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St George's C. E. Junior School, Wigan


St George's C. E. Junior School, 1954.
St George's C. E. Junior School, 1954.
Photo: Joe Barker
Views: 11,425
Item #: 348
St George's C. E. Junior School, 1954.

Comment by: cliff higham on 15th February 2008 at 23:14

is Maureen usin code?

Comment by: N. Taylor on 17th February 2008 at 21:05

She's saying I wish Barry would stop pokiing me in the back!

Comment by: J. Green on 7th March 2008 at 08:37

I remember after all these years. All the boys fancied Sheila Connor and all the girls Alan Addlington. Tony Bennet was clever. Colin Walsh was posh. Brian Kelly's dad the local ragman. Clifford Higam the teachers pet. Norma Charnock was very tall and slim. Miss Scally was nowty. Evelyn Dunn had very red hair. Can't remember much more.

Comment by: Aggy on 13th March 2008 at 13:47

I think I recognise all here except the lad in the second row with glasses. Not sure about the girl behind Cliff Higham. Think its Anne Birch. Some missing, Edward Hutchinson, Keith West, Joe Lee, Janet Green, Sammy Foster at least.

Comment by: cliff Higham on 7th July 2008 at 23:48

Catherine stevens was always laughin I luved her for that, and she was a good looker an bet still is

Comment by: Mary R. on 9th July 2008 at 18:52

Was there any of the girls you didn't fancy Cliff.

Comment by: Carl on 9th July 2008 at 19:00

Are you all sure that this is infact 1954 and not 1964? i seem to know alot of the faces in this

Comment by: Mary R. on 11th July 2008 at 16:02

Who do you know Carl?

Comment by: cliff on 11th July 2008 at 16:44

believe me Carl this is 1954 in 1964 I started practising drinkin beer in the Emp.

Comment by: Carl on 14th July 2008 at 15:36

Your right Cliff. It is 1954 its just that many of the girls (on the front row sitting)I seem to know.First seems to be Jo anne Leyland, unknown, Karen Cadman, unkown , unknown, Julie Gallop,Heather Watson and Carol Tarbuck and of course Mrs Scally the teacher. I was in the 3rd year when she retired in 1968.I have a picture of her from 1968 elsewhere in this section.
Strange how the eyes and mind play tricks

Comment by: cliff Higham on 14th July 2008 at 17:23

Carl you got the wrong pic

Comment by: cliff Higham on 15th July 2008 at 00:42

who is the girl on the right of always smilin Catherine Stevens ?
Just to get the record straight I was in the class before you old ones, they moved me up one class to yours I was not ur age but clever enough to be. so there

Comment by: cliff Higham on 15th July 2008 at 00:44

oooooooh!! nice one cliff but its true, ask Miss Scally
of the SS

Comment by: G. Abbot on 16th July 2008 at 09:57

The girl on Catherine Stevens left is Margaret or Babara Culshaw. The girl on her right is Nadine Bott. But who is the dude nxt to Jimmy Cheetham in the specs?

Comment by: cliff on 16th July 2008 at 21:11

Nadine Bott G , definitely.

Comment by: G. Abbot on 17th July 2008 at 18:48

Here goes. Left to right. Top row. Alan Addlington. Colin Walsh. Joe Fairhurst. Brian kelly. Tony Bennet. Denis Martin. Brian McDonald. John Ashcroft. Freddy Laithwaite. Joe Hill. Kenny Jones. Second Row. Barry Tarbuck, Harold Stevens. Norman Taylor. Barry Holcroft. Jimmy Cheetham. Not a clue. Alan Hodkinson. Donald Ross. Joe Barker. Joe Green. Third Row. Joan Brennan. Sheila Connah. Rita Lowe. Maureen Vose. Nadine Bott. Catherine Stevens. Barbara or Margaret Cushaw. Lyn Martin. Kathleen Bridge. Barbara Gaskell. Anne Birch. Front Row. Ronnie Parr. Margaret Charnock. Lois Halsall. Nadine Bott. Evelyn Dunn. Margaret Seddon. Mary Roper. Clifford Higham. Anyone know different?

