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St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge


St Nathaniels, 1906.
St Nathaniels, 1906.
Photo: Ron Hunt
Views: 6,407
Item #: 404
St Nathaniels, Platt Bridge. Scanned from an old postcard. Postally used 1906.

Comment by: Wesley on 5th January 2009 at 18:14

Platt bridge has changed so much, but great to see that the church continues to be an important landmark in the community. Lovely inside also, and lovely people too

Comment by: Debbie Gaynor nee Walls on 2nd August 2010 at 21:35

Does anyone remember my father (age 75 years old) his name was Ken Walls and his sisters were called Marian and Margaret and his brother was called Christopher

Comment by: Mary Sayers on 17th October 2010 at 18:18

I think I remember Marian Walls. There was a Walls family living in Green Street, Platt Bridge, on the corner of which was the hardware shop in which I lived as a child. Didn't Marian visit her mother on Green Street? Do you know your family's history? I have a Walls great grandfather and wonder if there is a link between him and your family. Feel free to get in touch if interested.

Comment by: Tommy Walsh on 26th April 2011 at 23:31

I know Ken Walls,he was from Victoria rd, Platt Bridge as I was, his grandad kept the Commercial pub which was always known as Owd Kesses after his surname,Chistopher it still gets called that by old Platt Bridgers. I have a photo of him fishing in Horrock,s flash if you get in touch Ill send it, he was about 18yrs old.

Comment by: Debbie Walls on 27th November 2011 at 20:44

Thank you Tommy that would be brilliant, I will be talking to my Dad tomorrow so will mention you.

Comment by: K. Holding on 20th September 2015 at 04:46

I am looking for a photo of the memorial inside the church for George Patterson, who lived across the road from the church, Can any one help. Thank you

Comment by: DEBBIEG on 16th November 2021 at 12:44

This is a message for Tommy Walsh, just seen your message again and have spoken to dad who was thrilled to know that you had commented. I would love to see a picture of my Dad who remembers you well. If you pm me I can give you my email.

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