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Photos of Wigan
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St John's C of E Pemberton


Class pic 1952/53?
Class pic 1952/53?
Photo: Fred Mason
Views: 14,423
Item #: 4429
Taken around 1952-1953 I believe. Dorothy Higham, Harriet Atherton, Janet England, Jeff Broadbelt, John Kramer, Jim Bailey...et al .... where are you all now?

Comment by: RON on 25th November 2007 at 23:59

I went to the Thomas Linacre with John Kramer. I remember going on a school holiday to Torquay. We shared a room and met a couple of girls down there who we took out a couple of times. Happy days. He joined the police force after leaving school, but don't know where he is now. Would love to get in touch with him again.

Comment by: Louise on 26th November 2007 at 23:47

I think my dad is on the first row 3rd from the right (James Caddick).

Comment by: RON on 27th November 2007 at 11:12

James Caddick? Did he go to the Thomas Linacre School?

Comment by: Dave on 27th November 2007 at 11:58

Last count, John Kramer lived in Appley Rd South near Sams Bar. Appley Bridge/Roby Mill.

Comment by: Jack on 27th November 2007 at 14:01

I worked with John (a true gent) for years. He actually spells his surname Craimer.

Comment by: Louise on 27th November 2007 at 14:28

Hi Ron,

Not sure what other school he went, but he also live on Helvellyn Rd, at Norley.

Comment by: britboy on 6th January 2008 at 15:34

does anyone know the name of the teacher in this pic??

Comment by: britboy on 6th January 2008 at 17:14

ok I've decided I am definately on the photo...third row down, farthest right

Comment by: Jimmy on 6th January 2008 at 20:29

The teacher is either Mrs Phythian or Mrs Redfern, Im not sure. Perhaps Fred knows.

Comment by: britboy on 6th January 2008 at 23:52

I think Mrs Redfern was the last classroom were the school bell was outside,she was a lot older woman,grey hair and glasses.
Mrs Phythian had the classroom next door to her, I think she was a little older to with dark hair.

Mind you I was only 6 or 7 years old then so memories fade with time. I must admit I don't recall a Fred Mason but then again I don't recall to many names from that time.

Comment by: Tricia in Sunny Spain on 16th January 2008 at 17:05

Hello Britboy
You used to race me to the bus stop. I can name a lot on the photo but I think that some were from another class and I cannot spot Kathleen Maddocks, Jeff Broadbent, Carole Ashcroft or Freda Parkinson.
The Teacher was Mrs Aldridge and she lived 2 doors from me. Her husband used to teach Highfield Seniors and they took me to school in their car. They moved down South I think, just after we left St J's.
Front row...? Travis Michael Rigby James Caddick, Fred, Christopher Dennis Richard Roscoe ? Pilkington
2nd Row...Margaret Burgess ?? Harriet Atherton Janette England Dorothy Higham Gwendoline Cox Pamela Wilson Sylvia Hurst
3rd row.. ?? Martin Starkey (his dad was headmaster and his aunt headmistress of the infants school) ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
? Sharples Britboy (!)
4th row... Jean Jackson Kay Unsworth Janice? Valerie Corless Anne Pennington Olwyn Moorfield Patricia Wilkinson Brenda Halliwell Lesley ? Mrs Aldridge
Back row... ?? Valerie Hitchen Linda Ellis John Craimer ?? Jim Bailey Tricia in Sunny Spain and finally ??
Later on Kathleen Holden and Jean ormshaw joined the class and one or 2 more
Best wishes to anyone who remembers me. Can anyone fill in the gaps???

Comment by: britboy on 17th January 2008 at 03:55

Thanks Tricia...what a wonderful reminder of passed school friends...so many that I had forgotten to, I will have to get my thinking cap on to see if I can fill in any of the gaps!
Seems like us Wiganers have spread out far and wide...USA in my case.

Comment by: Jimmy Caddick on 17th January 2008 at 15:16

Sorry Tricia but the boy third from left front row is not me. But here are a few more names,David Duggan,Billy Smith, and Allan Pollitt.

Comment by: Tricia in Sunny Spain on 17th January 2008 at 16:02

Hi Britboy and Jimmy
Nice to hear from you both.
I did wonder if that was you Jimmy but had read a post by Louise. Where in USA are you Britboy? Have been there several times. My friend and I ran a Fan Club for a famous American singer some years ago.
When I left Wigan I lived in Singapore for a while.
Also missing from the photo are John Johnson, Shirley Conlin and Michael Presho. The boy at the end of row 3 next to Martin was Scottish and his name was William, I think. I do not think he stayed long though.

Comment by: Marlene on 19th January 2008 at 21:50

Would love to know which none is John Craimer photo not very clear, I was once married to him.

Comment by: Tricia on 20th January 2008 at 19:16

Hi Marlene
John is 4th from the left on the back row. The boy with the lightish coloured hair.

Comment by: britboy on 21st January 2008 at 02:18

I'm going ta get in touch with my mother to see if she still has this photo...need to see it in its original size and maybe I'll recogise a few more faces to put names to.

Comment by: Tricia on 21st January 2008 at 22:32

There is a larger version of this photo on Fred's blog page.

Comment by: britboy on 23rd January 2008 at 14:55

Thanks Tricia...I just printed it and I am studying it closely...the thing is as soon as someone puts a name to a face I then recognise them...maybe we will see a few more coming in here and adding names hopefully.

Comment by: Tricia on 24th January 2008 at 18:20

I can remember all the teachers.
Babies class Miss Starkey
Next door Mrs Matthews ..some of us skipped this class
3rd class along Mrs Aldridge (in photo)
Then I think we went across the playground to the old part of the school to
Standard 1 Miss Nora Anderton
Mr King took a class in the assembly hall behind sliding doors (this raised bit was used as a stage for Nativity plays etc When I was about 5 I was chosen to present a bouquet to the guest at our speech day and had to walk across the room and curtsey. My mother made me practise for days!!)
we also skipped this class and went back across the playground to Mrs Redfern.(may be wrong about this, I think this was Standard 2 ???) She lived somewhere up Winstanley, on a farm and told us tales of her family, life on the farm, magpies stealing diamond rings and finding them when a tree was felled. I think it was here we first met Noddy, also the secret 7.
We were also allowed to ring the gong at playtime etc and on the hour or half hour I think and quite a few times we forgot to do it. We took it in turns and it was a great honour if she let us ring the gong. The first time, however,
we all tended to strike it far too quickly, like our lives depended on it!!!!
We then went back to the old school again, across the playground to Miss Marsdens Class. She seemed very old and severe... but she was a real sweetie. She had taught my father in the 1920's and my brother 10 years before me. She was a friend of my Auntie Isobel who had been a teacher at Highfield Primary years before and my mother went on coach trips with them both. Had to be on my best behaviour in those days!!
Finally we went into Miss Brenda Phythians class Standard 4 and next door to Mrs Redferns class across the playground once more. My brother had been one of her favourites 10 years before and was a hard act for me to follow. Miss Phythiam also lived on a farm . Higher up than Clapgate Lane at Goose Green and on the other side of the road. In her cupboard she had lots of things like some dried maize and a penny set in lava. Someone had thrown it in when Vesuvius erupted during the last war.After this class we all went our seperate ways.
I remember playing 'ticky' between 2 white grids in the playground, running into the outside loos if any boys were chasing us, doing PE outside on rubber mats and nature walks down Brook Lane. Also going down to Wallgate Station
to see the Queen... and the caretaker... (MR Sherrington?) who was always in a bad mood. Mrs Danson used to watch us in the playground. I can remember this all so clearly. Its just where I put something down 5 minutes ago that is difficult!!!
I went back to the playground in the 1980's on a visit to Wigan and the gong was still there. I went back again 3 or 4 years ago to do some family research in the churchyard. Sadly it was in a very poor state and had also been vandalised. I could not get into the playground as it is now protected by unsightly iron gates.