Comment by: cliff H on 18th July 2008 at 00:03

earlier Janet Green mentioned Norma Charnock I remeber the name, I think thats her next to Catherine Stevens, her with the FRINGE!

Comment by: cliff Higham on 20th July 2008 at 02:38

I have got to say this pic looks its been taken by a digi camera so clear almost like 3D and 58yrs ago waw!
thanx Joe

Comment by: G. Abbot on 21st July 2008 at 20:11

Cliff thats definitely Norma between Lois and Evelyn.I knew her well.

Comment by: cliff Higham on 21st July 2008 at 21:53

oh ok, ty G

Comment by: edgar s. on 19th August 2008 at 16:08

whos the dude in the specs?

Comment by: cliff (bloo) on 23rd August 2008 at 21:24

might be joe Fairhurst, i think they had a chippy in Grenough St across from Mac,s chippy. dont know for sure I hope somebody will enlighten us. rock on

Comment by: J. Green on 25th August 2008 at 14:44

Edgar..Cliff...thats not joe..he is between colin walsh and brian kelly on the back row. Best guess..Alsn Schofield maybe..or Frank Blinkhorn, Arnold Swain, Limcoln Banks...long shot..Norman Jolley. Thoght maybe walter whitaker but think he was dark and fatter..what do you think.

Comment by: E. Stevens on 25th August 2008 at 19:22

Is that Joe Green or Janet? I'm afraid I havent a clue. Dont think its anyone you mention. How about you Cliff?

Comment by: J. Green on 26th August 2008 at 09:34

Edgar...Its Joe.

Comment by: J. Barker on 11th January 2009 at 21:44

Does anybody fancy I reunion?

Comment by: vicky on 1st February 2009 at 18:43

my dad, Norman Taylor is on the front row of boys..3rd from the left and he has'nt changed a bit.

Comment by: CH on 3rd February 2009 at 12:04

Must have been tough on him Vicky. Looking 65 years old when he was only 6!

Comment by: cliff higham on 4th February 2009 at 00:00

sounds good to me Joe, come on you Georges lot lets meet up have a natter. 2 definites here Joe.

Comment by: vicky on 6th February 2009 at 17:43

dad says he will come to a reunion if you get a time and place sorted.Joe Green- dad wants to know how you are

Comment by: cliff higham on 6th February 2009 at 23:44

Hi Vicky, who,s your dad?

Comment by: vicky on 7th February 2009 at 20:54

hi Cliff, my dad is Norman Taylor

Comment by: cliff on 24th February 2009 at 16:14

if a get together is fixed up how about St Georges Day in April, come on people dont be shy if you cant make it and know someone from Georges let them know. please

Comment by: Babs Strickland (nee Ashall) on 19th March 2009 at 15:48

Re the comments by G. Abbot, 17th July 2008

I (Barabara Ashal) am on the second row 6th from the right.

I think the boy on the left in the front row is Glyn Jones? But I could be wrong?

Yes, Cliff, although I live in Bedfordshire I am up for a St George's day reunion.

Keep me informed.

Comment by: cliff on 21st March 2009 at 01:18

Hi Babs, I remember the name, 6th row? come on try again silly, there are not 6 rows anyway wil be good to see you
not many seem up for it but come anyway a couple of us will be, did you live in Greatacre?

Comment by: cliff on 21st March 2009 at 01:26

sorry babs I got wrong its just me I get like that after a beer 2nd row 6 left sooo sorry, I thought that was Catherine Stevens, anyway you get up here will be good to see ya.

Comment by: GA on 2nd April 2009 at 14:39

Cliff your too much of a gentleman. Third row down 6th from right is Catherine Stevens. Babs must mean fifth from right. Babs was your name formerly Culshaw?

Comment by: joe barker on 6th May 2009 at 18:42

i don't think there were two j barkers in the class so who is using my name. i did not ask for a meeting in the brocket

Comment by: Albert Yates on 10th May 2009 at 10:50

I think that was Jenny Barker a few years younger than Joe.

