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Belle Green, Ince


Belle Green C of E School, c1960
Belle Green C of E School, c1960
Photo: June Wilcock (nee McDermott)
Views: 7,688
Item #: 4525
Belle Green C of E School, c1960. Mrs Parks? and Mr Barnes.

Comment by: shasha on 4th January 2008 at 13:23

I recognise the lad on the front row, 3rd form left. Its Philip Finch

Comment by: peter frost on 9th February 2008 at 00:49

philip is sat next to Johnny ellison
i still see philip around

Comment by: kath byrne on 5th April 2008 at 13:20

can you pop more names on

Comment by: June on 27th April 2008 at 14:34

Will try with names,KATH,for those I get wrong,to whom it applies,please forgive me.Grey matter going off !!!Front row-John Parkinson?..Eric Westhead.Philip Finch.John Ellison.David Greenhalgh.? Fishburn.Stephen Davies.Next row -?.?.Linda Melling.Kathleen McCracken ?.June McDermott.Christine Halliwell ?.?.?.Linda Fishburn?.Carol Peet.Next row - ?.Tom Young.Michael Thomas.Derek Rigby.Eric Leyland.Graham Welch.Graham Roden? Brian Unsworth.James Holcroft.Barry Fitzgerald.Joe Aspinall.Next row-John Seddon.Jean Frost.Veronica Rigby?.Avis Ridley.Dorothy Beck.Joan Woodhead.Linda Boyd.Enid Atherton ?.John Pendlebury.

Comment by: Elaine Fairhurst (Nicholson) on 12th December 2013 at 16:11

Second row from front far left Barbara Nicholson

Comment by: Philip finch on 1st November 2020 at 15:44

My name philip can u call me

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