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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Thomas Linacre School


School Band 1959
School Band 1959
Photo: RON
Views: 4,033
Item #: 5788
There are some right characters on this photo. and that's only the teachers. Front Row L-R. Tommy Fawcett (R.I.) 'Tricky' Hilton (Art) Clarence Thorpe
( Music) McPherson ( Engineering). Happy Days

Comment by: T. Berry on 4th April 2008 at 16:26

That's Stan Havard (sadly no longer with us) seconf left

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 4th April 2008 at 17:04

I remember the boys faces but sadly not the names.However who could forget Tricky Hilton.We had some great times camping with him and occassionaly we went off in that huge old carof his for a days fishing....great man.

Comment by: Carl Fairclough on 4th April 2008 at 20:11

The lad on the right of the 2nd row is Malcolm Beckett or Burkett and his nickname was 'Bucket'. I remember being at a swimming gala and Malcolm was swimming, I was cheering him on shouting 'come on Bucket'. His grandmother was sat near to me and she gave me a right telling off she said 'his name is Bekett or Burkett not Bucket'.

Comment by: RON on 4th April 2008 at 21:44

Hi Carl, I think his name was 'BIRKETT' I think he went on to play the trombone at a high level?

Comment by: Bill Whelan on 21st June 2008 at 17:14

Malcolm Birkett played trombone with us, at the TLS concert for local schools, see photo "Mozart & Pops share the billing". I played piano, Tricky Hilton drums, Fred Archer Clarinet, and Ellis Collier electric guitar. We played Frankie & Johnny, and Stranger on the Shore. We had to practice on the fish box piano in the room behind the stage, but I was allowed the grand for the "do" which was hauled to the opposite side of the stage for the occasion. Once, Fred Archer and I sneaked into the hall while we were supposed to be rehearsing in the "band room", and got a roasting for actually touching the grand, and murdering the Warsaw Concerto. At least that's what Clarence Thorpe said!!!! It was a very gentle roasting from Clarence though. There was no start to our talent in those days. My music teacher, Norman Leather, ex dance band leader from Darlington Street thought I had hidden shallows!!! We always played better after a bottle of plonk from the Duro Wine Shop in Makinson's Arcade at lunch time. I personally still do come to think of it.

Comment by: Graham Barton on 31st May 2009 at 03:38

I remember Fred Archer playing "Stranger on the Shore" at one of the end-of-year concerts. Afterwards Jim Yeo said "Wow - Archer Bilk!"

Comment by: Graham Barton on 31st May 2009 at 09:26

Mr C R Thorpe once told us - very quietly - that his middle name was Radford. It was his mother's maiden name. A great guy - with perfect pitch!

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