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St Catharine's, Wigan


School photo taken by a teacher name of Mr Simm at Whelley School approx 1959
School photo taken by a teacher name of Mr Simm at Whelley School approx 1959
Photo: Sheila Whitehouse
Views: 6,440
Item #: 5230
Photo taken by Mr Simm at teacher at Whelley Sec Mod shcool approx 1959 .Sheila Rudd ,Gwenda Kennedy and Annie Mcknight.

Comment by: Jean J on 23rd February 2008 at 14:02

Mr Simm was there when I was too, at a much later date, bless him, he was always playing music for us in lesson times, I guess not the best way to be learning but he was a lovely man as I recall.

Comment by: jim holding on 23rd February 2008 at 23:18

sheila rudd,,,you any relation to eddie rudd(not the teacher)used to live near Platt Lane Mission,,use to be in same class as me at St Catherines along with Anthony Halliday ,Sherringtons,Finches <Billy Winnard ,Kevin Stone and many more,,,

Comment by: Sheila Whitehouse on 24th February 2008 at 17:52

Hi Jim ,yes I am Eddies sister and we used to call for you sometimes and walk to school with you .didnt you live on the corner of Darlington Street opp .Bulldog tools .

Comment by: jim holding on 1st March 2008 at 21:16

Hi Sheila,,,yes your absolutely right ,,lived at Clarington Brook and yes do remember the walks to school,,,would so like to hear from any of the former pupils of St Catherines especially mid to late 50,s,,would you know of any of there where abouts,,,,really good to hear from you after all this time,,,I know some no longer with us,,was shocked to hear about two of my oldest friends,,boys who I grew up with ,,my next door neighbour Brian Turner and near neighbour Ronald Northall both former St Catherines boys and dear dear friends sadly gone,,,tahnks again for your reply....jim

Comment by: Sheila Whitehouse on 3rd March 2008 at 17:51

Hi Jim ,John Mcarthy lives in Lorne Street ,my friend Gwenda lives next door to him,Olga bamber lives in Blackrod ,she did move to Chester for a while but came back .her married name is Kelly. When you say Sherrington twins do you mean the ones who had a shop in Whelley Anne and Kevin was it ?Do you remember Graham Worthington from Whelley he had a sister called Christine sadly she died a few years ago keep in touch Sheila

Comment by: jim holding on 5th March 2008 at 22:30

hi sheila,,,good to hear from you,,,Sherrington twins.lived in Darlinton St opposite blind shop,,,yes had heard the olga bamber moved out of town,,,she married tom kelly..who lived down springfield way,,know him from school,,if its same one am thinking about,,,sad thing is dont think I,ve seen any of people mentioned for best part of forty years,,my how time flies,,tell a lie have seen both Alan Finch and Ronnie Spencer,,when they where working at gullicks,,,,but really cant remember seeing anyone else,,

Comment by: Sheila Whitehouse on 6th March 2008 at 00:22

Hi Jim did you work at Gullicks ? My late husband worked there for 31 years his name was Danny and he worked in machine shop mostly on nights .I heard that Anthony Halliday hasnt been well ,I see him and Edna his wife quite a lot they live local .I was talking to kevin Stones sister Monica , last week .Sheila

Comment by: jim holding on 8th March 2008 at 20:53

Hi Sheila,,,yes still working at gullicks as was,,now joy Mining,,,have worked there 29 yrs,,,but used to work on assembley shops,,,fortnights about,,,whilst not knowing danny by name am sure would have known by sight at one time upto to 2,500 people employed there,,,,There was a guy named Simeion Whitehouse,,who used to live in Birkett Bank there few years older than us,,dont know if he any relation to you...I used to work in inspection dept like i said mainly covering assembly and test but occasionally had to cover machine shops when short staffed so might have have met danny your classmates in pic,,did they go to st Catherines,,,,seem to recognise Annie,,,,good to talk to you once more,,,take care,,,talk soon

