Wigan Album
Belle Green, Ince
Photo: Julie McDermott
Item #: 4529
hi julie. can you name this happy looking lot.alan mc mullen.
Billy Cain,John Chadwick.Carl Riley, Alan Frost, Neil Sharrock,Dennis Kilganon, Pam Knight, Pam Dickinson,and you Alan Mcmullen not sure about anyone else
This is a list of names,as my sister remembers them.Back row,l.to r--Pauline Smith.Belinda Sharples.Christine ?. ?McKnight.Davina Stott.Janet Leyland.Jenny Bamber.Carol Fishburn.3rd.row-- ?.Howard ?.Dennis Kilgannon.John Sharrock.?.John Humphreys.Billy ?.Colin ?.Stephen Banks?.2nd row--Carol Humphreys.Margaret Winstanley.?.Carol Coulton.Linda Heaton.Pamela Knight.Pamela Dickinson.?Julie McDermott.front row--Alan McMullen.?Carl Riley.Brian Winstanley.Peter ?.Alan Sharples.HOPE THIS HELPS.
Mrs Major. Pauline Smith,Belinda Sharples,Christine Hitchen,Rita Kilmartin,Davina Stott,Janet Leyland,Jenny Bamber,Linda Fishburn,Carol Mosley,Mr arnes.
Next row, ??.??. Denis Kilgannon,Niel Sharratt,??.John Chadwick,??Billy Cain,Colin Deakin,Steven Banks,
next row. Carol Humphries,Margaret Winstanly,Catherine Rowlands,Linda Heaton, Pam Knight,Pamela Dickinson,Margaret Scotson,Julie McDermot.
Next row. Alan McMullin,Colin Heaton,Carl Riley,Brian Winstanly,Peter Fletcher,Alan Sharples.
hi marlene are you not on any or are you not saying hope you are keeping well kath byrne
hello mac, first time ive seen the picture...what a belter! youve named them all!
hello kath, its chaddy here, are you still singing?
well done Marlene and Pam, for making the effort to comment!
i wish we could find some more pictures
hi chaddy. not found any more photos yet but have loads of memories.
Hello Brian Winstanly. Have you seen the photo of the atheletics team for Rose Bridge. Your on that one to
Hi Chaddy, Eric Longshaw (Longy) here, why am I not on any school pics? Was I wacking it again? I did have some school pics but let Jemmy Haddon have them for a school reunion and never got them back, have got a couple left will put them on this site if I can dig them out. Good pics, nice to look back, remember names but not faces! Hope ur well.
Excellent Photo Julie.First time i've seen the photo in a long time,don't have the photo myself,it's 47 years since it was taken of us little 5-6 year olds (frightening).I think i can name them all and that includes myself? TOP, Mrs Major. Pauline Smith, Belinda Sharples,Christine Hitchen, Rita Kilmartin, Davina Stott, Janet Leyland, Jenny Bamber,Linda Fishburn, Carol Mosley,and Mr. Barnes. Next Row,John Harris, David Frances, Dennis Kilgannon, Neil Sharrock, Alan Frost, John Chadwick, Paul Aspinall, Billy Cain, Colin Deakin, Stephen Banks. Next Row, Carol Humphries, Margaret Winstanley, Catherine Rowlands, Carol Coulton, Linda Heaton, Pamela Knight, Pamela Dickinson, Margaret Scotson, Julie McDermot.
Front Row, Alan McMullin, Colin Harlow, Carl Riley, Brian Winstanley, Peter Flecher, Alan Sharples.
I hope this proves right.
Hi all, the class photo was recently given to me, and what a fab surprise it was! It feels such a long time ago,but I have some fond memories even though I was frightened to death by Miss Cheetham ! Hope you are all ok...I live in the South Lakes and have retired from the NHS last year at the grand old age of 55 and 34 years service ! I would love to know hoe foks are. Best wishes to all. Linda
Nice to hear from you Linda, a lovely part of the country South Lakes, enjoy your retirement.
hI all great photo and great memories, hope you are all ok.
Neil sharratt still lives in ince
Nice to hear from you Carol, hope you're well.
Hi All - I've still got this photo - bumped into Bri Winstanley a few weeks ago - hadn't seen him for years - we had a good laugh talking about the old times when we lived in Ennerdale Place. We even discussed this photograph !!! Hope your all o.k. Dennis