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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

St George's C. E. Junior School, Wigan


St Georges 1954
St Georges 1954
Photo: Norma Brown
Views: 4,931
Item #: 6657
Miss Swift teaches Cifford Higham.
All L to R. Back Row: Albert Baines.
Second Row: Arthur whitle. Leslie Seddon. Frank Blinkhorn and Clifford Higham.
Third Row: James Hornby. Annie Swain. Margaret Charnock.
Front: Not known. Keith West. Joan Brennan.

Comment by: J. Green on 13th July 2008 at 21:14

Cliff used to bring apples for teacher hence the attention.

Comment by: Keith Guest on 14th July 2008 at 13:09

Both Albert Baines and Arthur Whittle were in my class at All Saints Frog Lane. Later I worked with Albert on the railway.

Comment by: cliff Higham on 14th July 2008 at 17:30

Oy! greeny behave I was gettin attention because I was the youngest an looked like Elvis. crackin pic Norma thanks

Comment by: Terry Holcroft on 16th July 2008 at 10:09

When people get to the age of the folk in this pic they begin to have a few aches and pains. Injuries don't clear up as quick, eye sight fades eventually the old mind begins to crumble. It happens to some quicker than others. Cliff Higham? Cliff Higham my aristotle. The kid talking with the teacher is none other than my old friend and neighbour Sammy Foster. Cliff. Tescos are giving free sight tests. Maybe you should take advantage and/ or see your Quack about a Trick Cyclist.

Comment by: cliff H on 5th August 2008 at 00:18

young terry, I didnt say it was me maybe, maybe not but its not Sammy Foster my guess could be Joe Fairhust, my eyes are ok.

Comment by: Tez on 7th August 2008 at 14:28

Definitely Sammy Cliff. Noo him well. Seen pic before. PS Tried to write bigger but the system wouldnt let me. How was the trick cyclist?

Comment by: cliff H on 7th August 2008 at 20:16

He kept fallin off

Comment by: Tez on 11th August 2008 at 22:36

Little Joan Brennan seems to be on every one of the pictures. Wonder what she is doing now.

Comment by: J.B. on 9th March 2009 at 10:55

Come on you lot. Get into the Brocket on St. Georges day.

Comment by: Sam on 10th November 2009 at 13:06

Joe Barker I did get into the Brocket but I didnt see you.

Comment by: Leslie Seddon on 7th January 2014 at 17:50

Hi Norma
While browsing throug photos of wigan, i came across this one which i am on.The only people i can remeber are the teacher,and my two friends James Hornby and Albert Baines. I moved from Wigan in1955 to live in Salford.Thanks for posting your photo brings back memories.
Les Seddon

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