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Belle Green, Ince


Belle Green. About 1966
Belle Green. About 1966
Photo: Pam Kerr
Views: 8,875
Item #: 6209
Belle Green school

Comment by: ang on 25th May 2008 at 01:45

can you name anyone pam?

Comment by: pam on 25th May 2008 at 11:40

here goes Ang. starting from the top left.
Derick Killen.C Yates. P parkinson.S Nassir. Howard Davies. Billy Knight my Bro. Jefery Hunter. ? Cunliffe. Trevor Hardy. Jimmy Ormerod.
Next row.Steven Thomlnson. Jacqueline Vernon. Edna Sharples. Lorrain Britton. Angela Barlow. is this you by any chnce???. Maureen Wilson. Jean Wilson. Karen Moor. Les Taylor.
Next row. R. Aspinall. Steven Coulton. Alec Sinclair. Peter Smith. Steven Fielding. R Foster.Clfford Dutton. Front row. Francis Winstanly. Janet Gaskell. Wendy Wallwork. Gillian Clark. Angela Harlow.Christine Young. Valerie Yates. Carol Plummer. Phew!!!!!

Comment by: Pam on 25th May 2008 at 11:41

OH. and Mr Ball and Mr Armitage.

Comment by: Pam on 25th May 2008 at 15:48

Sorry, its Annette Barlow not Angela.

Comment by: carol taylor on 26th May 2008 at 17:30

next to jeff hunter is stephen cunliffe

Comment by: carol taylor/plummer on 26th May 2008 at 19:45

Its ann harlow, not angela. Mrs hardie gave me a copy of this photo when I worked at belle Green as diner lady, brings back some memories.

Comment by: dk on 26th May 2008 at 22:55

Thanks Pam. I really cawnt speyk this time. I didn't know this existed and I don't remember any class photos being taken. I only joined this class in Junior 2. I was at St John's in New Springs prior to this so I'm not in the one from the old Belle Green School. Junior 3 was Miss Duckworth's class and there was a music teacher, Miss Reid - who had taught me at St John's in New Springs. If this is Mr Ball's class, Junior 4, then it makes the date 1969 I reckon.
I can remember most of these faces but I wouldn't have got all of the names without your help though I remember your Billy.
I remember, also, Mrs Hardy who was in charge of the school dinners and I think she was Trevor's Mam and they lived in Petticoat Lane. The caretaker was an old chap who lived in Hemfield Road - Cornelius Pennington, the teachers called him Corny. Mr Ball was quite fierce and very strict but a good teacher. He taught three generations of our family.
These are happy memories and my kids have had a beltin laugh at me. Many thanks for the photo.

Comment by: jim holding on 26th May 2008 at 23:10

Is that the same dk who put all those lovely pics on of the district,,,hmm and nearly always managed to keep incognito, looks like you were a closet "buddy holly" fan as well,,nice one pam

Comment by: Jimmy Caddick on 27th May 2008 at 10:36

Well by the crin a photo of dk when he was a kid!

Comment by: pam on 27th May 2008 at 16:58

dk. Glad this has brought some nice memories. I realised who you were a while back when you put the photo of your mam on. nice lady, she used to always call me "kid". so, this is a nice thank you for all the memories you brought to Incers through your grandads photos.

Comment by: dk on 28th May 2008 at 00:27

Ta very much kid.

Comment by: paul halliwell on 4th January 2009 at 16:38

the boy on 2nd row from back ist on left is Paul Halliwell

Comment by: stephen cunliffe on 2nd May 2009 at 00:02

It was brill to see the photo, and i must thank billy,s sis for giving my three sons a good laugh, all though my youngest has it as is screen saver? i am about to celebrate my 50th, and when i look at this photo it only seems like yesterday. Hope you are all well stephen.

Comment by: Stephen Price on 18th May 2009 at 11:28

Hi Stephen (Cunliffe). Not seen you since i left Medlock Way about 35yrs ago. Hope you are well. I had a couple of emails from Anita Crook (Joes daughter) a while ago. Hows Anne and Susan doing?

Comment by: carol taylor on 4th June 2009 at 13:34

stephen cunliffe, now thats a blast from the past, im also 50 in a few weeks. how are things with you do you still live in wigan

Comment by: stephen cunliffe on 10th July 2009 at 23:12

hi stephen, susan and anne are fine thanks, how are things with you, i remember playing football on the field at the back of millers lane many years ago with you, when you sustained a bad cut to your leg if my memory serves me right hope it dosnt give you trouble now.where are you living now. I live in ashton. Nice to hear from you

Comment by: stephen cunliffe on 10th July 2009 at 23:20

hi carol i live in ashton, and have been married for 23 years to paula. we have three sons daniel 22, jordan 19, and ben 16.
how are you keeping? the last person i saw from rose bridge was les taylor in the black diamond app 1983.how are you keping and are you still in wigan?

Comment by: Stephen Price on 11th July 2009 at 13:19

Yes Stephen, i managed to get the base of a broken bottle under my kneecap. No more football after that but no real problem otherwise. I don't do anything more strenuous than golf these days. Don't know if you remember but 2 weeks before my accident Tony Round broke his leg playing for us as well. Keep in touch. Use my email.

Comment by: caztaly on 12th July 2009 at 18:43

Hi stephen. I still live in ince, got two boys mark is 29 and mike is 26, been married for 31 years (thats does make me feel old) I see julie carter sometimes and joan crossland. hope you are keeping ok, Ive just had my 50th birthday (Oh my god) it does"nt seem that long since we left school

Comment by: julie smith [nee mills] on 5th February 2011 at 15:35

i started belle green in 1966 when it was still the old school. Mrs Major was our first teacher and mr Ball was my last he also taught my dad very good teacher. i enjoyed the school

Comment by: trevor hardy on 19th December 2011 at 17:36

thats going back some... could still name em all, sadly peter smith has died brain tumer i think, mr ball and my mum mrs hardy (cook) went to the same school years before. where is every one now?

Comment by: Ray Foster on 28th April 2014 at 21:34

In between Cliff Dutton and Stsven Feiden is I Ray Foster. I am nearly 55 married with two sons.I live in Hawkley Hall and work at Heinz in Wigan. I remember this photo being taken.I have seen Carol Plummer and Wendy Wallwork recently, great to see them, not anyone else though.

Comment by: carol taylor on 2nd May 2014 at 14:02

Hi ray, I work with one of your relatives at Thomas linacre Center Wigan. Susan scott she is so funny, how you keeping,

Comment by: Ray Foster on 13th July 2014 at 10:03

Hi Carole I spoke to our Susan and she said she knows you. On the last comment I made I meant to say I have'nt seen anyone else from school.My youngest son Josh is learning to become a bio-medical engineer and my oldest son Matt has just passed his theory exams to become a airline pilot. He is flying out to New Zealand for 9 months.

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