Comment by: sheila whitehouse on 9th March 2008 at 09:52

Hi Jim ,Annie lived at bottom of Platt Lane and lived next door to my auntie,she was a great friend of mine at school.Her surname was Mcknight .I think my Danny did mention a Simmeon but I never met him .I still keep in touch with some of Danny,s work mates they were very good when he was poorly they used to come up and amuse him with tales of what they got up to on the night shift .you probably know John Brewder from Aspull .I work for social services transfering service users to and from day centres I started 6 years ago after retiring from my long term employment .Its a lovely occupation I really enjoy it and have some brilliant friends,keep in touch .Sheila

Comment by: kathy on 13th March 2008 at 20:19

I left Whelley school in 1956 my brother was there till 1960 his name was John Close he died in 2001 my dad worked at Gullicks

Comment by: sheila whitehouse on 13th March 2008 at 22:44

Hi Kathy ,Did you live in Kirkless St New Springs .I left Whelley school in 1961 .My grandma and grandad lived in Green Street New Springs my uncle was named Jimmy Kelly .

Comment by: Kathy Lee on 14th March 2008 at 12:10

HI Shiela
Yes that is us we lived in Kirkless St New Springs but I moved to Essex in 1963 when I got married we had our 45th anniversary 9thMarch I still come up to Wigan every 3 months or so to put flowers on the graves as I am the only one left now!
Our John was a character wasn't he I am surprised that you are the first person to know him on Wigan World

Comment by: Sheila Whitehouse on 14th March 2008 at 23:55

Hi Kathy ,I know John was a charactor but that was the way he was . My late husband worked at gullicks for 31 years un till 2001 ,he also was brought up in Withington Lane no 65 I think

Comment by: jim holding on 15th March 2008 at 20:51

Hi Sheila,,hope you well,,yes know john bruder,,he start back at gullicks in ninties on inspection,,i,d left shopfloor by then and got job in buying dept,,,wher incidentlly i still am,,,,that s why am still there because as you know the manufacturing side closed in 2000 and was transferred,,shilst i cant place danny, a couple of the lads i work with remember him, one of them,joe stead(who knows everyone )says he still sees you occasionally,,,like i say i must know danny if he worked with teddy dukes and co in leg machine shop,,,,along with kath ,,I think we gonna end up related here throught the new springs connection,,i usec to spend many summers at my aunties house in liverpool st ,top lock,,,,in fact quite a few lads from tyhere worked gullicks,,harry gwynnett,len shepard to name but two,,,joe tells me you live in aspull,,,that obviously the olga bamber connection,,,good to talk,,dont usually get on pc much during week,,,had enough of screens all day at work,,,take care,,

Comment by: Sheila Whitehouse on 16th March 2008 at 13:07

Hi Jim ,Yes Danny worked with Teddy Jukes ,Eric Lowe .Gerry Dowling ,Harry Hank,Joe Stead ,Jock who was married to Pat who worked in Canteen .We have had some good times when the social club was going ,it was a laugh a minute the banter that went on especially Teddy Jukes who was hilarius .I was at a works party in December at J J B and I went to the bar and who should be stood there but Joe Stead .I said hello to him and he said sorry do I know you ,I explained who I was and he got me in a bear hug and was telling me how much he thought about Danny .I was in Hare and Hounds in Aspull a few weeks ago and Joe and his wife w ere in and Joe got up on Kareoke he was quite good.John Brewder and his wife Margret live near to me and we have been friends for many years .John also worked at social services until recently .You are right we will end up being related ,i was always up at New Springs in my youth as Grandma Kelly lived in Green Street around corner from St Johns school ,nice hearing from you keep in touch Sheila .

