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St George's C. E. Junior School, Wigan


St Georges Schools, Wigan
St Georges Schools, Wigan
Photo: Norman Sharples
Views: 11,492
Item #: 8123
My Dad, Alexander Sharples, is the man in the foreground. Is this building still standing?

Comment by: danni on 29th November 2008 at 19:16

yes Norman it is, it is now a nursing home. I went there as a child till the age of seven and my Mum went there too

Comment by: John B on 30th November 2008 at 13:24

Excellent pic Norman. Yes it is still there, it looks a little different now though.It is the nursing home my Mum was in up until her death in 2006. My sister used to attend it also when it was still a school.

Comment by: cs on 30th November 2008 at 16:32

were is this place norman looks spooky

Comment by: Tony on 30th November 2008 at 18:51

This is definately St Georges C of E primary school. I went there in the 1960s. I still visit now, part of my job as it is now a nursing home. Its address is Windsor Street. The land the man is standing on(foreground), was a slope leading from Great Acre's bowling green to Castle St; and made into a lovely 'rose garden' in the 1960's.

Comment by: Jean Jones on 30th November 2008 at 20:39

It's on Windsor St off Greenough St Scholes. You can see it if you are on Tesco car park or driving up towards the infirmary.

Comment by: Neil on 1st December 2008 at 19:55

Although it looks quite bleak and creepy in this picture it's actually a fine red-brick building, one of the last bits of old Scholes left untouched.

Comment by: Danni on 1st December 2008 at 20:20

if you copy this url into your browser it shows the building as it is now


Comment by: Tony on 1st December 2008 at 22:28

I could not agree with Neil no more! The building is fab! Being there in the 1960's. Remember this building this time of the year. We made decorations. We placed in the classroom. You took those home later, following the the party!!!

Comment by: Norman Sharples on 2nd December 2008 at 23:41

Thank you all very much. One day I must return to Wigan and inspect it again 'in the real'.
Best wishes


Comment by: karen on 5th December 2008 at 14:35

I went to st georges in the early 70 s what a great school my fav teacher was miss tabener and who was the male teacher with a doll called pofessor jones?

Comment by: marken on 6th December 2008 at 00:23

The land the man is standing on was originally a playground, with swings,slide and roundabout.

Comment by: Tony on 6th December 2008 at 14:20

Miss Tabiner was lovely! The male teacher, with Professor Jones was Mr Sellery. Spelling may be wrong. He came from Liverpool; and was a right laugh. He used to let us take 'Jones' home for the weekend. My mum thought the whole school had gone mad lol!!!!!

Comment by: cliff on 9th December 2008 at 12:36

WAW !! great pic,I lived in Windsor Street it was a short walk to school but always late, it must have been the finest School bulding in wigan and a wide district.
Miss Tabener I remember and Miss Scally (ouch)
They have pulled many fine buildings down in our town
and this they do not.

Comment by: M. Cheers on 18th December 2008 at 09:30

A little lad takes a peep in the ground floor junior school hall. He sees women teachers at the other end of the hall. One of them spots him. She yells "Come here you naughty boy. She puts him over her knee, pulls up one leg of his short pants over his cheek and tans the hide off him.
Miss Tabener - great teacher - b----cks.

Comment by: Tony on 8th January 2009 at 21:36

No! You must have been a naughty boy, to get smacked! The Miss Tabiner I knew, was interested in her pupils. Like all St George boys!!!

Comment by: Keith McNab on 12th January 2009 at 13:29

I lived in Greenough Street and went to St Georges for 5 or 6 years until I left in 1960, having failed the eleven-plus, and went to Whelley Secondary Modern. I had my first kiss on that land in front of the school. I left Wigan in 1967 but I remember St Georges perfectly. I know it's a cliche but they were probably my happiest days ever. Not a care in the world - just fun and play every day until it went dark. And even after dark we'd play in the streets and feel perfectly safe. Kids just can't do that nowadays.

Comment by: cliff Higham on 29th January 2009 at 03:00

Hi KEITH, are you Peters bro from the chippy ?

