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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

St John's C of E Pemberton


Class of 1953 or so
Class of 1953 or so
Photo: Fred Mason
Views: 7,058
Item #: 6059
Can anyone tell me the name of this wonderfull teacher. She was so special to us.

Comment by: tom on 5th May 2008 at 21:29

miss Burke and when she got married mrs Aldridge

Comment by: Tricia on 5th May 2008 at 21:56

Hi Fred
The other thread re this photo that you started ( under schools now) has lots of info. lots of info. Regards Tricia.

Comment by: tom on 6th May 2008 at 09:34

3rd from left front row David Duggan first from right front row Leslie Darbyshire

Comment by: Harriet Riley nee Atherton on 11th May 2008 at 22:11

Hello I now live in Bridlington and my friend Valerie Corless lives in Portugal

Comment by: Fred Mason on 19th May 2008 at 18:46

Nice to hear from you Harriet...hope you are well..!

Now, a challenge....

Does anyone dare to put on a picture as they are now..?? I can start, if anyone else will follow...go for it...

Comment by: Fred Mason on 29th May 2008 at 18:56

My current pics are on my blog if anyone is curious.. and I know you are...so where are yours???? Come on, lets see what you look like now...you too Dorothy..!!!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 29th May 2008 at 19:05

Hi everyone, For a laugh you can go to Youtube and search for In a Little Wigan Garden


Comment by: Fred Mason on 20th June 2008 at 20:31

Tricia in sunny Spain would like reunion of 'us lot'. I would also like to meet up with everyone again. What do you think? Contact me on fred@cumbriancrafts.co.uk or 016973 71072

Best wishes,

Comment by: Tricia on 22nd June 2008 at 14:48

Hi Fred
A little difficult for me , have so much on at the moment. Would be nice though to hear from some more classmates and to find out how and where they are these days.

Comment by: britboy on 1st July 2008 at 02:48

I imagine many a Wiganer has gone far and wide in the world.
I left the Wigan nest in November 2000 to live in the USA in the Upper Peninsular of Michigan only a short distance from Lake Superior shoreline.
How many more of the class have flown the nest I wonder, would be interesting to find out

Comment by: tricia on 6th July 2008 at 19:45

Hi Britboy
I am on a quick dash over to UK.I know I said that I was ready for some rain but .... well really!! Nice to know where you are, but where is everyone else ????

Comment by: H.A.Riley nee Atherton on 9th July 2008 at 14:04

Hi,this is Harriet here in Bridlington where we have lived for 32 years.Doesnt time fly.We moved here from Dundee in Scotland,having lived in bonnie Scotland for 6 years.Can we have an update on the people identified,I remember Jeffrey Broadbent(my 1st date)Jimmy Winstanley his mate who was sweet on a girl called Carole??.Val,Gwen Cox and I were friends until we left the High School.Val and I donot remember Trish but Val was always sweet on John Cramer.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 10th July 2008 at 19:02

Harriet, lovely to hear from you. I remember Jeff Broadbelt (he insisted it was not Broadbent). We grew up next door to each other and were great mates. I remember he was sweet on you. I am in touch with Dorothy Higham and Tricia in sunny Spain. There is talk of a reunion and I cannot find a better activity for us all. Britboy in the US, I am sure would like to get together again. I have contacted Valerie but no response, also John Cramers wife but again no response. Hopefully all will reply and perhaps next year we can all get together again, somewhere. I am willing to keep a list of all who would like to attend for a great time of reminiscences and do the co-ordination etc, so please everyone interested in a reunion, contact me and I will keep you all posted. DO NOT WIMP OUT.....there , you have been told.

Comment by: D.H on 13th August 2008 at 21:41

Third from left front-row Leonard Holden
Third-row up third from right Billy Smith

Comment by: Fred Mason on 25th October 2008 at 20:03

What!! No messages since August.. Come on lads and lasses..lets hear from ye...Is everyone ready for Christmas?

Comment by: Fred Mason on 10th December 2008 at 19:42


Merry Christmas...

Me xx

Comment by: Fred Mason on 6th January 2009 at 23:17

It is with sorrow that I pass on the following information.
Sadly, Nora Anderton passed away on the 3rd January 2009.

R.I.P. Nora Anderton. 3rd January 2009.

Comment by: Norman Melling on 30th July 2009 at 17:20

I know so many faces but cant put names to them. Can any one name these kids. A slice of black pudding a slab of slaviry duck for the firat who gets it right.

Comment by: tricia on 11th August 2009 at 15:02

They are , most of them , listed under the other picture

Comment by: Derek Callaghan (cally) on 21st February 2010 at 17:25

is the lad at end of middle row on right David Abbott

Comment by: tricia on 21st April 2010 at 20:15

No, Derek. That is Brit Boy. His first name is David though, but he is not David Abbot.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 5th September 2011 at 19:41

Pat Gaskell, you are as cheeky as ever....!!!!


Comment by: alan barlow on 18th December 2013 at 11:31

i think the 3rd row 3rd boy, with blond hair looks like me at that age, i went to st johns i lived in lamberhead rd ,i am now 68years old a long time ago...

Comment by: Fred Mason on 5th February 2014 at 21:53

Alan, I remember you well.

How are is life treating you these days...???

Comment by: Anthony Wareing on 14th March 2019 at 21:58

Alan Barlow, did you know James Wareing? he went that school and lived at 4 Lamberhead Road (where the playground is now) he was born in 1945 so older than you?

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