Comment by: britboy on 25th January 2008 at 02:24

Well Tricia ...you have a far better memory recall than I would ever hope to have, excellent information and the subject of St Johns and the school photo I'm sure can only go from strength to strength! Was David Russell one of the pupils in this photo, I seem to recall the name.

Comment by: Tricia on 26th January 2008 at 12:11

Hi Britboy. Yes I remember David Russell but don't think he is in the photo. I also remember a Jim but can't remember his last name. He was a smallish boy. (not Jimmy who posted earlier.) I also remembered a teacher called Mrs Lowe.. a lovely lady. She lived in the street facing the bus stop at Union Bridge and had a son called Keith, but I don't know which school he went to.There was another classrom next to infants class and I remember we all played in a sort of percussion band.. music was colour coded.. I always wanted the cymbals or triangle!
I also remember going to the old building behind our bus stop for dancing lessons. My dad once told me that it was part of the school in his day. There is a photo of the building across the street from it somewhere on this site... the one opposite the sweet shop we used to call in to.

Comment by: Jimmy on 26th January 2008 at 20:17

The old building was St Johns Parochial Hall

Comment by: Tricia in Sunny Spain on 27th January 2008 at 16:53

Thank you Jimmy
Where are you these days?
Hope this didn't post twice!

Comment by: Jimmy on 29th January 2008 at 20:10

Hi Tricia I am still in Wigan

Comment by: julie on 2nd February 2008 at 18:15

the lad in the white t shirt stood between my husband john and jim bailey on the back row is jeffrey brimelow. jeff used to live near john on the green,but he and his family moved to plymton devon shortly after his father died. he joined the army junior rangers. john hasn't hear anything since.

Comment by: julie on 2nd February 2008 at 21:13

sorry it wasn't the junior rangers it was the junior leaders that jeff joined

Comment by: tom on 1st April 2008 at 10:59

Mrs Lowes sons name was Cedric he also went to St Johns.Mr Piggot also taught at St Johns as with mrs Lowe their classrooms were in the old prochial hall which has now been demolished.

Comment by: Valerie Hughes nee Corless on 13th May 2008 at 12:53

Can't believe it - I have an original copy of this photo which is my pride and joy. I live on the Algarve, been here four and a half years. Still in touch with Harriet, just as close now as we were all those years ago,Harriet and John will be here visiting us again next month.I remember going to Speke Hall and Chester Zoo and, Tricia, I remember going to stand outside Wallgate station to see the Queen and I still have the Coronation mug we received to mark the occasion! It's amazing how the memories flood back.

Comment by: Tricia on 14th May 2008 at 20:17

Hi Valerie
I also remember Speke Hall and Chester Zoo and on the same trip we went to see the grave of the Child of Hale.
Have sent you a PM

Comment by: Valerie Hughes nee Corless on 14th May 2008 at 21:20

What a week this has been - came out here to the Algarve to retire but have been working part time as a holiday rep for Cosmos in the resort Monte Gordo 5 mins from where I live. Meet some great people and many from Wigan and surrounding areas and many of our age as we are a more "mature" type of resort. Had a couple in for the last 2 weeks who live in Springfield and was telling them about this site, ran off the photo to show them and, unbelievably, the lady's sister is on the end of the back row on the left and is Gillian Bate, so that's another gap filled in. Couldn't believe the coincidence though. Perhaps we should have a reunion out here in the sun!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 19th May 2008 at 18:41

Absolutely fantastic classmates. What a lovely set of comments and so much information that I had forgotten about. I am so glad everyone is well and thanks for the updates on everyone. I have to say that after all these years I am in regular conatct with Dorothy who is amazed, as I am at the response to this pic. I would love to have a renunion in the Algarve one day. If anyone wants a full size scanned image of this phot, then please e-mail me at fred@cumbriancrafts.co.uk

Best wishes to all.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 19th May 2008 at 18:54

sorry, Tricia, I meant to say sunny Spain for a reunion...or at Union Bridge......where else..?

Comment by: Fred Mason on 19th May 2008 at 19:32

Whoa, I am on a roll now...does anyone remember the transporter bridge,on the trip to Speke, across the Mersey? at Runcorn? A bridge on ropes...!!!!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 19th May 2008 at 23:43

David Cunliffe behind Dorothy? What is your name britboy. I remember your face.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 19th May 2008 at 23:52

Hi Trish,

There is a pic of John Johnson (and me) on the Wigan Grammar Schools site. We are preparing for a cross country run. It's bottom left on page 1, (Early Sixties.) Aged about 12. John is easy to spot. Wonder if I am.

Comment by: britboy on 20th May 2008 at 01:16

Fred! I remember the transporter bridge very well....and I think it was on the trip to chester zoo, also I can remember looking out for the shape of an old mans face in the rock face somewhere round Helsby!

I haven't checked out this pic or the comments for a few weeks...great to see the additional contributions, what great memories!

Comment by: Tricia on 20th May 2008 at 15:42

Hi Fred
Union Bridge would be great...if that good chippy is still there! The transporter bridge ran between Runcorn and Widnes. My dad often took us across it for a treat on Sundays and some Summer evenings. Brit Boy, the face you mention in the hillside was Old Man Helsby and at the top of the hill, years ago, there was a very old wooden Helter
Skelter. It was red and white and I was never allowed to go up it as the wood was in very poor condition and bits of it were missing...... (ask me how I know ) One time my friend's parents took us there and we spent ages climbing to the top and sliding down the spiral. Great fun. It was demolished some time later.

Comment by: britboy on 23rd May 2008 at 01:09

Hi Tricia

thought you might like a pic I found on the web ... quite an old one by the looks of it...past memories of the helter skelter.


Comment by: brian lowe on 24th May 2008 at 00:29

i am on third row third from the left brought back a lot of happy memories see alan pollit sometimes around pem

Comment by: tricia on 24th May 2008 at 12:54

Hi Britboy
Thank you for that. I will have a look at that web site in more detail later.
Well! there I am in the big hat (lol). It looked a bit different though in my day. Different shape. Main tower was white and the spiral was red. We always looked for it as we passed in the car.. Nice to see someone else leave a comment , Brian. It has taken ages to get the thread going.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 6th August 2008 at 18:17

Oh dear, no comments since May 2008...come on boys and girls...lets hear from you.

