Wigan Album
Ashton-in-Makerfield Secondary School
Photo: David Hurst
Item #: 29229
Could be Terry Gaskell in goal ( Black Dog) Was landlord of a pub on Darlington Street I think.
i,d like to know the line up as i was at asm. looks like peter lowe middle row 2nd left . sadly not with us anymore.
whups: I started A.S.M in 1964 but in downhall green juniors I used to be with a great young lad named Colin Mc pherson, he had a brother Duncan, is he third from the left back row.
i know the family john & yours to . i,m not sure that,s duncan as if it,s peter lowe he was about the same age as colin. i started in 66.
whups: I started A.S.M in 1964 but in downhall green juniors I used to be with a great young lad named Colin Mc pherson, he had a brother Duncan, is he third from the left back row.
whups: I started A.S.M in 1964 but in downhall green juniors I used to be with a great young lad named Colin Mc pherson, he had a brother Duncan, is he third from the left back row.
Thanks whups, sorry about the double post appear to have some ghosting going on!
no probs john. i,d still like to know the line up on here.
Is it Geff Aspinall holding the cup?
Alan Shaw (RIP)top right
Whups, would the lad second from the right on the middle row be Billy Gough ( pronounced Goff ) by any chance?. I'm not even sure if he ever went to the central school or not, but this lad certainly has the look of Billy.
Or, on second thoughts, could it be Joe Boffey ( related to Billy ) ?
ozzy.both billy and the late joe are a good few years older than these lads,terry now lives in the Pemb area i see him most days,taking his dogs out
Actually gp, at the time of posting my comment, I was wondering how old Billy would have been, and if it could possibly have been him on the photo. But if you knew Billy, then you'd have to admit that the lad in question bears more than a passing resemblance to him . I knew Billy's brother Frank had died, but I'm not sure that I was aware of Joe Boffey's demise. It's sad, as they were all good lads, really good lads. Still, looking on the bright side, they've gone to a much better place than this one haven't they?
L to R back row Brian Green, Malcolm Evans, Roy Edwards, Terry Gaskell, Roy Postlethwaite, John Heath, Alan Shaw.
Middle Row Malcolm Eatock, Peter Lowe, Eric Anderton, Geoff Aspinall, Steven Wadsworth, David Hurst.
Front Row David Eaves, David Thompson.
Whups/Ozzy. Are you both Ashton lads?. When I worked in the tunnels, at the Maypole, Jack Sparks was the contractor. He was a councillor at Ashton in Makerfield, in the forties, and fifties.
Thanks for the names. Am I correct in saying that you were an Abram lad also??
thanx for that mr hurst. i knew most of them & an old mucker of mine malc evans is on it. some are sadly not with us anymore - peter lowe,alan shaw & roy edwards. yes albert i,m an ashton lad but did,nt work at maypole.
Yes Bill you are correct, I am an "Abram lad". Just Terry and me from Abram on this photo. So sorry to learn that so many of these lads are no longer with us. Another name to add to that list is David Thompson.