Comment by: L. Banks on 9th March 2009 at 10:58

Looks like Draculas Castle. No wonder your all wierdos.

Comment by: cliff H on 6th May 2009 at 20:30

behave, you stupid prat go play with your train set, its the best building left in Wigan.

Comment by: L. Banks on 2nd June 2009 at 20:42

Who you calling a prat Higham you dipstick. I'll get you when your next down our way.

Comment by: liz on 29th August 2009 at 18:20

I went to St.George,s from 58-64.I remember Mr.Spencer the headmaster.My cousins went there as well Joe and Christine Hill.Must have been a rainy day when this picture was took.

Comment by: Ronnie on 15th September 2009 at 14:05

Hi Liz. How is Joe these days. Not seen him for years. Have you got an email address for him?

Comment by: liz on 17th September 2009 at 22:02

Sorry Ron not seen him myself for a few years,but I could try and get in touch with him and let him know you was after his e-mail adress.

Comment by: Ronnie on 20th September 2009 at 12:38

Good on you liz - glad to hear joe is still about be great to hear from him.

Comment by: liz on 20th September 2009 at 17:14

hi Ronnie.I went to see Christine today and she said she told joe,but said he does,nt go on the internet.Mind you if it was,nt for you I would,nt have seen our Christine.It was twenty years ago since we last saw each other.We talked of the days when we was small and living in Lower Morris Street.

Comment by: Ronnie on 22nd September 2009 at 20:00

Liz, glad you got in touch again, I'll bet you were chuffed. I may try and call Joe on the blower. Does he still live in the Wigan area?

Comment by: Ronnie on 22nd September 2009 at 20:44

Liz, glad you got in touch again, I'll bet you were chuffed. I may try and call Joe on the blower. Does he still live in the Wigan area?

Comment by: liz on 22nd September 2009 at 22:20

did,nt see Joe but christine showed me a class photo,it should be never shown on here.Yes Joe does still lives in wigan.

Comment by: Ronnie on 23rd September 2009 at 12:49

Liz, ask Christine to put the photo on here.

Comment by: Cliff Higham on 1st October 2009 at 02:04

Hi Liz, Ronnie, last I heard Joe was livin in Beech hill last I saw him was about 14yrs ago in Wigan, Joe was a good friend, like twins people said, I went to his home on Lower Morris St a few times, I can,t recall Christine,we must have met, gone quiet has Joe, shame we was real good friends all through St Georges and Grammar School, then woosh!! never seen him much since, pity he don,t get in here online,everybody asks of him.

Comment by: Liz on 5th October 2009 at 07:34

Hi Cliff.Joe still lives up Beech Hill.Christine and me are the same age,but i,m 7 weeks older than her.Joe is about 7 or 8 years older than us.next time I see christine i,ll ask her to take me to Joe,s house and i well let him know you have been asking about him.

Comment by: Oldman on 5th October 2009 at 10:22

Hello Mr. Sharples. This is an excellent photo. I would like to use it on my website www.wiganman.co.uk in connection with an article on Francis Sharp Powell who was a benefactor of the school. Please email your permission to me. john@wiganman.co.uk

Comment by: T. Porter on 5th October 2009 at 20:47

Owdmon - its a b. awful photo. Better taking your Brownie Box down Greenough Street and taking a new one. Reminds me of a derelict asylum.

Comment by: Old Man on 5th October 2009 at 21:12

Disagree. O.K by todays standard photo not great. But as a social document it's good. Will take pictures of the building as it is now anyway.

P.S. Once had a box brownie. Cut my local history teeth on it in the 1960s.

Comment by: T. Porter on 6th October 2009 at 14:29

Owdmon - what do you think of the Life of Brian then ... he's trying to save all these ugly owd eye sores that you take pictures of .. what I'd like to know is ... what is he saving them from ...
how about knocking down all these grimy owd monstrosities and leaving things to natures solution ... grass, trees, flowers ..?

Comment by: jon wood on 6th October 2009 at 16:09

I recall little christine hill. a little blond lass a few years younger than joe. she would come with us to Boltons little lads alehouse. me an joe had a hop bitter apeice and we'd buy christine a glass of sasparilo.