David Shields, you too mate. Where do you live now in the US of A? I travelled all over the US many years ago. I may have been near to you.

Comment by: Britboy on 8th August 2008 at 02:44

Hey Fred! guess my cover is blown now! LOLOL

have you only recently remembered my name? I was going to try to make a complete name list by working my way through all the comments but never get the time, perhaps you could have a go at putting them in some sort of order for us all.
I live close to this town....


a beautiful national forest area on Lake Superior shore line. I got kidnapped from the UK by a wonderful USA lady ( didn't protest at being kidnapped :)
Been here since November 2000, working hard but enjoying kayaking and mountain biking!
There are at least 3 other Wiganers in various parts of the USA that I know...in Florida, Minnesota and Missouri states...probably a lot more to!
I like the reunion idea if I could ever swing it but ya never know...get ya list going!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 10th August 2008 at 19:45

Hi David,

If you send me your direct e-mail address we can keep in touch with names and such. Others have named some that I forgot so between us we can hopefully name all and even track down most for a reunion. An idea would be to meet at the school itself and pre-arrange it with the present head. What does everyone think? My e-mail is after my name and date.

Comment by: britboy on 30th October 2008 at 02:36

not to much activity here, busy times and not on PC so much at the moment. Still not done what I intended...see if I could complete a list of name from all the info....time and tide wait for no man. maybe get to it one day.

Comment by: Jim Holding, Curly Dowdall. on 11th January 2009 at 21:33

Happy New Year Harriet Riley and also to John Rilesy rom his old pal Jim Holding and his very old friend Bernard Curly Dowdall.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 25th February 2009 at 22:22

Harriet must have fallen asleep......zzzzzzzzzzzz

Comment by: colin garbutt on 5th March 2009 at 20:03

Only recently started to look at this site and I am truly impressed by some of the names that have imerged from way back then. Most of the names from the photograph that has been posted I can remember anyone remember me ???????

Comment by: Fred Mason on 7th March 2009 at 14:34

Hi Colin.

I certainly do remember you. Did you live on The Green close to Helvellyn Rd?
A couple of years ago I was chatting with an artist at our music festival up here. His name is Vin Garbutt. I asked if he was related to anyone in Wigan but he said no. He's from the north east.

Are you on this photo, Colin?

Comment by: Tarquin Peers on 9th March 2009 at 14:39

I saw Vin Garbutt in the early 70s in London. If I recall he had just broken from a group and had gone solo. He sang a song he had written, something about a Rolling Stone. He must be getting on a bit now. He's older than you Fred.

Comment by: harriet A Riley nee atherton on 4th April 2009 at 14:26

no i did not fall asleep cheeky sod i was busy welcoming my great granddaughter into the world!!!

Comment by: H.A.Riley nee Atherton on 4th April 2009 at 14:41

wonder if anyone can tag this photo,can you fred or maybe trish can?

Comment by: Tricia on 4th April 2009 at 21:17

Congratulations, Harriet. Hope you are well.
Love Trish

Comment by: Fred Mason on 5th April 2009 at 00:16

Welcome back, Harriet...nice to hear from one of Gods' own again. What is a tag? Contact me on my regular e-mail, above. By the way, congrats also on becoming a great grand mother...hmmmmmm...my little school friend, so old...!!! I am just a young puppy myself.... ha......my zimmer is in for repair at the mo, but watch out...I can still run.

Comment by: Tricia on 5th April 2009 at 14:44

Hi again Harriet
I did not know what a tag was either...lol

Comment by: Fred Mason on 22nd April 2009 at 20:12

Looks like Harriet has gone to sleep again...must be the age...poor lass...

Well done, Harriet. You are my first great grand mother friend...Bless...xxx

Comment by: harriet A Riley nee atherton on 6th May 2009 at 17:13

you are not morons --a tag is put on photos to name everyone as your mouse touches the person,maybe we cannot do it on here but it would help identify individuals,just a thought and I am same age as you lot so if cap fits!!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 8th May 2009 at 19:49

HARRIET..!!! You are awake...

Good lass. I know what you mean now, about the tags. I have seen it somewhere, maybe Facebook??? and it is a fantastic tool. If it were possible on here then we could know all the names. You know, I remember all these faces and some names but cannot put all names to all faces. Think I am getting old? Don't say it..!! It would be nice to hear from others on here.

Be happy.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 27th June 2009 at 21:52

Well, it looks like everyone has gone to sleep on here.

Pleasantly awaiting updates from Harriet, David and all from 1956.

God bless us all.....

Comment by: James Holding on 4th July 2009 at 17:43

You would send a glass eye to sleep Fred.

Comment by: william oakes on 26th July 2009 at 21:05

Wasn`t Alan Mockford in the class and a girl called Lena?

Comment by: Fred Mason on 29th July 2009 at 19:25

Can't remember a girl called Lena ?? but I know Alan well. he was my neighbour and I think he was one year younger than us. Sadly, I heard he passed away while still a young man. I am in touch with his sister now living in Preston.
Nice to hear from you again, William.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 29th July 2009 at 19:27

Now, Mr Holding....see you, Jimmy...keep the beer cold. August is nigh.

Comment by: Jimmy Caddick on 31st July 2009 at 19:05

Hello Billy, I don't remember a girl named Lena, but Alan was in the same class as me at both St Johns and Pemberton

Comment by: Bill Oakes on 2nd August 2009 at 20:40

Hello Jimmy,
Do you live in the Newtown area I passed someone in the car recently who reminded me of you do you remember the camping trip to Abbey Lakes.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 3rd August 2009 at 18:10

Harriet, please feel free to join in... you know you want to. It would nice to hear your sweet vocal charms again.

Comment by: Jimmy C. on 6th August 2009 at 19:23

it could have been me, you should have give me a shout

Comment by: Jim Holding on 19th August 2009 at 22:43

Thas got give Fred his due our Harriut. He never gives up.

Comment by: Jaybell Pentops on 22nd August 2009 at 23:25

How is Routh these days our Arriut?

Comment by: britboy on 3rd October 2009 at 20:34

Hey Fred, have you done a head count yet, are we all identified now?

Comment by: Fred Mason on 16th October 2009 at 14:45

Not yet, Britboy,

Just the names listed above. We need some more people to put the other names to the faces. I do remember the faces but not the names. Does this mean I'm getting old?

Comment by: Fred Mason on 18th November 2009 at 16:00

It is two years since I posted this picture never anticipating all the comments from all the old class and others. Thank you all and since it is close to 'That' time of the year as well, may I wish one and all a very happy time leading up to and including Christmas.

Comment by: birthday boy on 11th December 2009 at 14:13

Fred - if you really appreciate us all that much - come down this xmas and buy us all a drink. Cheers .. hic!

Comment by: Fred on 14th December 2009 at 19:25

Ah, birthday boy, if only I knew your real name...I would be down there celebrating...hic..and buying a drink for anyone else who turned up, of course...hic, again...

Comment by: Fred on 23rd December 2009 at 18:42

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all my lovely old classmates.

