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Thomas Linacre School


Form 3S
Form 3S
Photo: RON
Views: 5,736
Item #: 5858
Form 3S (All the clever buggers)

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 9th April 2008 at 22:14

Is that Mr.Livesey,Ron? His bark was much worse than his bite.

Comment by: Carl Culshaw on 9th April 2008 at 22:27

Was there a difference between the Linacre and Grammar school?

Comment by: Broady on 9th April 2008 at 22:51


They were two seperate schools until 1963 when they merged into one and it was known as Wigan Grammar School. I originally went to Thomas Linacre but finished up at the Grammar School.

Comment by: RON on 9th April 2008 at 23:50

Yes it's Gerry Livsey always sneaking into the chemistry Prep room for a fag during his lessons. I think I can remember him playing the violin at one of the Thursday morning recitals.

Comment by: Art on 10th April 2008 at 00:54

We had to switch to the Linacre from Gidlow night school in '55 (before the McCurdy Hall was bult). Jacked after that year..:o(

Comment by: RON on 10th April 2008 at 12:11

"They were two seperate schools until 1963 when they merged into one and it was known as Wigan Grammar School. I originally went to Thomas Linacre but finished up at the Grammar School."
That still grieves me to this day It was 'supposedly' a merger but the T.L.S. lost all its identity, name, school colours i.e. yellow and black. even the name. Why such an innovative technical grammar school, like the Linacre, was closed after just a short time was criminal. Dare I mention Wigan council....enough said.

Comment by: Carl Culshaw on 10th April 2008 at 14:16

Thanks for that chaps.

Comment by: John Fazakerley on 2nd June 2008 at 13:31

A few names:
Back row: 2 Graham Fee 5 Jim Seddon 6 Roy Hilton
Middle Row: 2 Vic Speak 4 Ken Croasdale 9 Ellis collier 10 Tony Bennett
Front Row: 3 John? Tunstall 6 Gerry Livesey 10 "Jettie" Holland.

Comment by: GFR on 5th June 2008 at 16:42

Not in the picture but was taught by Gerard Livsey, he was in fact a very fine organist. It was Mr Holt I think who played the violin, Dennis Pegg who taught German was also a good pianist, I remember well his rendition of Dance Macabre by San Saens at those Thursday morning recitals.

Comment by: Bill Whelan Skype=Skandles on 21st June 2008 at 15:59

Top Row.
1=Keith Benson, 2=Graham (Top Rank) Fee, 3= Ron (Funky) Gibbons, 4=Brian (Buck) Belshaw (Belshaw brothers wrestlers on TV), 5=Jim Seddon, 6,=Hilton (Andy?), 7=Ron (The Dentist) Tyson, 8=Seddon R.D.
Middle Row.
1 ?, 2=Vic Speak (BLF), 3= R Bennett ?, 4= Ken Croasdale (girlfriend Margaret Gillette), 5 =Bill (Piano) Whelan, 6= Tall Paul Cottam, 7=Fred (The Feet) Archer, 8=David (Excused PT) Winstanley, 9=Ellis (Mr Guitar) Collier, 9=Tony Bennett.
Front Row.
1=John (Bessie) Braddock, 2=Dave Winnard, 3=John (Tunballs-Deciballs) Tunstall, 4=Holland ?, 5=?, 6=Gerry (Mr Cooook!!!) Livesey, 7=?, 8=?, 9=Norman (Tramp) Crippin, 10=Jettie Holland, 11=Fraser?

Comment by: James Norman Crippin on 29th June 2008 at 19:26

Front row 5 Billy Hall 7 Russel Fisher 8 Andrews

Comment by: andy wood on 11th February 2017 at 15:20

I rated Dennis Pegg as the best teacher I ever had. I went into the 6th form at Acklam Hall Grammar School, Middlesbrough at the same time as he arrived. Two marvellous years doing A level german, accompanied by impromptu piano performances from DP. He introduced me to the works of Liszt, performed by Cziffra. Pity I only managed an O level pass in German in 1961 : gutted but
managed a credit the following year. Often wonder where DP ended up - words was he might join the Schools Inspectorate. . anybody out there know anything ?

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