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St Cuthbert's, Norley Hall


Rugby Team
Rugby Team
Photo: Elaine Gallagher
Views: 10,414
Item #: 5662
St Cuthberts Rugby Team 1970-1971 with teachers Mr Toman and Mr Forder.

That is my brother James on the 2nd row 2nd from the right.

Comment by: john lythgoe on 2nd April 2008 at 14:37

What happened to those green&white striped shirts from the 50´s ?

Comment by: jule brown (nee price) on 14th June 2008 at 10:33

I remember Mr Toman and Mr Forder, Mr Forder went on to be headmaster and used to coach me at badminton. I remember the shuttlecock lading in someones custard during one of the lunchtime lessons !

Comment by: conrad609 on 27th June 2008 at 21:14

I was at St.Cuthberts at that very time, i was born in 62, so i'd have been 8 or 9...Mr.Murphy was the headmaster(Lovely guy), and i seem to remember a nun of sorts, could have been Sister Rose...

Comment by: shirley highton on 8th June 2009 at 18:37

I was in mr forders glass in 1970/71 shirley and Ann the twins everyone used to call us there was also another set of twin boys maurice can't remeber the other one.If you did anything wrong mr Forder use to make you stand on your desk while he slapped your legs.Sister rose was at thomas more had the cane from her as well, those were the days.

Comment by: Eric Pickles on 12th September 2013 at 20:53

Toman was a bully and a horrible teacher. If you were no good at sports, he basically made you feel worthless.

Comment by: michael oneill on 29th September 2013 at 11:54

jimmy Gallagher,he was one of my best mates at cuthberts,i am second in from the right back row

Comment by: michael oneill on 29th September 2013 at 12:56

back row,geoff lathom,david Sullivan,mathew lowe,eddie and billy Kelly,me,paul connor
middle,chris Connelly,dave price,paul Morrison.jimmy gallegher,aiden carney?
front,david yates ,greg white
great days great team

Comment by: greenfingers on 16th November 2013 at 00:35

love to meet toman today i,knock him over the table the big bully if you read toman you big puff won,t b surprised if u know jimmy saville

Comment by: carole stopford on 8th May 2014 at 13:24

I remember Mr Toman gave me a glowing report, NOT, felt sorry for the lads who didn't like games, it were a shame he didn't realise everybody excels in different ways, hope those who had a hard time, went on to a bright future? aga

Comment by: Dave Price on 6th September 2015 at 11:03

Great memories, a bit soured and sad by the fact Mr Toman was seen as a bully if you didn't do games. Mr coleman (school undertaker was a legend)

Comment by: lisa chisnall (charnock) on 26th November 2015 at 16:19

wow ... memories ... i remember mr Forder going on to be head teacher aometime in the 80s ... learned me badminton and slapped a few legs real hard on them tables ....

Comment by: Bernie on 1st December 2015 at 17:16

Toeman was a bully of small boys in the highest degree , if he crossed the street in front of my vehicle . They would have to scrape him up . I pray for the day . Wicked .

Comment by: Greg on 27th January 2016 at 22:56

Toman was a great bloke. Forder was a sadist. Best team in the town EVERY year.

Comment by: Kegsy on 27th February 2016 at 08:55

I played with some of these guys, they were great lads and we had great rugby success in true Cuthberts' fashion. I remember the Platt Cup Final and the Lancashire Cup Final. Also travelling to/from games in Mr Coleman's old bread van.

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