Comment by: John Wogan on 13th February 2010 at 23:49

Does any one remember me or my brothers Michael or William (Billy)

Comment by: Jan on 30th April 2010 at 11:02

So Fred which girl in the class did you have a crush on ...

Comment by: Fred on 30th April 2010 at 16:38

Hiya Jan,

Well now, that would be telling, wouldn't it!!

Comment by: Oly on 1st May 2010 at 12:58

Come on Fred, you shouldnt be shy at your age. Faint heart never won fair lady. Come on Fred who did you fancy the most, dont be a softy.

Comment by: Sylvie on 3rd May 2010 at 13:11

yeah come on Freddy dont be a mardi heart who did you love most?

Comment by: Fred on 3rd May 2010 at 16:13

I think somebody is winding me up, here.

However.....must say that Harriet was my favourite in the class and in the playground I was an admirer of Judy Stokes.

I hope they are both well and wish them all the best.

There....I dun said it.

So, now, identify yourselves...

Comment by: Oly on 4th May 2010 at 11:39

You have good taste Freddy. We're on the pic Freddy love. Dont be so up tight ... time to relax now Freddy love and enjoy life.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 4th May 2010 at 17:43

Thanks, Oly, but what is your real name????

Right, you lot, listen up....Just heard from Trish in sunny Spain (back row in photo above) that Miss Phythian has sadly passed away, aged 94. I guess you have to be a crabby old maid to live this long..!! No, not serious, of course. Miss P was a good lady (do remember her slapping my hand with a ruler for something I hadn't done though)and I know for fact that she indeed outlived some of her students by many years, so R.I.P. Miss Phythian. God Bless.

Comment by: Travis on 5th May 2010 at 14:35

Oy ,, you're a good man Freddy Mason ,, and a like your taste in women. All us young lads fancied Judy and Harriet,, corr ,, luvly girls. And I bet they really fancied you Freddy ,, you certainly had a way with the ladies. I'll drink your health on that note Freddy ,, a good pint of guinness. Travis, Dublin.

Comment by: Bailey on 7th May 2010 at 18:33

Travis, Fred is probably embarassed having admitted his true loves. I recall him being a very quiet shy boy at school.

Comment by: Travis on 20th May 2010 at 14:57

I heard your in Canada now Fred ,, hows life there.

Comment by: Fred on 23rd May 2010 at 19:56

Travis, I returned from Canada in 1994 and am now in Cumbria.

Have a Guinness for me.. How is life in the ould sod?

Comment by: Pilky on 29th May 2010 at 18:53

Now Fred Mason. I think Harriet Atherton married a geezer named John Riley. He's a bit of a hard nut so I'm told. A member of the same family as the wrestling Rileys. I should stay out of his way if I was you Fred owd cock or Riley might give you a good kicking.

Comment by: "Bill" Bailey on 17th June 2010 at 10:13

Where is Fred Mason these days....is he still knocking about?

Comment by: Pilky on 28th June 2010 at 09:26

Bailey boy....look above...Fred Mason is living in Cumbria.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 6th August 2010 at 20:55


All you lovely classmates..let's hear from you with your real names..please.

Anyone fancy a proper reunion?

Come on gang, let's have you....

My e-mail addy is above. Contact me and let's have a ball...before we reach 65, eh?

Comment by: Pilky on 14th August 2010 at 10:22

Be realistic Fred your not really planning to lkeave Cumbria for a reunion! Your living in dreamland me owd marrow.

Comment by: "Bill" Bailey on 16th August 2010 at 09:19

No Pilky, Fred's living in Cumbria ... then again!

Same difference .... think your right Pilky .. Fred is living in dreamland!

Comment by: Pilky on 19th August 2010 at 08:58

You watch...old Freddy will be rocking up and eager to pitch the 100th comment.

Comment by: Fred on 1st September 2010 at 14:06

I'm throwing a reunion at the Brocket. All food and drink on me.

Comment by: Jimmy C. on 6th September 2010 at 16:03

Just give me the date and time Freddy boy I could do with a good blow out right now especially a freeby.
I still remember those ditties wtitten on the lads boggs wall at St Johns.
Fred loves Harriet! Richard the Lion Heart was a Transplant! Trish is available in paperback! Oh the good old days.

Comment by: "Bill" Bailey on 7th September 2010 at 09:11

Shouldn't take Freds offer seriously Jimmy. He lives in Carlisle. I think he's probably going a bit dollally in his owd age.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 7th September 2010 at 23:08

Chaps, lads, fellows of St John's,

the above offer is not posted by me. My e-mail address above is proof. Someone is taking the pistachio. However if I do win the lottery then an evening on me is guaranteed for all.

So who is this person, laying claim to be moi....???

Comment by: "Bill" Bailey on 8th September 2010 at 12:55

Thought it too good to be true. Same old Fred dreaming again.

Comment by: Pilky on 9th September 2010 at 09:23

Sorry Fred .. couldn't let you take the century.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 11th September 2010 at 18:46

Well folks,

When I posted this photo I never expected 3336 views and 100 comments. Thanks to you all for the great messages and it's nice to see there are so many of us still around. I wish you all well, and Pilky................you are off my Christmas card list.....

Nah, just joking...see you at the reunion......

Comment by: "Bill" Bailey on 14th September 2010 at 10:11

Glad you let me know you own the site Fred and thanks for the thanks....thats one more for your coffers.

Comment by: Pilky on 16th September 2010 at 09:55

Fred you do a lot talking and thanking but no action. You keep harping on about a reunion. So come on give us a date, a time and a place. Otherwise please dont keep carping on about it. Faint heart never won fair lady!

Comment by: Fred on 17th September 2010 at 15:10

OK Pilky I'll give you a place, date and time but I want one of you ladies to volunteer to be my bride for the day. I'll be MC if one of you girls will help me out. Don't all rush at once.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 26th September 2010 at 20:22

Greetings, classmates.

If you love the town you were born and raised in, then please join the Save Wigan Campaign. It only costs ten pounds per year and we need your support. There are only 35 members and we need hundreds...!!!! Let's stop the rot and keep the Wigan that we all know and love. Support Save Wigan.


Check out the web site, and........... many thanks.

By the way, the Fred above is not me.......

Comment by: Trish on 5th October 2010 at 13:32

Is that why you live in Cumbria, Fred?

Comment by: "Bill" Bailey on 5th October 2010 at 14:39

Good point Trish. That's why we all live away from Wigan. What is Fred saving it from anyway - I can't see Hitler and his bombers on the horizon. Last time I was there, the town centre was dirty and its always been ugly.
I say that if you knock it down and rebuild it with a bit of tastefulness, you would save it from itself.
It wouldn't be such a joke then.

Comment by: Jan E. on 6th October 2010 at 10:55

Yes I take your points. Jolly old Fred living in the wilds of Cumbria whilst pontificating, pompously about Wigan. It seems to me that Wigan council had its chance in the recent past. They should have laid waste the town centre accept for the Parish Church and then rebuilt it with some greenery and taste.
Instead they have built a road system that confuses everybody even people born and bred in Wigan.
They have a built a new shopping mal when the relatively, old one can't even fill its vacant premises. It seems that someone, somewhere probably made a lot of "wedge" out of that wee scam.
If you want Wigan to be taken seriously, you have firstly to accept that it is a dirty, ugly, old town. The people may be nice and some of the surrounding areas may be nice. Wigan may have a good rugby team but unless you are prepared to accept the truth, you will never move on.

