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Belle Green, Ince


Belle Green C of E School 1964
Belle Green C of E School 1964
Photo: Graham Thompson
Views: 6,423
Item #: 6046
First class photo, I am second from the right in the middle row.

Comment by: peter sharples on 1st May 2008 at 15:29

recognise billy knight,ste nasir,cliff dutton from my rose bridge days.have you got some more names please

Comment by: pam on 1st May 2008 at 17:05

4th and 5th back row fron left are jefrey hilton and steven thomlinson.
4th and 5th middle row.jean wilson and wendy..
seated girls. from left. Jaqueline sharples. ??. janet gaskell.jaqueline vernon. maureen ?. christine young. Grancis winstanly. valerie yates.
Cant place the names but know the faces of the others . my mamwill know. billy is my brother

Comment by: pam on 1st May 2008 at 17:36

first on the back row is jimmy ormerod. next to last on back row i think is steven coulton.

Comment by: Carol King on 1st May 2008 at 22:42

Which one is your Billy Pam?

Comment by: pam on 2nd May 2008 at 07:43

hi carol.
our Billy is third from left on second row down

Comment by: Evelyn on 2nd May 2008 at 20:57

I think the lady teacher was the wife of one of Wigans famous artists Mrs Major ( wife of Theodore )

Comment by: Carol King on 2nd May 2008 at 21:43

I thought that was him but wasn't sure as I don't remember him as well as you and Trevor :-)

Comment by: peter frost on 3rd May 2008 at 01:02

mrs major used to make and sell treacle toffee in break times

Comment by: caztaly on 8th May 2008 at 13:26

Peter sharples, were you in my class at rose bridge, I seem to recognise your name, My name was carol plummer I used to mate with julie carter.

Comment by: jeff hunter on 24th March 2010 at 16:27

the lad on the back row next to steve tomlinson is jeff hunter,not jeff hilton

Comment by: steve farnworth on 17th September 2010 at 15:47

i thihk the grumpy looking one on front left is me steve farnworth

Comment by: Anne on 10th December 2010 at 18:41

On the row next to the back. First on left side is my brother Howard Davies. Same row, next to the end is Graham Thompson.

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