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Wigan Album

Ince methodist sunday school


Photo: aitch
Views: 3,661
Item #: 5139
the 3rd of the 3, a lot of work went into these floats not only decorating them, but borrowing lorries, still the kids lapped it up, you wouldnt be able to do it now, probably need seat belts and booster seats and such like.

Comment by: .b.t. on 18th February 2008 at 17:16

The mad hatters tea party. From Alice in Wonderland.

Comment by: Evelyn on 18th February 2008 at 23:08

Your right about the seat belts aitch,when I was in the May Queen Retinue in 1948/9 we were in the carnival on the back of a lorry and one of the girls fell off.Thankfully we were still on the Rec.and she didn't hurt herself.

Comment by: mikewigan on 19th February 2008 at 21:33

Health & Safety would not allow that today, they would all need hard hats !!!!

Great pics.......Keep um coming........

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