Wigan Album
Wigan Mining & Technical College
Item #: 35552
Wigan And District Mining And Technical College. The College became well know for it's coal mining courses, even gets mentioned in the Mines And Quarries Act.
I still believe that we should have kept the excellent network of technical colleges that we once had.
I don't think it is tuddy. I do know it gets a mention in the Mine Managers and Officials Regulations, among a list of many mining colleges and universities in Britain where accepted mining qualifications could be obtained.
My Grandfather Bryson would have been interested to see this drawing. He moved to Wigan from Scotland in the late 1920/1930s to take up the position of the Head of the Mining. I have several of the books he wrote on the subject.
An imposing design for the building.
Just shown this image to the man across the breakfast table...his comment was...Thats when they put an effort into desiging a building with a bit of pride....
Owd Deputy, You could be right, it's probably the reg's not the act where it's mentioned.