Comment by: kathy on 16th March 2008 at 16:46

This is getting to be a new thread I am sorry you lost your husband Sheila he couldn't have been very old I can't place him from Sprngs but I have lost touch with everyone through moving away.You are joking about being related (my husbands cousins are RUDDS)they are from Horwich
being related my husbands

Comment by: kathy on 16th March 2008 at 16:58

This is turning into a thread I am sorry that you lost your husband Sheila,he could not have been very old.
I have lost touch with everyone through moving to Essex and although Dannys name rings a bell I can't place him
My dad was very friendly with Len Shep as he called him and I know you are joking about being related (my husbands cousins are RUDDS from Horwich)

Comment by: Sheila Whitehouse on 16th March 2008 at 18:42

Hi Kathy ,Danny lived in Withington lane he had brothers Jack who is now aged approx 72 ,Danny would be 71 this year ,Billy now aged 60 and Arnold app 59,There was also a sister Ethel aged now approx 66 .They lived in a small cottage on left hand side middle one of three no 65 I think ,then they moved to top of lane near bridge until about 1960 s.Danny was my second husband and he was 10 years older than me.I dont think I am same family as your husband we originated from Platt Lane and my grandparents from my dads side were in the the fruit and veg trade.Regards Sheila

Comment by: jim holding on 18th March 2008 at 22:24

Hi sheila,,,Who knows we might have been on same dance floor that night at jjb,,,joe was in our party from joy,,,we were sat next to stage on the right looking from the dj,s stand,,,talk about small world,,,,it,s getting smaller,,,,,1st time i,d been to jjb,,,it was good night ,,had others chrissy nights at bellingham ,and oak hotel,,,beeches ,,overthe years but think that most people rated jjb one of the best,,,was for me,,take care ,talk soon

Comment by: Sheila Whitehouse on 19th March 2008 at 16:43

Hi Jim ,well what a coincidence,our table won the competion for making the most noise, thats about right and all we got for our trouble was a handful of uncle Joes mintballs .My friend sent for the manager and she wangled bottle of wine out of them .I didnt think much of the entertainment but we made our own we were on table near bar ,nice and handy .Was at our kids last night and he asked me to ask you if you knew the whereabouts of a Keith West I remember him at Whelley school .I saw Jaqculine this week and she says she remembers talking to you at Brians funeral .Also do you remember Stephen Pitfield from Gullicks he is our Eddies ,sister in laws brother if you can figure that out we will end up related yet .Keep in touch Sheila

Comment by: jim holding on 20th March 2008 at 07:30

hi sheila,,,,,,we thuoght we should have won the table comp,,,we were "three french hens"obviously dj was biased hmmm,,coincidence again,,except for the duration of the meal,,i was sitting next to Steve Pitfield for most of the night,,,I was to his left,,dont know if you saw him there,,,,to my left was our receptionist from work,,,it shows the previous place s we been when thought it wer a good night,,,,,Cant say I know whereabouts of Keith West and good to realise that Eddie ok,,,as you say have heard better groups than one on that night but night s what you make of it,,will talk soon,,,take care

Comment by: Sheila Whitehouse on 20th March 2008 at 16:13

Hi Jim ,Do you still see Stephen ? I was in Cardiff a couple of years ago watching Rugby and I came accross Stephen .I dont know why ,I asked him if he had a sister named Gillian and he said how do you know and it was because they look so much alike he was very surprized .I have gone back to work this week, as I have been off for 3 months with a condyal fracture of the knee, stupid thing to do I know but I am on the mend and looking forward to doing some walking again and cycling I love the outdoors nice talking to you ,keep in touch Sheila .

