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Abraham Guest


Abraham Guest Class 1B 1961
Abraham Guest Class 1B 1961
Photo: Dorothy Eaborn
Views: 12,994
Item #: 5557
This is my old class at AGH in 1961. I'm 2nd from the right in the back row.

Comment by: Avril Davies on 17th August 2009 at 22:10

My father, Mr Davies, was the class teacher (seated in the middle of the middle row.

Comment by: Sylvia Airey nee Wilcock on 25th October 2009 at 16:34

I am on the 2nd row second from right

Comment by: Sylvia on 9th November 2009 at 17:29

I have remembered some of the names, Sylvia Miller,Nora McCreedy,Barbara Parkinson,Kathleen Aspinall,Ellen Farrimond,Kenneth Dawber,David Foy,Leslie Stretton,Teachers,Mr Fazackerly, Mrs Slater

Comment by: Norah Crookall nee McCreery on 2nd December 2009 at 10:51

I remember Mr Davis teaching me at some point, but I am not on this photo, nor is Sylvia Miller or Barbara Parkinson. Norah

Comment by: Sylvia on 8th December 2009 at 10:04

sorry Norah I spelt your name wrong. Did we go into different classes when we went to A.G.H from Orrell Council. I remember going to your house on City Road every lunch time when we were at Orrell Council

Comment by: John Baxter on 11th January 2010 at 18:51

Is that the Mr Davis who had a heart attack at the school around 1965?

Comment by: Dalila Fearn nee Smith on 24th June 2010 at 21:07

yes, thats the same Mr Davies, and it was our class he was teaching and shouting at when he had his fatal attack, boy did we get in trouble that day. Has no-one got any photos of my class? I went in 1961 and my best friends were Carol Morley and Audrey Moleneux, anyone know what happened to Audrey please?

Comment by: pat heaton nee bradshaw on 20th October 2010 at 14:05

i am back row 3rd from left 2nd left is jennifer grundy 4th left is maureen sherrington others i remember are dorothy norman aspinall david ashcroft leslie thompson david broadbent marjorie wilkinson christine barnes tony o mally didnt i do well

Comment by: abbey10 on 5th November 2010 at 17:50

I remember all those names, trying to find anyone who knew me then - barbara parkinson

Comment by: PAT HEATON NEE BRADSHAW on 13th November 2010 at 10:25

Re Sylvia
You must be sat between Brenda Glover and Ann Birchall but i thought the name was Jean ?.However the names you mention on 9th November 2009 are not the names of the pupils in this class although the name David Foy does ring a bell.As i say i was in this form and do remember them quite well.

Comment by: Tony O Malley on 30th January 2011 at 18:18

br.Jacky Bennet Jennifer Grundy Pat Bradshaw Nora Sherrington --- --- David green. Tony O Malley Bill Unsworth Mick Donald David Broadbent ---- Jack Middlehurst David Fogg. next row Christine Barnes on left and far right anne Birchall crossed legged. Robert Fowler David keenan,Phil Ashcroft Norman Aspinall and Les Thompson

Comment by: Pat Heaton NEE Bradshaw on 9th February 2011 at 23:48

and next to Norman Aspinall its David Ashcroft i met Norman at bowls 2 years ago i think i mentioned Tony,s name

Comment by: Ronald Birchall on 2nd June 2011 at 14:01

This was my class, I'm on the second from back row on the right side my name is Ronald Birchall, stood next to David Fogg, in front of Howard Green.this same photo in "Friends Reunited". Phil Ashcroft was the class Comedian.

Comment by: ann aspinall on 17th November 2011 at 21:18

anybody out there got a class photo of 4b 1960/1961

Comment by: rachel farrimond on 7th December 2012 at 11:56

my mum is there afder all this time ive found a picture of her when she was my age she looks beutiful xx

Comment by: pat heaton nee bradshaw on 13th January 2013 at 15:54

who was your beautiful mum then tell please!

Comment by: Tony o on 18th January 2013 at 11:15

Now Pat,looking for compliments.

Comment by: pat heaton nee bradshaw on 15th February 2013 at 18:41

no tony not looking for compliments its not me just curious as to who it is

Comment by: Brian Holland on 17th December 2013 at 19:56

Went to Abraham Guest school . Would like to know the name of the head around 1961/62 .

Comment by: tony o on 27th December 2013 at 18:45

headmaster was Mr Stockwell

Comment by: Reverend Jack Middlehurst on 16th March 2014 at 02:37

Just searching schools and came across my photo. I remember most in the class. I moved to Australia in 1980.Studied as a Forensic. Social Worker and also my calling as a peace minister travelling the globe. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me in my good days or others (lol). Well we were all kids back then. Blessings

Comment by: Reverend Jack Middlehurst on 16th March 2014 at 04:15

Is there anyone whom you know is living in Australia that I could make contact with. Would love to reminisce about the young days. Lol

Comment by: Rev Jack Middlehurst on 25th April 2014 at 06:53

I remember everyone. Hope everyone is doing great as these were good times. I am now a professional liar and trying to sue people for money.

Comment by: Reverend Jack Middlehurst on 26th August 2015 at 05:14

Not sure who posted the comments about me being a professional liar and suing people. Hope you are pleased whoever you are. Why do you have to lie about people. Maybe you need help?

Comment by: Betty Sue Lambert on 30th September 2015 at 00:48

That's not nice what you are doing Jack. You shouldn't lie about people and try to sue people. The past will haunt you and it always catches up when you least expect it.

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