Comment by: Oldman on 7th October 2009 at 17:41

Reply to T. Porter:
Brian's a good fella. He's saving beautiful buildings.
Went to St. George's today to take some pictures. When I made my presence known, I was asked to take some photos for them from the same angles as the ones on this page. They offered to pay me but I'm not sure that my Box Brownie is up proffesional photography.

Comment by: T. Porter on 10th October 2009 at 13:05

mmm .... Owdmon. Not sure I understand you. Who offered to pay you? You made your presence felt? Knock twice if you are there!
St Georges is now a nursing home. A long time has passed since I was there. There was a wrought iron gate opposite St Georges, you went through these gates and up some steps to get to the position from where the pic was taken. Not sure you can do that now. Must take look next time I am up there.
So who offered you cash - the nursing home or this site?

Comment by: Babs Strickland (Barbara Ashall) on 19th October 2009 at 23:28

Miss Tabener was AWFUL! She once caned me in front of the whole school for something I didn’t do. Some years after left I returned to the school and reminded her of this, she said she didn’t remember - I bet she did! A few years ago I met Mr Spencer (what a WONDERFUL TEACHER!) and mentioned Miss Tabener. He said she didn’t like children and wasn’t well liked!

Comment by: jan on 21st October 2009 at 21:52

I lived in a cottage , there was three cottages , went through the next door neighbors garden that got me through St, Georges playground.

Comment by: jan on 23rd October 2009 at 18:03

does anybody know who the girl is in the doorway?

Comment by: stey fishwick on 25th October 2009 at 02:28

left St Georges in 1960,same tine as Keith McNab,but i went to grammar school where his older brother,Peter went.Hope you read this thread Keith,and hope you and yours are fine

Comment by: tony on 27th October 2009 at 21:17

Hi jan,
Where the cottages facing the river?

Comment by: R. Lowe on 28th October 2009 at 15:56

The girl in the doorway is the famous waif of St Georges who appears from time to time. If you talk to the picture taker you will probably be told that apart from the gentleman in the foreground there were only two other figures seen when the pic was taken. The figure on the bottom left and old Albert Higham the caretaker.

Comment by: Chris Higham on 30th October 2009 at 23:54

Pretty spooky ,, R. Lowe!

Comment by: Lois on 6th November 2009 at 11:22

R. Lowe. I would like to investigate this waif tale a bit more. Is it Albert Higham still living.

Comment by: R. Lowe on 10th November 2009 at 13:03

No idea Lois. Suggest you check Wigan Library see if they have any records. Looking at the photo he looks an old codger but you never know. Good luck with your sleuthing.

Comment by: M. Cheers on 12th November 2009 at 10:56

Albert Higham may be a relative of Cliff Higham. He may give you the answers you want.

Comment by: Arthur W. on 17th November 2009 at 15:02

Old Albert Higham hey - I remember him well. Keeping a few bottles of milk back when they were handed out to the kids at play. Drinking his milky tea in the drill room with elder butties - ooh is that Miss Swift - get out you rinc tailed monkey before I bat your lugs - I'll tell the headmaster if you do.

Comment by: cliff Higham on 17th November 2009 at 22:11

It was miss scally was who clipped round the ear, in the hall, we were doing that county dancin stuff, I,ll never forget it,in groups of 4, I just happenened to be next to a tall girl 'Irene 'Dunne... Im not sure of her first name
we were doing a 'star' anyone remember that? anyway, I couldnt reach irene, hand an I was just walkin round and round in a world of my own, she came over and clipped round the ear and said I wasn,t payin attention, she was right but no need for a slap, as someone said earlier I thought miss tabener ok, Miss Scally was a frightener.

Comment by: A. Whitle on 18th November 2009 at 13:18

Miss Scally .. built like a battle ship .. nowt as nast .. when you got a slap from her you felt it .. for a week at least. Miss Taberner seemed to have an obsession for pulling your pants leg up so high .. it could have done some damage - rattling your cheek till glowed a brighter shade of crimson.. wonder why all these teachers were "misses". Miss Swift, Miss Taberner, Miss Hitchen, Miss Smith, Miss Havard etc. Dont remember any "Mrs..s". just dear old Billy Boy - what a lovely hypocrite - and the nice Mr Gregory. Does anyone remember Cliff Hart.

