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St Catharine's, Wigan


St.Catharine's Junior School, 1952.
St.Catharine's Junior School, 1952.
Photo: Keith Bowen
Views: 12,429
Item #: 344
TOP ROW: Shirley? Summers - Helen Myers,- Frances? Heaton, - Barbara Stringfellow, -?-, Edith Allen,- Barbara Duckworth, -?-, Audrey Hesketh?, -?-, Elaine? Whittaker,

STANDING Bob?Cherry,- ......Smallshaw?, - Harold Bibby (his father ran Clarington Coaches),- Keith Bowen (my father was licensee of Crispin Arms and an ex-Wigan RL player), - Gerald Morris, - Alan?Thompson, - Tom Lever, - Derrick ........?, - Tom? Aspinall.

SEATED Catherine?.....?, - Sheila Hopper, .....?, - Helen Leyland, -?-, Barbara Ashcroft, - Brenda ....?, -?-, ...? Birchall, - .....?Clarke?, - Pauline .....?

AT FRONT Sylvia Taylor?, Roy ....?, Tom? Brown, Vincent Kearns, ...... Goulding, Gwen Wain.

Class Teacher was Miss Wilcox. The year before when we were in Standard , it had been 21 year old Mr Rudd (Eddie) who went on to become a Headteacher at another school before sadly passing away in his early thirties leaving a young family.

Comment by: Eileen Naven on 8th April 2007 at 08:53

TOP ROW (1) Sheila Summers, (3) Frances Heaton,(4) Bertha Stringman (5) Anne Hill, (6) Edith Allen,(11) Edna Whittaker,
STANDING 2nd ROW, (2) Brian Smallshaw,
SEATED , (7) Brenda Ashurst , (8) June Culshaw, (10) Eileen Martin

Comment by: Ashley on 9th November 2008 at 17:30

I believe that's Raymond Blackledge between Alan? Thompson and Tom Lever. Incidentally does Gwen Wain (extreme right-front row) have any connection with todays "Wain Homes" since either her father or uncle were builders at the time this photograph was taken.

Comment by: june causey nee culshaw on 5th April 2009 at 19:24

Thank you very much keith for the photo.Im still scared of Miss Wilcox LOL. Eddie Rudd was a lovely man and teacher.

Comment by: Keith Bowen on 21st April 2009 at 12:48

Nice to hear from you June and Eileen, a mere 57 years since we were in the same class! Miss Wilcox, once seen never forgotten and having spent 40 years myself at the "chalk face" I can see now just how committed she was to getting the very best out of all of us. Eddie Rudd, a true gentleman and a real tragedy that he left us so early. Best wishes, Keith.

Comment by: Jimmy Holding on 27th November 2009 at 16:02

Frances Heaton didnt she have two younger sisters. Phylis and another. Wonder what has happened to them.

Comment by: tricia on 21st July 2010 at 20:42

the other one was called Joan

Comment by: Vincent on 7th October 2010 at 10:17

Tricia & Jimmy ,, wasn't the other sister call Katherine. Think she went to Wigan Girls High School. Think there was Francis, Phylis and Katherine ,, didnt know a Joan?

Comment by: aiden on 8th October 2010 at 20:12

hi the name barbara duckworth , is milly duckworth

Comment by: Tricia on 9th October 2010 at 18:09

Hello Vincent

My other half, whose memory is far better than mine, lived near them and insists her name was Joan.... who am I to argue...lol

Comment by: Keith on 11th November 2010 at 18:37

Hi Vincent, that wouldn't be the selfsame Vincent who I sat next to in Eddie Rudd's class, would it, way back in 1952?

Comment by: kearnsy on 19th November 2010 at 10:20

Hi keith. Not sure ,, you have an advantage ,, I don't know your surname. Probably ,, give us a clue.

Jimmy Holding ,, how you doing -- are you still in Wigan?