Comment by: cliff on 11th May 2009 at 23:33

your right Joe someones takin the pee. so hows things with you Joe ?

Comment by: Maralyn Roper on 20th May 2009 at 08:43

Talking of Joseph Barker, I once had a dream of Joseph dueting with Barbara Ashall. They were singing an old folk song called Lanacahire Lads and Joseph was strumming on the guitar.

Comment by: J. Green on 14th June 2009 at 00:19

Probably Cliff Higham taking the pistachio.

Comment by: Albert Yates on 17th June 2009 at 18:50

This Joe Barker seems to be a bit of a party pooper. stay at home then why don't ya!

Comment by: Maralyn on 25th August 2009 at 21:23

I keep getting emails asking me to email C. Higham about a reunion!

Comment by: mary on 27th August 2009 at 03:50

saw him last week in Tesco, he rememberd me we mentioned this he said he,s give up, nobody is interested, I said I dont blame him he tried his best anyway we had a good natter in the drinks aisle I said "are you havin a party/" 'no no no he said these are for the wife',oh ok I said, he,s seems the same as I remember him, always smiling, cheeky grin anyway as he said shame we couldn,t get a few together a laugh about the school days and telling their life story from last time we had at St Georges
shame, he tried.

Comment by: Aggy on 27th August 2009 at 12:51

Hello Mary Roper. I would come to a do and Norman Taylor. Probably lots of others. Theres only Joe Barker turned it down. Cliffs probably not up to it these days.

Comment by: Maralyn on 3rd September 2009 at 15:15

Yes Aggy, Cliff is probably way past everything these days apart from his rocking chair.
But surely not everyone is past it like Cliff or a miserable old soak like JB. Anyone interested in a reunion should post their interest here - dont be shy.

Comment by: Babs Strickland (nee Ashall) on 19th October 2009 at 23:08

Sorry it’s so late but a few comments: re G. Abbot, 16th July 2008 I think I was “the girl on Catherine Stevens left” but my name was Barbara Ashall. Re GA, 2nd April 2009 - No my name was Ashall,
re Maralyn Roper, 20th May 2009 - I used to belong to our village drama group and was the prompt when we did Oliver. However, I was asked not to sing if anyone forgot their words - so I’m pleased I appeared singing in one of your dreams, but sadly I don’t remember a Joseph Barker! PS - was I the only one to love Mrs Scally?

Comment by: cliff on 26th October 2009 at 23:57

now now then Babs, you say you (THINK)your the one at the left of Catherine Stevens, surely you must know, silly

Comment by: G. Abbott on 27th October 2009 at 12:20

Hi Babs. Joe Barker is on the second row from top. He is 2nd from right. The one on the end is Joe Green, then Joe Barker, then a blond lad I think is Clifford Higham ,, not sure. Not surprised you forgot about Joe because my pal about our age had a stroke and has difficulty remembering things. Weren't you and Barbara Gaskell big mates?

Comment by: Cliff Higham on 31st December 2009 at 17:43


Comment by: Catherine S. on 7th January 2010 at 09:40

Happy New Year Cliff. See you on St Georges day. Love Cath.

Comment by: R. Parr on 7th January 2010 at 21:21

Babs we all thought you were a Culshaw. I hope you now know remember who you are, thats you between Catherine Stevens and Lyn Martin. Joe Barker is second row down 2nd from right. Suprised you dont remember him as he was the best looking lad in the class. I remember - he kept telling us.

Comment by: J. Ashcroft on 9th January 2010 at 15:48

Who is the lad end of the back row RHS.

Comment by: G. Abbot on 11th January 2010 at 18:09

J. Ashcroft lad you are looking at is Clifford Higham.
Lets get together on St Georges day. We need a venue. Any suggestions? Someone needs to organise it. Maybe Joe Barker? Babs Strickland? or Clifford Higham maybe?

