Ceasar and Morning Departure in which I had bit parts.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 12th December 2012 at 22:36

Just noticed me, 6th from left back row next to my mate Alan Hallsworth(What a quiff)

Comment by: Ed Prytherch on 22nd April 2013 at 19:13

I have a good complete scan of the school picture. It is the full width and not in separate pieces. The file size is about 9Mb but I could shrink it a bit if I were to lower the resolution. Send me an email to mred_2u@hotmail.com if you would like a copy.

Comment by: Tom Davies on 8th July 2015 at 09:16

I am extreme left 3rd row from bottom wearing prefects badge! I went on to Sheffield University to read Fuel Technology, subsequently became a professor of engineering at Exeter University and now chairman of an engineering company - all thanks to the superb education I received at TLS.

Comment by: Eric Wolstenholme on 27th June 2021 at 19:15

I am middle row 9th from right, 10th from left. Peter Braddock and Alan Cumberbatch to my left. In 6th form. Never made it to prefect though!! I went to Nottingham University and became a Professor of Management Science.

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