Comment by: Keith on 19th November 2010 at 19:21

Hi Kearnsey, I posted the photo but if you're not sure I doubt if you are the Vincent I'm looking for, he's third one in from the right on the front row.

Comment by: M. Stone on 24th November 2010 at 16:48

I should imagine then Keith Bowen that if you were in the same class as Frances Heaton you will now be 69. Doesnt time fly.
And I would think that Vincent Kearns is the older brother of Graham Kerans.

Comment by: Keith Bowen on 25th November 2010 at 09:25

Hi, is that Monica? Well, well, only 50+ years later and here we are "communicating" via the modern miracle of e-mail. Hope you are well and I presume living in Wigan. I've roamed (through teaching) and I'm now settled in the Midlands near Wolverhampton, just become grandparents for the first time, long overdue but worth the wait! (PS I'm 69 next month). Best wishes, Keith.

Comment by: M. Stone on 29th November 2010 at 10:24

Tricia ,, I cant place you. What year - class were you in. Who is your other half.

Comment by: Ozy Destin on 4th December 2010 at 16:34

Moni, I dont think Tricia went to St cats. I think she's Keith bowen's missus.

Comment by: jim holding on 24th December 2010 at 12:54

happy christmas to everyone and to keith and tricia bowen. have a good one!

Comment by: tricia on 12th February 2011 at 12:07

Hello Monica
You probably will not remember me, but will know my husband. I remember your mum though.
Email me and we can have a chat. I do not put too much info on Wigan World these days.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 12th February 2011 at 19:04

I see the Trolls are out again.....

Ozzy, get a life. Leave my classmates alone....

Comment by: june causey culshaw on 13th February 2011 at 11:54

hello to john brown who is sat on the front row.are you the johnb who has put comments on the photo of st catherines school. if so you sat next to me in miss wilcox class.regards

Comment by: Stoney on 17th February 2011 at 17:19

Fred Mason, John Ozbaldestin was a pupil at St Catherines.

Comment by: tricia on 18th February 2011 at 10:54

Hello Stoney

Are you Kevin, by any chance? My husband knows Ozzy.

Comment by: Jas on 19th February 2011 at 16:00

Come off it Fred ,, getting at your school mates indeed ,, you were never at St Catherines ,, naughty boy ,, lol ,,

Comment by: Oz D. on 25th February 2011 at 18:50

Jas? Is that Jim Holding? Do you know this idiot Fred Mason? Calling me a troll. He's asking for a chinning. Who is he? Telling me to get a life. If I get hold of him, he'll have a short one.

Comment by: tricia on 28th February 2011 at 16:02

Fred is not an idiot. And people on here are not who they seem. How come when you post (and you know who you are, so do I ..) no one answers the posts.. and if you keep posting malicious stuff on here,I will tell people who you really are and what a sad person you are) You did not go to St Cat's either.. you went to St Georges. As for Ozzy, chinning anyone I do not think he is that sort of person. What a coward you are, hiding behind other people's names, just like you do on our website and various others.My husband knows a lot of the people you pretend to be on here. What a nasty little piece of work you are J.

Comment by: JohnB on 17th April 2011 at 20:50

Well done Tricia, it needed to be said. There's absolutely no place for comments such as those on a website designed for the community at large in the Wigan area or any area come to that.

Comment by: tricia on 18th April 2011 at 23:43

Thank you for your support, JohnB.A lot of the comments on here are from just one person.

Comment by: w316 on 13th September 2011 at 19:02

Seated extreme right is Pauline Ashcroft

Comment by: tricia on 18th October 2011 at 18:51

Heard recently that Kevin Stones has passed away. Very sad news. Sincere sympathy to all the family.

Comment by: Joe Thomas on 12th June 2020 at 14:38

The one standing is Jimmy Cherry i saw is younger brother Alan earlier this year he told me Jimmy had sadly passed away this year

Comment by: Keith on 29th November 2021 at 20:30

So sorry to hear that Joe, I have fond memories of Jimmy at St Catharines.

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