Comment by: Babs on 18th November 2009 at 23:07

Cliff the girl you danced with is Evelyn Dunn.

Comment by: J. Whalley on 27th November 2009 at 16:11

If your asking about Albert Higham and you want to talk to Cliff Higham. Check the Bellingham pub out as Cliff was a regular tnere.

Comment by: Cat S. on 29th November 2009 at 12:34

I was jealous of Evelyn. Cliff was a real sexy dancer and I always kept my fingers crossed I'd be picked as his dance partner.

Comment by: cliff higham on 22nd January 2010 at 21:41

sorry, your right Babs it was Evelyn, aww, I can see her now looking down at me, nice girl

Comment by: Cat S. on 24th January 2010 at 11:36

Cliff. Evelyn was tall with red hair.

Comment by: Rita Hart on 10th February 2010 at 11:35

Had to call at the Surgery in Sullivan Way the other day. Surprised to see Windsor Street stll there although the housed have gone. Funny the field opposite where the old codger is standing is still there. I expected it to be gone. Surprising when you see these big old substantial buildings they had for schools in the old days. Now they just build clapper board trash.

Comment by: C.S. on 14th February 2010 at 14:04

You're my valentine Cliffy ,, guess who!!

Comment by: cliff on 26th February 2010 at 21:28

Carly Simon?

Comment by: C.S. on 27th February 2010 at 14:14

Wrong Cliff. I'm nicer than Carly ,, I'll give you a clue ,, try Cath.

Comment by: cliff H on 30th March 2010 at 23:59

ok, its cath simon
I need another clue

Comment by: Over The Wall Norman on 3rd April 2010 at 20:49

Oh for goodness sake give her one Cliff and put her out of her misery ............

A clue I mean.

Comment by: cliff on 5th April 2010 at 02:20

Can,t somebody just said she passed on,poor girl

Comment by: Joe Hill (the real one) on 4th September 2010 at 19:30

Hello Cliff. When is the next reunion? Let me know.

Comment by: Dosser Bloo on 6th September 2010 at 12:51

Next St Georges day in the Brocket. Look on the Grammar School site Joe there's one for you there as well.

Comment by: Ronnie on 7th September 2010 at 09:08

Dosser, are you Donald Ross?

Comment by: J. Green on 7th September 2010 at 14:08

Clifford Higham calls himself Bloo.

Comment by: Joe Hill on 7th September 2010 at 19:57

Thanks for the info dosser but i can,t find anything about a GRAMMER SCHOOL REUNION ,can you tell me which photograph it comes under.Good to know yourself,Ronnie,Allen and most of the girls are well (is it you Donald ?)or our Cliff

Comment by: Dosser on 8th September 2010 at 10:10

Joe drop Jas Holding an message on the enclosed email address. I understand Jas has all the contacts.

Comment by: J oe Hill on 8th September 2010 at 13:56

Thanks for the info will get in touch. Deliberate mistake spelling Wigan Grammar (Grammer)shows you just what that school did for me .Thanks again Dosser.

Comment by: Dosser on 8th September 2010 at 16:17

Don't worry Joe. Jas is a worse speller than you.

Comment by: Joe Hill on 9th September 2010 at 20:21

Hello Ronnie. Ref location of Boyswell Lane it ran parralel to Greenough St from Scholes to Every St crossing Lime St and School St. Orchard St ran from Greenough St to School Lane near the Wigan Little Theatre. Upper Morris St and Lower Morris St ran parallel to each other enclosing the BREYD between them and Lime St.Sure i am right.

Comment by: Dosser on 10th September 2010 at 10:23

Hi Joe. Dont know if you got any response from Jas. But here's another name you might recall, Fred Mason. He writes a lot on this site. He gives his email address as fred@cumbriancrafts.co.uk. Now he seems to be in touch with the likes of Cliff Higham and Bernard Dowdall - so drop him a line.

