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St George's C. E. Junior School, Wigan


Coronation Queen
Coronation Queen
Photo: Alan Adlington
Views: 3,447
Item #: 6539
Kathleen Bridge crowned Coronation Queen at St Georges in 50s.

Comment by: cliff H on 5th July 2008 at 20:37

there you go Kath your majesty

Comment by: kath byrne on 7th July 2008 at 11:41

Hi Alan and Cliff sad to say I was not the queen on the picky and sorry I can not remember who was,she must have been a little older than us.I remember that year at walking day everybody was in red white and blue,I think have a picky somewhere I will have a mooch.

Comment by: cliff (bloo) higham on 7th July 2008 at 23:40

aww, sorry K it wasn,t you, well your my Queen.

Comment by: Sylvia Finney (now Moss) on 8th July 2008 at 14:17

I was the coronation queen aged about 9. Next to Margaret Flemming (who I am still in contact with) is Jean Culshaw. The crowning was done by Bill Spencer. I lived in Portland Street and if anyone has any other 'photos of the locality would love to see them.

Comment by: cliff (bloo) higham on 8th July 2008 at 22:02

nice pic of you Sylvia you look like Queen all serene, I cant say I can recall you I lived round the corner in Windsor St. oh and tell Margaret I,m still in love with her.

Comment by: Bob Smith on 9th July 2008 at 09:27

Sylvia I remember your name. Didn't you have cousins at St Georges at the same time. I just have this vague memory. Can't remember any names.

Comment by: Sylvia Moss on 10th July 2008 at 18:43

Message from Buck Palace in Blackrod. Cousin Barbara Birchall did go to St Georges school. She is 2 yrs older than me. Margaret lives in Leyland and when I see her next will pass on your message.

Comment by: Bob Smith on 11th July 2008 at 09:19

Yep. Recall the name Barbara Birchall but can't recall the face.

Comment by: kath byrne on 13th July 2008 at 12:20

Sylvia did your mam and dad used to mate around with Sheila Connah,s mam and dad at one time.Did you have any brothers or sisters, and did you move over to Great Acre or am I on the wrong family sorry if I am.

Comment by: kath byrne on 13th July 2008 at 12:38

Can anyone put names to anyone else,and can tou recall where the pik was taken.

Comment by: cliff (bloo) on 13th July 2008 at 20:28

the sign at the back, who,s rod?

Comment by: kath byrne on 14th July 2008 at 18:36

Cliff you silly boy,Rod was the one who saved the queen because you were nattering in the girls yard. boom boom

Comment by: G. Abbot on 14th July 2008 at 19:54

Actually Rod was the local nancy.

Comment by: cliff Higham on 15th July 2008 at 00:50

Thanks for clearing that up, I sleep easy now
thanks again

Comment by: Sylvia on 15th July 2008 at 17:47

You are partly right Kath. Parents moved to West Mount opposite the Connahs and socialised as part of St Georges crowd. Harry Flemming was Prince Phillip in the 'photo. Dont know any other names apart from the ones mentioned. I was an only child. Asked cousin Barbara if she remembered Cliff but says only vaguely. Sure the pic was taken at the bottom of Portland Street.

Comment by: G. Abbot on 16th July 2008 at 09:52

Cliff you are very welcome. Anytime I can be of help.

Comment by: kath byrne on 16th July 2008 at 19:15

Sylvia do you recall the Ingrams and the Masons related to Mrs Lancaster from the shop next door to Sheila Connah,s in Turner St.These are names I can just about remember.

Comment by: cliff Higham on 16th July 2008 at 21:25

ur right about Portland street Syl I just saw evelyn Crank peepin through the curtains

Comment by: G. Abbot on 17th June 2009 at 18:54

Funny Cliff Higham din't get his boat race on this photo, its on everything else.

Comment by: cliff higham on 13th September 2009 at 23:58

seems Joe Fairurst, owd georges bad boy, never appears of mumbles about old times, he was around in them days, must be a shy old boy these days, unless he,s pushin up sods somewhere.

Comment by: jon carter on 16th September 2009 at 10:17

Cliff cant see you on the pic. Is that May Queen Barabara Culshaw. Cliff do you recall the woodyard.

Comment by: M. Cheers on 6th October 2009 at 16:15

Cliff Higham just pretends to be on all the photos he is a pest. It's just me and Al on this one,

Comment by: cliff on 14th November 2009 at 22:36

and 8 others, behave

Comment by: Burt Baines on 18th August 2010 at 09:15

I dont remember this and whats Alan Addlington on it for ...
Talk about Cliff Higham getting where water won't...
In fact I'll bet he's on here somewhere .. just out of shot .. or hiding behind one of the girls!

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