Wigan Album
Belle Green, Ince
Photo: Brian Forster
Item #: 6192
The girl 4th from the right on the back row, is she one of the Galvin family? (Mary or Rita)
Think you might be right elizabeth. looks like rita. i,ll ask jimmy.
5th from right, back row, is that carol ellison.
second row third from right, Im sure thats my brother in law david taylo
The girl 4th from the right on the back row, is she one of the Galvin family? (Mary or Rita) She also looks a bit like Marjorie Eatock...
that is margorie eatock
It is Marjorie Eatock, my sister. What I can't understand is why I'm not on any of the Belle Green School pics, as the rest of my fellow pupils are pictured.
Hi Bill you must be same as me not seen any pics with me on if anyone has any i would greatfulfor any copies im beginning to think i was 15 when i was born due to the lack of piccies
It is odd, Jack. You and I should be on those pics somewhere. Maybe we dreamed it all!
Thanks for that Bill like you im at a loss but happy days
One day at Belle Green wasn't to happy for me, Jack. The playground was full of ice and I slipped and broke my nose...
Dont remember that Bill, do me a favour and have a look at the picture of our class on the previous page to see if i got the names right?. Obviously minus yourself and me.
Third row right end,hiding.I still hate having my photo taken.Recognise quite a few faces but not surnames.
I'm dead centre. Don't know what's happened to my fringe. Looks like I've taken a blow to the head and it's been cut off.
That's me front row middle with my ABC minors badge greatdays