Comment by: Dosser on 10th September 2010 at 11:53

Joe, our Cliff gives his email address on the next picture to this as cliffhigham2000@yahoo.co.uk. Drop him a line, he'll be pleased to hear from you. Sorry don't know Joe Barker's email address but I gather he's still knocking about.

Comment by: jack Horrocks on 13th November 2010 at 23:46

A really good nostalgic photo , we called this the park which overlooked St Georges , I spent many hours on the park with Gerald Seddon who lived on Windsor St.
I also remember Mrs Scally and Mrs Smith and Bill Spencer the head , great days

Comment by: mary walsh ne HILTON on 21st November 2010 at 16:14

iwent to st georges in 1948 to 1955 .does any one remember mr .hart he use to thro the b/board duster at the boys if they talking

Comment by: Dosser on 23rd November 2010 at 12:40

I think Clifford Higham knew him well as both he and Clifford Hart lived in Windsor St. maybe Cliff will comment!

Comment by: lesley ( neeTarbuck) on 14th October 2012 at 12:41

Only recently have i been looking at the first school i ever went to,which just happens to be St Georges, the good old days)I remember mrs scally very well and also mr Sharples.I am so glad that the they havent knocked down the building,it still looks like i remember it.I only lived in Regent street then and so much has changed over the years..Not sure if anyone will remember me or my sister(carole tarbuck)i also used to go to the brownies there to and it used to cost 3d for our subs(think i still have some somewhere)my email is lesleytarb@hotmail.co.uk if anyone would like to contact me,it would be nice to here from you...

Comment by: Janice Hilton on 10th September 2013 at 13:04

My Grandad was caretaker of the school, does anyone remember the fish tanks he had in the class rooms?I have a photo of him with a group of boys in it looking at one of the tank. My sister Pauline Hilton/Hayward also went to school; here Three years ahead of me going here.

Comment by: Kathleen Green on 24th March 2014 at 21:25

Hi I went to St Georges 1959-64 then on to All Saints. My mum & dad had the chippy at the top of Scholes opposite Bolton St.

Comment by: Dud.Lyon. on 6th March 2015 at 20:19

Was moved to St.Georges late 58-9 from Standish Lower ground till 61, was put in Miss Scally`s class,me and this lady had some thinking differences, she pulled me out one day and banged my head in the swivel board,lights went out. Next bit was told to me by a girl called Ann 12 years later at the Rugby club, board swivelled round and hit Miss S on the top off her head.Were are injury lawers when you need them.People i know Al Adlington, cousins Eric and Rita Lowe, great memorys of Colditz. Dud.

Comment by: Keith McNab on 8th May 2018 at 15:45

I should have come back to this page earlier. Cliff Higham; yes I'm Peter's brother. He's spending his retirement in Cyprus after spending his entire working life in Wigan.

Stey Fishwick; yes, I remember. I went to Whelley Secondary Modern with your brother Andy. I'm now retired in Hong Kong.

Comment by: tony bennett on 5th November 2018 at 20:50

hi keith,
so pleased to read your late reply. glad to read peter is still alive and living in cyprus.
i remember the wonderful times being with your family. your mum was sweet but your dad was a very special man. i still remember him and his wonderful kindness.
if it takes you another nine years to read this and comment I hope I am around to read your comment.

Comment by: David ince on 2nd January 2020 at 17:03

Imposing building and very nostalgic. I went there around 69/70 with spencer the head , Mrs halliwell who once made me tearful and the fab mr selery, who had us doing sculpture with polystyrene and cardboard tubes painted with Marvin medium and entitled ‘Saturday night by the gas works’ glorious stuff.

Comment by: Keith McNab on 7th March 2020 at 12:09

Hi tony bennet, you didn't have to wait 9 years so I hope you're still around to read this. It was very moving to read your kind words about my mum and dad. I still miss them and just wished they could have lived long enough to see that I turned out OK. I'm sorry I don't remember who you are; maybe you knew my brother more than me.

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