P.S. Fred you seem to have a split personality. One of you can’t be wrong!

Comment by: J.K. on 6th October 2010 at 13:44

"Bill" .. its not so much what Fred is saving Wigan "from" as to what he is saving it "for"...
I think the poor auld soak is going a bit senile in his old age.
No wonder he has only 35 members if they are all silly b_ggers like Fred .. living at the other side of nowhere and getting dewy eyed about Wigan.
I don't think anybody visits Wigan for its classic, quaint, imaginative or otherwise interesting architecture.
I wouldn't be surprised if Fred's members include his dog, cat and several of the local bah-bahs.

Comment by: Jimmy c on 6th October 2010 at 14:55

So Fred, 35 members eh? tell me what part of Wigan have you saved with this years £350?
and Jan it seems a lot of people have split personalities with Fred's mates.My last post on here was in Aug last year, it seems I also have a namesake.

Comment by: Val on 6th October 2010 at 16:07

Crafty lad our Fred ,, invites all the women to satisfy his wicked ways ,, then when none volunteer ,, he says "It wasn't me ,, honest ,, I didn't leave my email address".
Dirty owd lad.

Comment by: Pilky on 7th October 2010 at 10:11

Val love ... I have got to take you to task ... Fred is most certainly not the `dirty owd mon` you imply ...
He just helps em out when they're busy!

Comment by: Jan on 7th October 2010 at 10:31

Good point Jimmy. Come clean Fred ___ what has hapened to this £350.

And how can you be relied upon to march in protest through the streets of Wigan when you can't even organise a reunion.

Admit it Fred ,, you couldn't organise a bunk up in a knocking shop. I'll bet you spent the money on a nice meal whilst pretending to discuss a plan of action.

Comment by: Ronnie on 7th October 2010 at 12:20

Neh Fred .. behave thi sel . have thee an thi mates nowt better do. if tha wants do something useful - save th'owd folk in wigan ... make sure nursing homes look after folk the they should.
if tha doesnt fancy doing something christian then get a new theatre built for wigan cos there is nowt.

Comment by: Gwen on 8th October 2010 at 12:17

We haven't heard from Fred for a while. He's usually so garrulous. Hope the old boy is not poorly.

Comment by: Annastasia on 8th October 2010 at 18:31

Hello classmates

Please do not feed the 'Trolls'

They are active again on here. Ignore them and they usually go away.

Comment by: Nigel Davies on 11th October 2010 at 11:35

Hi Fred. You won't remember me but aren't you the Fred Mason who went to Wigan Grammar and was a good friend of Fred Bamber.
Well, as an accountant and concerned citizen, may I offer you some friendly advice.
This "project" of yours "Saving Wigan". May I expand on the point raised by James Caddick.
Have you registered this scheme yet - as a charity maybe? Do you know that legally you must account for this £350 fund. You must be accountable to your members e.g. how much has been spent and what on? How much of the fund remains and where is it deposited? What are the rules for authorising expenditure and is this done with the consensus of the members?
You must address these issues Fred or you may find Plod knocking on your door in the near future.

Comment by: Tricia on 11th October 2010 at 15:22

Hi Jimmy C
I last posted on here in April 2009..... Wish the trolls would go and motheat someone else.... We know who you are
Hop it!!!!!!!!!

Comment by: Jimmy C on 11th October 2010 at 16:14

Hey Tricia don't shout at me.
I think Fred's mates are confusing you, prior to my post on the 6th Oct this year, my last post on St Johns was a reply to Billy Oakes on the 6th Aug last year.
The posting by Jimmy C regarding graffiti was not made by me

Comment by: Jimmy C on 11th October 2010 at 16:21

Tricia sorry I missread your last comment, I thought you was having a go at me.
it's Freds Grammar School mates using other people names and confusing us.

Comment by: Tricia on 11th October 2010 at 17:47

Hi Jimmy C Yes we know who they are and they are spoiling our brill St J site. Let them go and aggravate someone else.
We just ignore them.

I would not dream of shouting at you Jimmy !! lol

Comment by: Nigel Davies (aka Big Nose From Winnectkta) on 11th October 2010 at 20:25

Hi Jimmy C and Tricia. Sorry but not using anybody's name but mine. X-Grammar, yes, but not really a mate of Freds. Only knew him by sight. Was genuinely trying to advise him, in case he over stepped the law. Road to hell and all that...Anyway good luck to you all. Hope you dont get yourselves in trouble.

Comment by: Tricia on 11th October 2010 at 21:10

Hello Nigel

Jimmy and I were refering to someone else on here who has multiple I.D's. Sorry if we gave you the impression that we meant you.

Comment by: Fred on 12th October 2010 at 16:44

Hello. Yes, I do remember you. You were the clever one so no wonder you got to be an accountant. Thank you for your concern, it's very good of you to make all those points, but never fear, the Save Wigan Campaign is in good and professional hands and we all hope to make quite an impact of our lovely town.

By the way, so sorry to hear about your boyfriends disease.

Comment by: tricia on 12th October 2010 at 17:20

Yes , we were very sorry to hear about that. Hope its nothing trivial.

Comment by: Dot Gaskell on 12th October 2010 at 17:54

Hey you lot
I've never commented before on here cos I still live in Wigan and have always done so but there are some unnecessary nasty comments being made on here and if you all love Wigan as much as you say you do, I ask myself...... WHY DID YOU LEAVE ?????????

Comment by: Tricia on 12th October 2010 at 19:29

Hi Dot
Lovely to see you posting on here.. or should I say sticking your head above the parapet ! lol Things are not always as they seem on here, unfortunately... (I have already been told that the name Tricia isn't patented!)
The genuine Tricia...

Comment by: Jimmy C on 12th October 2010 at 20:39

Gerrum towd Dot.

Comment by: dotty on 13th October 2010 at 14:32

Thanks Jimmy C.....I will !!!! I reckon it's all getting a bit juvenile on here and spoiling some good memories !! Would you happen to be James Caddick who lived in Helvellyn Road by any chance ??
Thanks Trish for your support.....much appreciated !!!

Comment by: Dotty on 13th October 2010 at 14:53

Going back to a comment in February by John Holden asking if anybody remembers him or his brothers......Yes, John I remember you but remember your brother Billy better. Probably similar ages. Didn't you live on The Green and I lived in Thirlmere Road

Comment by: dotty on 13th October 2010 at 17:20

Going back to my last comment, I should have said John Wogan not Holden.......put it down to a Senior Moment......they seem to happen more and more these days !!!!!

