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Thomas Linacre School


Thomas Linacre School
Thomas Linacre School
Photo: Les Miller
Views: 6,878
Item #: 3844
Form 3c in 1956 - I am middle row, 2nd left, next to my friend Dennis Parr, who passed away last year.

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 7th August 2007 at 23:39

Would that be Valentine standing behind Tim Pey.

Comment by: FRANK HEALY on 8th August 2007 at 11:19

Is that John Wagstaff on the front row, second from the right?

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 8th August 2007 at 12:18

Forgot to say how good it is to see these pictures of that marvellous school that made such an impact on our lives in the 1950's.

Comment by: RON on 8th August 2007 at 17:17

Altogether now.... "Linacre whose name we proudly bear, Whose coat of arms we wear..........."

Comment by: RON on 8th August 2007 at 17:19

Brian re. my last comment as I pressed enter I noticed, to late, I had missed an R out of Linacre.

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 8th August 2007 at 23:51

When workshop and laboratory engage our lives at last,
In craft and trade may all our works express a harmony
of grace and usefullness
In sciences service we will strive
His heritage to keep alive.....who could forget it.

Comment by: RON on 9th August 2007 at 15:54

Words and Music by Clarence ( Irving Berlin) Thorpe...The old ALMA MATER song. Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it!

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 9th August 2007 at 21:19

I only had Clarence teaching at junior school and I never really took to him But I must admit he played a blinder with the Linacre school song."Our dury to the future is a debt owed to the past" Politicians would pay a fortune for someone to compose words like those.

Comment by: Anthony Brown on 14th November 2007 at 01:21

Were not the words of the school song as follows:
Linacre whose name we proudly bear
Whose coat of arms we wear
Beckons us
To follow in his steps
His life fulfilled
Shall light the way
We try to tread
From day to day
Our duty to the future..
Is a debt owed to the past

Comment by: RON on 15th February 2008 at 17:29

I think Dave's verse was the second verse. I have it written down somewhere . When I find it I'll post it on the site.

Comment by: Broady@telus.net on 16th February 2008 at 00:42

On the back row third from the left is Keith Meadows whose daughter Jenny is currently on of the UK's top athletes.

Comment by: Steve Heafield on 11th October 2008 at 21:08

Hi Les, I was one year ahead of you and as you mentioned Dennis Parr, just to let you know that Dennis & I were the best of pals right through school. We both travelled each day by train from Prescot, and remained friends for many years after that. One more point is that Geoff Cooke sat 4th. from the left front row?.

Comment by: john wagstaff on 11th January 2009 at 19:00

strugling to remember names know the faces, tommy tomlinson on back row buster front row 4 from right, will sit down and try to come up with more

Comment by: john wagstaff on 11th January 2009 at 19:10

back again memory coming back top right greenwood top right 3 in gallagher front row 3 from left billy holland front riht my self waggy sat at the end kieth hodge

Comment by: zeke on 9th February 2009 at 13:03

oh what differing reflections we have of Linacre!I personally detested the place & most of the staff!

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 15th February 2009 at 14:56

Zeke? Not Zeke Davies is it? I,m a bit like you in some respects Zeke I cant say that I enjoyed it. the staff I liked were Parry [PE],'Tricky Hilton [Art],Donald Austin [English] a right Jack the lad!Late for lessons regularly,having been doing a bit of 'courting'with a secretary on the John McCurdy building site! Couldn't stand the sight of Robinson,Gelling and Blamire Clark.

Comment by: Kenneth ( Kenny Hodge) on 1st March 2010 at 12:01

I appear at the end of the front row.My best mate at school was Billy Holland who also appears on the photo.It is great for me to visit this site as I lost both legs last year.

Comment by: Peter Bradley on 26th March 2011 at 23:42

If my memory serves...
Back L-R: ?, Barrow, Meadows, Cundall, ?, Tomlinson, Gallagher, ?, Greenwood.
Middle L-R; Parr, Miller, ?, ?, Collins, Mayers, ?, Jones.
Front L-R: ?, Bradley (me), Holland, Cooke, Mr Ingamells, Hurst, ?, Wagstaff, Hodge.
I'd forgotten we even had a school song! I can remember "Progrediamur" (spelling may be rubbish) which meant "May we advance"

Comment by: John Barrow on 21st October 2011 at 14:48

Good to see all the old faces , but as you all know I was hardly ever there . Left Wigan in 72 to travel .I remember Les's dad had a butchers shop in Spring View and made reat pork pies.

Comment by: Arthur Powell on 30th July 2012 at 08:23

Zeke, Roy,
I'm different to you two as I did enjoy my time at Linacre although as you say some of the teachers were hard to get along with. I can't think of anyone who liked E.R Gelling (Room 1) he was a one-off, an out and out prat who didn't have a good word for anyone. Was "Tricky" Hilton's subject Art?
Zeke. You knew KT Monks. Have you any idea where he is now or what happened to him please? He was my best mate at school. I've recently posted a form photo on this website, which currently is the last one to view, and KT is on the back row 3rd right.

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 20th September 2012 at 20:22

Yes Arthur, Tricky Hilton taught art he was my first form master in 1952. My very first lesson was German with our friend Gelling in the 'detention' room, couldn,t stand the man from that day on.

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 29th December 2012 at 16:44

First form master in 1953 that should have read, i,m making myself older than i already am.

Comment by: Lewis Birchall on 8th October 2016 at 20:18

I think the teacher is Mr. Dolphin who taught German.

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