Comment by: jim holding on 21st March 2008 at 09:30

hi sheila,,,,yes still see steve,,,he probably on the heathens who are working today and off mon/tues,,,am off to st annes for weekend,,,what you doing,,,,hope didnt crock your leg dancing on tables at jjb,,,it seems loike it gonna be a wet and windy w/end but its a break,,like a bit of fresh air myself..like a bit of fishing,,,am out most saturdays,,,only local,,,but gets me a bit of peace and quiet after working all week,,,anyway have a good weekend and take care,,,talk soon,,,,

Comment by: sheila Whitehouse on 21st March 2008 at 17:24

Hi Jim have a good weekend . been to St Annes quite a lot when I had motorhome , but thats another story .Not going away this Easter because I went to Barcelona few weeks ago Feb 29 th with my 3 friends from work we are nick named the merry widows we had a ball what a beautiful city .We saw lots of things we were up early and out till the early hours .Been to Blackburn today looking for new curtains as I have doing a spot of d i y, going out tonight with my sister in law and 2 friends probably end up in Hare and Hounds in Aspull.Will have drive out tomoz somewhere for a meal.As for my fracture I slipped off tall barstool and no I wasnt drunk my shoe was slipping off and I tried to retrieve it and ended up in agony .I am so glad its nearly ok as I have been very bored as I am never in usually ,allthough I love my home and gardening anyay have good time speak to you soon Sheila.

Comment by: jim holding on 26th March 2008 at 22:02

hi sheila,,,back from where i,ve been,,,must say well windswept and were a bitter cowd wind,,,but nice and warm in hotel,,,,,sounds like you and your mates had a good time in Barcalona,,,hope there no trails of destruction and mayhem,,,glad light night coming misel,,garden a bit neglected,,but not alot of time to do owt by time i get in from work,,but will soon have it tided up,,hows your eddie doing these days,,,ok I trust and has he heard of the where abouts of former class members,,,will talk soon,,take care

Comment by: Sheila on 27th March 2008 at 16:25

Hi Jim ,U behind with your gardening I am way in front ,We were very well behaved in Barcelona Ill have you know, well thats my story and I am sticking to it .Why not come up and see our Eddie he would be very glad to see you, all though he is off to Turkey tomorrow for weeks holiday with his children and grandchildren ,He goes into Queens Head pub in Aspull as he lives practically next door to it. I have got his phone number if you want it ,speak to you soon, Sheila .

Comment by: jim holding on 7th May 2008 at 22:10

hi Sheila,,,,soz not been on before now,,been abit busy at work and catching up with mi gardening,,,,what you upto?,,yes would love to speak with eddie and perhaps meet him and yourself sometime,,would be good,been trying to arrange a reunion with my secondry school cvlass mates ,,looks like it might happen on 19th june,,,be good not seen some of them for some 40 odd years havin sed that i not seen yourselves for over 50 years,,,where does the time go,,any my appologies once more,,take care,,,

Comment by: sheila whitehouse on 14th May 2008 at 21:29

Hi Jim nice to hear from you ,I too have been gardening as I am quite proud of my garden and work hard to keep it nice .I am back at work and have started 2 days a week at my local gym to hopefully get my knee back to normal ,also doing lots of walking .Been socialising a lot just booked ferry to Ireland my pals and I going touring for a week 20th June should be good .Our Eddie and me would love to see you he would be made up let me know about reunion hope to speak to you soon Sheila.

Comment by: j sherrington on 27th October 2009 at 10:58

anny mcknight lived in plat lane at bottom a lttle block of house with claypit at back and opposite sammy penmans shop rudds was always visiting monica stone mariied one of penmans

Comment by: E. Turner on 17th November 2009 at 15:05

j sherrington are you sure Monica Stone married a Penman.

Comment by: T. Lever on 29th November 2009 at 12:37

I heard Monica married Jim Holding.

Comment by: Finchy on 7th March 2010 at 14:49

Is Jim Holding still alive & kicking. I heard he'd popped his cloggs.

Comment by: Kearnsy on 14th April 2010 at 23:33

I heard he fell of his perch some time ago.

Comment by: jim holding on 24th July 2010 at 22:08

finchy,,,,you owd dog,,,am still alive an kickin,hows yourself? get in touch,,

Comment by: Finchy on 19th August 2010 at 09:02

You sound hale and hearty Jimmy boy or is more your ale and f---ty. Glad to hear it anyway. Rock on son.

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