Comment by: Jimmy C on 13th October 2010 at 17:26

Yes Dot, that's me.
I think you meant John Wogan on your last post Dot. I remember the Wogans from The Green, the last time I saw Billie he was working at a dairy down the Miry Lane area

Comment by: Neville Swift on 13th October 2010 at 18:08

Dot, apologies if I misunderstand you but telling the truth about Wigan town centre is not making nasty remarks. As a civil engineer I recall proposals being put to the authorities that would truly have given Wigan a beautiful profile. They rejected the opportunity and rebuilt Wigan piece meal and today we have a complete mess.
You asked with good reason, why did your friends leave town? They have simply avoided the question. I for one would not pay a penny to Freds cause for 3 reasons. 1. Fred and friends don't live in Wigan therefore I suspect frivolous intent. 2. There is little in Wigan worth preserving and that comes from a man who lives in Wigan and is my considered opinion. 3. Wigan authorities will do what is in there own personal interest and they are not the calibre of people capable of building an attractive environment,
If you look at Wigan through rose tinted glasses, you do the town no favours. Universally Wigan is a joke. That is simply the truth and if you do not accept the truth in any walk of life, you are unlikely to move forward constructively.
Fred and friends have left town because they prefer to live elsewhere and are being disingenuous in intent.

Comment by: dotty on 13th October 2010 at 19:15

OK Neville. You're entitled to your opinions and to a certain extent I agree with some of it but I'm not getting into any discussions about what the Council has allowed and what they've not but you're still here, matey.....just like me !!! So there must be something keeping you here !!!!

Comment by: dotty on 13th October 2010 at 19:20

James !!!! or should I say Jimmy ?? How lovely to hear from you. Do you remember coming round to our house for your tea sometimes after school. We used to sit there and look at one another not knowing what to say but my Mum used to insist on inviting you and you were very welcome. Don't know if you'll remember

Comment by: dotty on 13th October 2010 at 19:33

One more thing, Neville Swift. I don't remember you from St.John's so don't know how old you are but I was commenting really on the personal insulting remarks being made about certain people which isn't what the site is for rather than comments on the town and as for seeing things through rose-tinted glasses, you are very sadly mistaken.....I see nothing through rose-tinted glasses including you.
As I said previously these are the first comments I have made on this site and I think they will be my last when we get pompous people like you on here. It's all supposed to be light and cheerful and memories not getting stupid lectures on the state of a town that you still live in. Perhaps you would have been better being one of the ones who moved out !!! Bear in mind that it was Fred Mason who first posted the photo and but for him there would have been no comments to make !!!

Comment by: P.C. Dongle on 15th October 2010 at 10:53

Hello! hello! hello! Wots all this then! Dotty Tricia? A more likely pair of rottweilers I never did see! A villainous feller soliciting gullible pensioners to part with their hard earned cash!
Not on my patch - yoo horrible lot.
Up with cyber bullying and con men I will not put!
I've got my beady eye on you lot!

Comment by: Ex work collegue on 15th October 2010 at 14:09

John Craimer is a bitter twisted old man who thrives on making peoples lives a misery, if i never see this man again it won't be a day too soon. His reputation with women is at best questionable.

Comment by: dotty on 15th October 2010 at 14:11

Well PC Dongle......you can take your beady eye off this rottweiller, mate cos I won't be back amongst you horrible lot. Can't speak for Trish. First and last time for me !!!! Perhaps one day the site will go back to what it's intended for......catching up with old friends and the good memories of St.J's of which there are many !!!!!!!

Comment by: Tricia on 16th October 2010 at 15:53

Hi Dot

Agreed. I have something better to do with my time than read P.C. Drongo's inane wittering. Must be in his dotage.
As for all you other useless mean ,spirited losers !Fueran!
If you can't say something nice.s*d off.

Comment by: Fred on 16th October 2010 at 18:14

That's my Rottweillers....I'm proud of them....don't mess with them, they are precious....and lovely....

Comment by: Jimmy C on 16th October 2010 at 20:32

Dot, don't let "PC Dongle" put you off.
just ignore the morons and keep posting.
ps you shouldn't have told Fred Ive been for my tea, he'll be jealous now.

Comment by: dotty on 16th October 2010 at 22:03

I'm back after all but only to speak to Jimmy !!!!! Do you really remember coming for your tea ?? I AM just ignoring the morons and Trish has said what I was going to say but it's great to hear from you. Are you still in Wigan, Jimmy or have you moved out too ??? I'm still here.....retired now....can't believe it's so long ago that we were all friends. I'm in regular touch with Fred.....we speak regularly and I don't think he'll mind you coming for your tea !!! Keep in touch

Comment by: Jimmy C on 17th October 2010 at 16:35

Yes Dot I'm still in Wigan

Comment by: dotty on 17th October 2010 at 21:18

Good to hear that Jimmy. Are you on Facebook by any chance or you can e-mail at the address given if you want. Be nice to hear all your news and about Mary and Irene.

Comment by: Fred on 29th October 2010 at 11:35

Thats it then Friday 3rd December No. 15s pub in Pemberton. Plenty of parking at the back. 7.30 prompt. First round is on me. By the way I need one of you good ladies to put me up for the night.

Comment by: tricia on 29th October 2010 at 17:09

Is there an echo on here guys ????

Comment by: John C. on 29th October 2010 at 22:11

Great Fred. At last you've got your finger out. If you get there before me, mine's a white russian. See you December. And they said you were all talk. That's ma boy!

Comment by: tricia on 30th October 2010 at 13:01

funny, there it goes again....still it is Halloween...suppose the troll will be active again round now.

He does not need make up either.

Comment by: tricia on 31st October 2010 at 12:46

So, there you have got it , classmates. The troll with numerous pseudonyms is offering you free drinks at the above named pub. Wonder if all his aliases will buy you one too ???? We all know it is you, trog not Fred. So go and hold YOUR reunion...in a phone box....

Comment by: dotty on 31st October 2010 at 21:17

The other rottweiller agrees !!!!!! Leave him alone for God's sake........have you nothing better to do whoever/whatever you are !!!!!!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 1st November 2010 at 17:44

Thank you, girls, you are the best.Love you both.

Jimmy lad, I am very jealous you had tea with my classmate..

How dare you...she is mine....

Nah, Just kiddin' mate. We were all a good bunch of kids back then and life was good in the fifties, wasn't it....gee, it's good now, as well.

Regardless of the Troglodyte(s) above who post silly messages, I do look forward to meeting any of us again.

Be happy, y'all,..

Comment by: Pilky. on 13th November 2010 at 18:27

Cor blimey Fred lad you've got those auld birds of yours gassed up and ready to go. What do you feed em on ... raw meat.
Must dash ... you dont get much for your sheckels in these Cyprus web cafes.
See you 3rd Dec. happy xmas.

Comment by: Travis on 26th November 2010 at 13:25

good idea fred,,see you 3rd dec, bring plenty brass. I'm a big booza. catcha.

Comment by: Tricia on 28th December 2010 at 15:19

Merry Christmas to you all, wherever you are today... y Prospero Ano Nuevo....and a Prosperous New Year

Comment by: Fred Mason on 10th February 2011 at 23:43

and a happy new year to all St John's students from the 1950's.

Weren't we a happy bunch. So genuine and true. What have we lost over the years..??