Comment by: Joe Hill on 19th January 2010 at 12:07

Great picture by my best pal Joe Barker. Good to see old pals Alan Addlington, Freddie Laithwaite and John Ashcroft. All old great pals of mine. Where are you now lads. And all the lovely girls. Say hello to the handsomest lad in the class. Where are Babs, Cath and Sheila.

Comment by: L. Banks on 24th January 2010 at 11:38

G. Abbot, J. Ashcroft, thats Kenny Jones at the back. Clifford Higham is on the front row with the basball bats.

Comment by: J. Green on 10th February 2010 at 11:28

Great do guys ,, not enjoyed meself as much in years. Alan Addy was in good fettle and Sheila and Mary looking their usual fine selfs. You've still a nifty step Evelyn. You've not changed Ronnie , keep rockin. Recognised Joe Hill straight away. Thanks everybody. Great tuen out. Pity folks like Joe Barker and Cliff Higham didnt make it ,, maybe next time.

Comment by: alan adllington on 18th June 2010 at 14:44

great photo joe ,happy memories,had a pint with clifford higham in the brocket recently looking forward to a reunion

Comment by: R. Parr on 29th June 2010 at 10:46

hello Al..LTNS...hope your well auld lad. Seems by all you read on here .. Cliff spends his life in the Brocket.

Comment by: Babs A. on 2nd July 2010 at 09:42

Hi Alan. Good to see you responding in the site. There are nearly as many pics of you on the site as there are of Clifford Highjam.

Comment by: Al on 11th July 2010 at 19:06

We want a really good turn out at the next reunion. I will guarantee to kiss all the ladies. So there's an incentive for you ladies.

And Cliff will serve your drinks. So show a leg now girls!

Comment by: J. Ashcroft on 15th July 2010 at 09:20

Well you sure were the girls favourite Alan.

Comment by: joe hill on 4th September 2010 at 21:09

hello cliff.allen.ronnie someone using my name i am the real one by the way joe barker looks old for his age . birthday 29 feb 1946 makes him 16 now.mr stephenson how does it work it cant be rocket science ah ah

Comment by: J. Green on 16th April 2011 at 10:55

Cliff, are you up for the re-union in the Brocket this year?

Comment by: Norm De Plume on 4th July 2012 at 16:52

I used to think that Lois was the pteriest girl in the class but the only time she spoke to me was to put me down. It broke my little heart - ah!
But now I look at the photo and I think, "What a lovely girl was Norma!".
S'funny how your views change as you get older.
When I was a very little snapper of the whip Norma would catch me up on the way to school. On occasions my mother would remind me that she had forgotten my toast. Norma would always say, "Never mind, he can have some of mine".
Such a sweet girl.
PS Most of the lads in the class fancied Sheila and if by chance I meet one of my old class mates, little time passes before they mention Sheila.

Comment by: Barbara Culshaw on 13th June 2013 at 22:25

I would just like to say it is me who is next to Catherine Stevens with the tartan dress on this photo brings back a lot of memories
I used to live in lower Morris st I would like to let you know Joe Barker Passed away last year RIP Joe iit was nice finding these old photos it brought back a lot of memories

Comment by: Peps on 24th June 2013 at 15:23

Cliff's gone to see Elvis - and he won't be back.

Say hello for me son.

Cliff was always a lad and a great one.

Comment by: tony bennett on 25th June 2013 at 18:47

Today is a sad day for all those of us who are still alive from the above class. Cliff was always fun, always made one happy and a sheer joy to be around.
My condolences to his family and all his friends.

Comment by: Peps on 29th June 2013 at 08:49

Cliff's funeral service will be at St Mary's church in Standishgate at 2 pm on Tuesday 2nd July.

Comment by: vicky on 18th June 2018 at 13:41

Hi all, my dad, Norman Taylor passed away in April, he read all these comments with interest and had lots of fond memories and tales to tell from St Georges.

Comment by: Catherine stevens on 31st October 2022 at 13:51

Widow now but married with 2 children 3 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren

Comment by: Sharon Gaskell on 11th November 2022 at 13:50

Hi , my mum is Catherine Stevens and she still is a looker ????

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