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Downall Green Cof E


Downall Green C of E
Downall Green C of E
Photo: dougie
Views: 4,698
Item #: 5911
the old school

Comment by: janet o on 15th April 2008 at 22:19

I was born 1944, so I probably started school there in 48/49?
I lived just around the corner on Leyland Green Rd and have some great memories of going to school there.

Comment by: P. Doyle on 16th April 2008 at 13:29

Janet. you lived near me then I lived in Hawthorn Avenue but I went to Our Ladies.I was born in 1942

Comment by: janet o on 26th April 2008 at 16:20

Did you live in the 4th house on the right hand side of Hawthorn, as you turned in off of Lilac?

Comment by: janet o on 29th April 2008 at 16:54

P Doyle, is your name Patrick, I saw the photo at 'Our Ladys', which one are you?

Comment by: P Doyle on 2nd May 2008 at 14:04

Janet yes you are right.my reply didnot get posted.My where have all the years gone.

Comment by: janet o on 2nd May 2008 at 16:39

Hello Patrick, so have you figured out who I am yet?

Comment by: Sheila thomas on 9th September 2008 at 22:27

I lived on Leyland Green Road, started rectory School in1951. I was the shy one!I have fond memories though, and will always remember Mrs Jolly, how kind she was to us all.

Comment by: susan harrison nee catterall on 19th October 2008 at 13:17

great photo of a much loved school by anyone lucky enough to attend I dont know any of you but I have heard your names mentioned from my older sisters Eileen and Joan and I remember Mrs Jolley and her mooing cow I wonder where it went also while I am on line does anyone have a photo of the white house at the bottom of rectory road and the beech house that was to become the s&s club would be grateful if anyone one can help its great reading all you comments to each other it doesnt matter where you go you always feel better after remembering your roots take care

Comment by: Kath Nicholson nee Roberts on 21st October 2008 at 20:28

Hi Susan, well you might not know the others but you know me .. well at least I hope you remember me. Hope you are OK and our Glenda says to say hello to Joan and Eileen. Happy memories. Take Care x

Comment by: susan l harrison on 21st October 2008 at 21:10

Hi Kath yes I do remember you very well and I am fine and hope you are well also my email is slharrison@talktalk.net so please get intouch with me and we can catch up on the years gone by

Comment by: shirley roberts on 23rd November 2008 at 10:36

i remember the school very well,we use to bet each other to run up to the top of the steps round the back,because we said they were haunted haha great days thanx for sharin xx

Comment by: shirley roberts on 27th January 2009 at 20:40

hi dougie,the 1st big window at the top of the steps was class 5 and mr barton used to teach us,he was a lovely teacher does anybody remember him x

Comment by: Roy Millett on 24th April 2009 at 15:31

Got a lump in my throat and went very quiet when I first saw this picture. Not sure what year I started there because I went to St. Andrew's at Garswood first. Started there in 1948 at 3 years of age. Probably moved to Rectory about 1951 or 1952. Very,very happy there and got a really good education. Good teachers as I remember who taught us the things that mattered but also other things that get left out today. Anybody remember the words to Sweet Polly Oliver, The Mermaid and Silent Worship from Mr Lowe's singing lessons? I can't get things like that out of my head. I couldn't sing to save my life but the memories of those lessons give me a really warm feeling and make me realise what kids of today are missing.

Comment by: Allan Cale on 2nd May 2009 at 19:53

I went to Rectory School 1949-56 . I lived in Poplar Avenue.Remember people Trevour Williams, Raymound Prescott, Joan Jameson, Brabara Hill, Kathleen Crompton, Eileen Catterall Harry Green, Tom Mcillwee, Alan Roberts. Headmaster was Stanley Forster

Comment by: janet on 3rd May 2009 at 13:43

Roy M, I left a comment for you on the Rectory Rd C of E site..

Comment by: Susan Catterall on 9th May 2009 at 00:37

Just had the most fabulous evening at the Rectory School Reunion to celerbrate 170 years of the best junior school for miles, A BIG THANK YOU to all the staff at Rectory School for putting on a most memorable evening, and I am sure it will be talked about for quite a while, I don't think one year got over looked were photographs were concerned it was just great, and took you back to really happy times, The Staff did their Community Very Proud indeed
and they should all be very proud of themselves, and I am sure I am writing on behalf of most of the people who turned up for the evening. THANK YOU AGAIN TO THE STAFF OF RECTORY SCHOOL AND ANYONE ELSE WHO HELPED TO CREATE THIS FANTASTIC EVENING. And God Bless Mrs Parry who is a very special little Lady and a very dear friend to a lot of people xxxxx

Comment by: Joe Gilligan now Knowles on 10th November 2009 at 16:09

is Janet Leyland Green rd second name Lomax

Comment by: Tony Birkett on 15th December 2011 at 17:01

Can still remember coming down that winding stairwell to the outside toilets that was said to be haunted.Had some good times at that school, but also some bad, seems like yesterday.

Comment by: pat corcoran nee roberts on 7th June 2013 at 10:43

I went to this school and I lived in poplar ave I still go out with friends I had then good times or was it because we were young ha ha

Comment by: John glover on 28th June 2014 at 22:36

The old school I never thought I would look at it with some emotion, I was never academic but they showed me how to read and check my wage slip and I come good over the years.

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