Comment by: dotty on 13th February 2011 at 15:18

Fred......It was a lovely school and I have only happy memories of it. Those were the days.....happy ones !!!!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 14th February 2011 at 18:01

Dotty, Yes, lovely memories and those are what are important.

In the days of innocence, we were under ten years of age and it was just after the war, and life was not complicated back then. Our parents were the best and our classmates were wonderful and full of fun. Beats all the iPods and iPads and xboxes that you get today. Real people.!!

Any comments????

Comment by: Fred Mason on 25th April 2011 at 21:12

Here's hoping all you lovely 'old' classmates had a wonderful Easter time.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 19th May 2011 at 22:13

Well classmates,

How about if you tell us what happened in your life, when you left St John's...

I got married young and emigrated to Canada in 1965...

and you?...

Comment by: alan barlow on 19th August 2011 at 15:40

i think that i am on third row, third from left, blonde hair lad. it was along time ago as ian now nearly 66

Comment by: Fred Mason on 21st August 2011 at 21:41

Nice one, Alan.

I remember you well. You lived near Jimmy Wink on Lamberhead Road.????

So, where are you now? I am up in Cumbria but still in touch with old school friends.

Comment by: alan barlow on 22nd August 2011 at 14:17

hi fred mason,i have not moved far ,after lamberhead rd ,i lived in ribble drive, then i moved into kitt green in a new bungalow,i served my time as a cabinet maker, i am now retired ..

Comment by: Jean Webster nee Ormesher on 16th September 2011 at 19:54

I was in this clas from later in the year but have a class pic from the school if any one is interested .Went to St John's when started school in 1947 with sisters and brother then we moved to Pemberton Primary when it opened.Does anyone remember the Ormeshers and are there any other pics around .Would love to see them

Comment by: Fred Mason on 17th September 2011 at 10:12


I would be interested in seeing the photo. Can you post it on here or send it to my e-mail address above.

I remember Ormeshers, but cannot put a face to anyone. I seem to remember Bill...??

Comment by: Jimmy C on 17th September 2011 at 14:38

I remember Ormesher's shop at the bottom of City road.

Comment by: tricia on 23rd September 2011 at 15:56

Hello Jimmy C
Mrs Ormesher died recently , aged 94. They sold brilliant pies there .

Comment by: Billyo on 23rd September 2011 at 20:27

Hi Jean, is your brother Brian from Leyland

Comment by: Jimmy C on 24th September 2011 at 17:08

Hello Tricia, I thought Ormeshers used to sell Sellars pies at one time.

Comment by: tricia on 25th September 2011 at 22:58

Hiya Jimmy C
I did not know that, or maybe my ancient brain had forgotten! I am related to the Sellars.
Hope all is well with you.Must get back for a Galloways pie lol

Comment by: YOGIRL on 9th October 2011 at 18:45

Freddy love,
How long do we have to wait for the reunion, can`t wait to see you.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 9th October 2011 at 23:29

But,Yo girl,

Who are you??????????

Comment by: YOGIRL on 10th October 2011 at 15:59

Freddy darling,

That`s the big surprise.

Comment by: tricia on 18th October 2011 at 18:49

Hello Troll
Long time no see. Time on your hands again.
You should get out more.

Comment by: YOGIRL on 19th October 2011 at 20:45

Not jealous are you?

Comment by: Fred Mason on 20th October 2011 at 22:06

Trish, my lovely,

Don't bite..!!

Comment by: tricia on 21st October 2011 at 21:29

Well it is Halloween nearly... your time of year....By the way I deleted your email.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 9th February 2012 at 21:18

Right, kiddies,

Let's get back to normal....away from the trolls on this site...

Did everyone have a good Christmas and and New Year...

nodding your head means..yes..

shaking your head means...no

of course we can't see that so please write summat...

best wishes to all....even the Troll...

Comment by: britboy on 8th May 2012 at 18:25

not checked in here in a long time, good to see its still being added to, probably the most contributed to of all the ST.John photos and probably ranks high in all school photos for contribution.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 16th June 2012 at 18:38

Yo, britboy,

So nice to have you over here for trip. I found your comments very interesting regarding how you found the 'oud place'.

What I think would also be very interesting is this:
If anyone on the photo would kindly say where they have lived and what occupation they had from then to now would be fascinating.

I will start.

I lived in Canada for 25 years and worked as computer engineer, but also had a butchers shop (Fleetwood) and had a photography business for a while, in between.

Your turn......!!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 23rd December 2012 at 17:29

Yo, my old classmates...

Here's wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year...

Comment by: jimmy on 16th September 2013 at 12:14

Hi Freddy,
When is this reunion taking place, it seems to be a lot of hot air to me.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 18th September 2013 at 20:32

The reunion cannot take place until there are people to support it.

Also there is a complete idiot on here who uses other names to post messages and he is totally corrupting the threads. We don't know who is genuine and who is the TROLL, as he has been named.

So, come forward all you true and good St John's school kids from the fifties....

Comment by: cherries on 21st September 2013 at 11:58

Haven't been on here for ages but you never mind, Fred. Just ignore the person who keeps messing up the page. Not worth bothering about. By the way I'm on the pic....you know who I am !!!!

Comment by: poodle on 10th December 2013 at 20:43

Fred, When`s the reunion.

Comment by: tricia on 14th December 2013 at 17:10

We had the reunion in October. A good time was had by all...well the ones that were invited.It was great to meet up after all this time.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 15th December 2013 at 19:00

Yers, trish, it was great time and so nice to see all those faces from way back then.

Merry Christmas to all St John's pupils from the our time.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 24th December 2013 at 18:50

A point to ponder:

Why is it that at class reunions .. . .
you feel younger than everyone else looks?


Comment by: Fred Mason on 5th February 2014 at 21:52

Just heard that Charlie Mackin, my good neighbour and mate, just two doors down, has passed away in January this year.

Guess it's the time in our life that we hear about these things

GOD Bless, Charlie....R.I.P.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 12th December 2014 at 21:17

Well, my dear St John's classmates, another years has gone by and I hope you are all well.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas for 2014 and a happy new year in 2015. May it also be a prosperous one.

GOD Bless.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 26th January 2015 at 21:02

Where has everybody gone?

I hope you are all still with us.!!!!

Comment by: poodle on 22nd February 2015 at 19:32

Hi Fred,
Have you heard from Jim Bailey yet.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 25th February 2015 at 11:09

Not yet, poodle, but I hope to one day. It is always nice to hear from old friends.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 22nd December 2015 at 20:24

As another year passes us by, I would like to wish all my old classmates a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year for 2016.

Comment by: Poodle on 24th December 2015 at 11:36

Ditto Fred.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 28th January 2016 at 21:35

Well, my fellow classmates...

Only Poodle is responding...Thanks, Poodle...whoever you are.

Are we all so old that communication is lost???

I hope not.

Maybe all our old classmates have passed on????

I hope not.

Give us a shout. We are waiting for you.

