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Photos of Wigan
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St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge


Class Photo
Class Photo
Photo: Jackie Prescott
Views: 6,825
Item #: 8118
St Nathaniels Platt Bridge 1st year 1957

Comment by: wigan1957 on 29th November 2008 at 16:47

brilliant pic...no computers/no mobiles phones/no hi tec toys...just basic toys and dont they look happy...lol

Comment by: Jackie Prescott on 29th November 2008 at 18:06

We can remember everyone on this pic apart from the little lad third from the left with the long sleeved jumper on my husband is the one standing up next to the desk Ronnie Prescott

Comment by: pauline liptrrort (melvin) on 25th October 2009 at 18:56

i know most of the people on this picture esecialy my walkin to school mate ronald prescott, out mums used to put us across the road next to platt bride inn.

Comment by: linda massa on 3rd September 2010 at 16:16

The year of the photo is given as 1957 but these children don't look 10 years old. (I was born in 1947).

Comment by: jean jones nee metcalfe on 3rd January 2012 at 21:11

I think the boy standing at the top of the slide is my brother alfred metcalfe . Am I right?

Comment by: Bill / (Flintstone) on 12th January 2012 at 03:52

As no one has put names to the kids in the picture could any one verify the following:-
The boy centre of pic holding teddy bear, is it Barry Howard who lived just past L.U.T. bus depot @ Platt Bridge.
The boy to the forefront on the R/H/S, is it not Peter Wilson the vicar's son who used to be at St.Nat's late 60's to mid 70's or there abouts.
And finally, the little girl pointing to the picture board on R/H/S of pic, is it not Elizabeth Cottriall who lived on corner of Eatock St/Liverpool Rd. just after L.U.T. bus depot. Will keep checking,see if anyone's updated.Cheerio.

Comment by: barry howard on 8th February 2012 at 18:50

Hi Bill, hope this helps. You are correct with Peter Wilson, Elizabeth Cottriall, and Barry Howard. Others in the photo: Philip Aspinall on the left, behind him Linda Worgan, Eddie Reynolds standing on top of the slide, Ronnie Prescott standing by the table and Malcolm Taylor with a brick in his hand. Bill, sorry but I don't recognise your name.

Comment by: Bill,(Flintstone) on 6th July 2012 at 17:39

Hi Barry,
You know me well it's just that times dimmed your memory. Knew your mam/dad well, used to listen to your owd chap when he fired up his organ. I lived next door to your uncle Aeron in Eatock St, I think you'll remember now?
Hows u doin and where are you now? E-Mail me.

Comment by: Barry Howard on 16th July 2012 at 22:29

Hi Bill, I now know who you are! It was good to hear from you again after all these years. I told you it was the name, Flinstone, that confused me!

Comment by: Derek Walls - (Australia) on 19th January 2013 at 00:46

Recognised my cousin Ronald staight away. Also, the same classroom that I played in 6 years later!

Comment by: liz haslam nee Cottriall on 11th March 2015 at 10:20

OMG have been directed to this photo forma long lost friend and has brought back so many memories . I think the girl below me is Linda Simpson but cant recollect the other girl well we were only 4-5 years old and a lot of water under the bridge since then!] so 1 girl and 2 boys unnamed and Bill and Barry Im impressed with the correct spelling of my surname. It may be a long shot accounting for the 5 years since last post but I'm up for any contact from anyone

Comment by: Mary Sayers nee Gore on 24th March 2015 at 21:35

The girl on the far left behind the boy on the hobby horse is, I think, one of the Worgan family (Linda?); and the boy far right at the front looks like Peter Wilson, son of the former vicar of St Nathaniel's Church. Is that Elizabeth Cottriall at the back next to the easel?

There was another photo taken at the same time in my class but unfortunately I have lost it. Would love to see it again.

Comment by: Bill (Flintstone) on 28th March 2015 at 01:55

Hello Mary your quite right the girl is Elizabeth Cottriall & I also remember the ironmongers shop that you lived in which is now demolished...I used to deliver your mums groceries when she traded at Mrs Bennetts grocery store by the side of St. Nathaniels school....

Comment by: Mary Sayers (nee Gore) on 15th May 2018 at 22:06

A belated thanks to Bill (Flintstone), especially for his memories of delivering my mother's groceries from Bennett's shop. I found out that our shop had been demolished through a strange coincidence : I got talking to someone who visited the Peak District village where I now live. I recognised his accent and asked whether he came from the Wigan area. It transpired after a few more questions that he and his wife had lived in our shop not long before it was demolished. It was sad to hear that it had gone but it was good to meet someone who had lived there and who knew Platt Bridge. If there is anyone else out there with memories/photos of the shop or the wider area, I'd love to hear from them.

Comment by: Peter Wilson on 1st June 2022 at 13:14

Yes l am there.We left 67/68 back to Yorkshire ,sorry,then I moved to Durham then Cumbria where I still live smashing to see well remembered faces.Best wishes to you all Peter.

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