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Wigan Album

Scot Lane Primary


scot lane 1967
scot lane 1967
Photo: wigan1957
Views: 9,048
Item #: 3756
excellent class photo...where are u all now?

Comment by: wigan1957 on 19th July 2007 at 18:27

i am middle row,third from right....happy days.

Comment by: Danni on 26th November 2007 at 23:04

and you aint changed a bit ! xxx

Comment by: julie b on 3rd February 2008 at 03:57

I was at Scot Lane primary and junior school from 1964/70. i remember the teachers in the photo. On the left was the headmaste rMr Gregory, on the right was Miss Roscoe.
The teacher that played the piano ( remember the collage with all the the fish and shells that was attached to a cloth stuck at the back of the piano)..... her name was Mrs Mcgrath( or Mcgraw)
My best teacher there was Miss Conroy ( married became Mrs Sillitoe).
When Mr Gregory picked his chosen few for the 11 plus class, i wasn't one of them, and got upset, because all my friends were picked for his class.
Miss Conroy gave me extra homework, and when we got our results i was the only one outside of Mr Gregorys class to pass .I was thrilled when Miss Conrot told me . I can even tel you what she was wearing that day. I went on the Girls High School (which became known as Whitley High.)
I have not, and will not ever forget her. thank you Miss Conroy

Comment by: Nigel Roberts on 16th June 2008 at 17:21

What year and form is this? I recognise the teachers, but not any of the kids ...

Comment by: wigan1957 on 10th August 2008 at 11:16

hya julie b..was you in the photo?..

and nigel..it is 1967 as stated but cant remember any class forms.

Comment by: wigan1957 on 10th August 2008 at 12:50

this picture along with many others are on www.friendsreunited.co.uk
there is also a list of names

Comment by: Les Holland on 19th May 2009 at 20:31

Nigel, we were in the year directly below the one in the picture. regards Les.

Comment by: Nigel Roberts on 7th September 2009 at 01:11

I well remember you, Les. Seems like only yesterday.

I wonder what happened to everyone else in our class ..

Comment by: impy on 17th April 2013 at 21:49

micky priest and ronnie dootson on middle row

Comment by: John Sinclair on 1st July 2013 at 22:11

Front row fourth from left Julie Sinclair RIP
My sister

Comment by: christine speakman (duggan) on 20th April 2014 at 12:21

Loved Scot Lane. Can remember most of the people on this photo - just a few faces I can't put names to. RIP Julie Sinclair and Steven Rimmer

Comment by: Nick Parker on 5th August 2016 at 17:34

Yes, I attended Scott Lane in the mid to late 1960's - started in Ms. Hindley's class as 5 year old. I particularly remember Mrs. Butler but I can't remember the name of the Head that replaced her. I don't recognise most of the kids an teachers in the photo, though.

Comment by: Nick Parker on 5th August 2016 at 17:49

Yes, I attended Scott Lane in the mid to late 1960's - started in Ms. Hindley's class as 5 year old. I particularly remember Mrs. Butler but I can't remember the name of the Head that replaced her. I don't recognise most of the kids an teachers in the photo, though.

Comment by: Diane Wood on 28th November 2017 at 21:40

I am in the front row Diane Bolton. I remember all of you in that picture. God bless us xx

Comment by: Dave Hughes on 8th October 2021 at 10:01

Hi Dave, Remember our Rumble in the Jungle (Hamilton Sq)? To decide who was 8th or 9th cock. Presume Ronnie was THE cock with Mickey a close second, just because a good big un usually beats a good little un.

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