Comment by: britboy on 26th February 2016 at 14:04

Hi Fred...I've not checked in for a long time, good to see you are still keeping an eye on this historic place. Still alive and kicking over the pond here, 70years young last month, ignoring minor aches and graying hair but us guys get away with looking "distinguished" lol.
Retired 4years ago but engineers never retire, I was thinking of changing my phone number to reduce work calls lol.
Moving into other interests, my wife has had a jewelry business for a number of years, it has continued to grow, so I have spent more of my time helping on that front. Some of the work is done through winter when the snow is 4 foot deep outside, summer time is very busy, we are vendors at a lot of art shows.
The garage has been taken over with a substantial workshop, she has more tools than I have, getting jealous!
There's an ambition to fly over the pond in 2017, probably in May before we get to busy. I usually average once every 5yrs and seeing the big difference in my grandchildren growing up every 5yrs is quite a thing!
Anyway, hoping you are keeping well, I can well imagine we have lost some of our school mates but life moves on.
Best wishes to all....britboy

Comment by: Fred Mason on 1st June 2016 at 18:39

It's the first day of June 2016 and I have just been perusing the comments above.

What a great selection of comments from all.

It would be a shame to stop commenting folks.

Any ideas for keeping in touch more.?

Comment by: poodle on 15th June 2016 at 17:20

Hi Fred and every one,
Does anyone remember going on a school trip to the Lakes, we called at Bowness for lunch at the Chestnut café if I remember correctly, before that we went to Arnside I think it was and went up a hill with a viewing station on top.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 20th June 2016 at 17:15

Hi Poodle,

I do remember a school trip to Speke in the early fifties but not one to the lakes. What year was this?

Comment by: Jimmy on 26th June 2016 at 19:33

Ihave vague memories of going on a school trip to the Lake District, I think it was with St Johns.

Comment by: britboy on 13th September 2016 at 13:51

I remember going to Hammerbank house Windermere for a week with the school that's when I was at Lamberhead Green school 1961, my first real introduction to Lakedistrict hiking and a lifelong love of the area ever since.
I do remember going on a trip to Speke Hall when I was at St. John's and another trip which included a ride on the old Widnes/Runcorn transporter bridge, I think that may have been a trip to the top of Helsby Hill, I do remember the old helter skelter on top.

Comment by: britboy on 17th September 2016 at 14:22

Seems like the helter skelter was on Overton hill overlooking Frodsham after a little research.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 22nd September 2016 at 18:35

Hi Poodle, et al,

I am going to Arnside one day next week. If you read this in time can you give details of the hill, etc.?

Comment by: Poodle on 27th September 2016 at 20:22

Hi Fred,
Don`t know if you will get this in time but as far as I can remember it was Arnside Knott.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 30th September 2016 at 18:17

Thanks, Poodle.

I haven't been yet but may just go next week now.

Contact me on my personal e-mail address above, IF you want to reveal yourself...I will obviously keep it confidential as I do for a couple of others on here.....

Thanks again for the info.

Comment by: Jimmy on 6th November 2016 at 13:02


How about a Christmas reunion then before it`s too late for us all.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 8th November 2016 at 20:03

Sounds like a good idea, Jimmy.

If anyone is interested please-mail me. My address is to the left of the date above.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 9th November 2016 at 16:49

Sorry, to the RIGHT of the date above...

Comment by: Fred Mason on 23rd December 2016 at 18:20

Well, my lovely school mates, another year has passed and we are still here.

Wishing one and all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Comment by: britboy on 13th January 2017 at 17:18

The best of the new year to you Fred and all at St Johns , keep going wit yed darn :-)

Comment by: tricia on 20th March 2017 at 10:31

Just thought I would weigh in with a greeting !
Too late for Christmas wishes so maybe I can be early in wishing you all a Happy Easter.
Hope you are all happy and staying well. xx

Comment by: Bewly on 17th April 2017 at 13:29

Happy Easter to all, but what has happened to the thread why have we not heard from Jimmy Winstanley, John Kramer etc. Martin Starkey must have a tale or two tell as will many others, so come on before it is too late

Comment by: Fred Mason on 29th April 2017 at 19:34

I have set up a Poll on my personal web site to see how many of us want a reunion, possibly next year. It is anonymous but you may also leave your name and e-mail for contact later on. All names are protected.


Comment by: Fred Mason on 10th July 2017 at 18:37

Sadly, I heard that one of our bunch has passed away recently. He was 'Dodger' under another name on here.

If true, then Bless, and R.I.P. old mate.

If anyone knows more then please post as soon as possible.


Comment by: Fred Mason on 7th December 2017 at 18:00

May I be the first to offer happiness and prosperity to my 'old' classmates from St John's in the 1950's, this beautiful Christmas 2017.... and a Happy New Year for 2018.

Bless us all.

Comment by: Bewly on 15th December 2017 at 17:38

Same to you Fred, you seem to be the only one communicating.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 18th December 2017 at 18:48

Thanks Bewly,

and all the best.

I do hope that I am not the only one left..????

Comment by: Dawn unsworth on 8th April 2018 at 23:31

Fred mason the Charlie mackin who has passed away is my birth father has anyone got any pics of him please

Comment by: Fred Mason on 10th April 2018 at 18:31


I am so sorry to hear about your father, Charlie. We all grew up together in the 1950's. I believe that your father was the oldest of the Mackins. Tony was especially a favourite of mine and I nicknamed him 'Curly' when we were kids. Pat and Margaret were also very special to me. We all got along well in the neighbourhood and had lots of good fun. I wonder what happened to all the Mackin family?

Sorry I do not have any photos at all. I wish I had. If you get any I would appreciate a copy of them. My e-mail address is above.

Best wishes.

Comment by: Dawn on 10th April 2018 at 21:37

Sadley pat passed away same year as Charlie she lived in Leigh I don’t no anything else about her has only meet her in 2013 and Margaret died the year after if I’m not mistaken Jimmy lives in pembertin I don’t no where Robert is iv never met him as none of he’s family new I was born he got 6 kids I was the only one that was adopted and my siblings cane to look for me at 15

Comment by: Fred Mason on 11th April 2018 at 16:56


So sorry to hear this news.

Please give my regards to Jimmy if you see him.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 8th September 2018 at 20:43

Are there any of us Helvellyn kids still around???

Keep in touch.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 18th December 2018 at 16:22

Hope there are still some around and to them, I would wish a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Comment by: W.O. on 22nd December 2018 at 15:02

Same to you and everyone else Fred.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 30th December 2018 at 20:28

To all my St John's classmates that are left....

A very happy New Year for 2019.....

Comment by: WO on 19th January 2019 at 17:30

It doesn't look like there is anyone left Fred.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 22nd January 2019 at 20:28

So true, W.O.


Comment by: Fred Mason on 16th April 2019 at 19:29

Just a thought.

Has anyone, recently been back to St John's for a visit?

...and, if so, what did you find/think?

Comment by: britboy on 17th April 2019 at 15:57

There’s an old Kittgreener still about...definitely alive and kicking!

Comment by: Fred Mason on 18th September 2019 at 21:09

Sadly, just heard that Pat Gaskell has passed away in Sunny Spain.

Bless her. R.I.P. Trish. x

Comment by: WO on 2nd January 2024 at 15:18

Happy New Year everyone.

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