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Woodfield School


Woodfield School early 60's
Woodfield School early 60's
Photo: Graham Parkinson
Views: 3,539
Item #: 28329
Another class photo from Woodfield School. My sister Susan is second from left on the front row

Comment by: Den s on 11th September 2016 at 13:43

They all look so happy and content compared with today's children, most of whom seem to wander through life wearing a permanent scowl. Or is that just my age talking?

Comment by: Carolaen on 12th September 2016 at 10:38

Den s. Without being judgmental. I would say that as most of these kids were from the "top" end of families (in financial terms at least) living in Wigan at the time they probably had fewer home problems(unemployment, illness, money worries etc) than other families. I knew several boys from woodfiled in my time at WGS and without doubt they were great lads, but there home lives were rather different than say some of us who lived in Scholes. I'm not saying better or worse but there were certainly fewer financial issues.

Comment by: Den s on 12th September 2016 at 13:00

Carolaen, I was brought up in the 1950s and for most of my contemporaries money was noticeable by its absent but I do not recall many sullen or sad children. We didn't worry about money because we didn't have any. If you wanted to go to the Pictures or the Baths you ran errands for your Grandparents or your Aunties but mostly you made your own entertainment playing in the street that you lived in.
When I look at this photo it brings back more happy memories than sad. I wonder if today's children will be able to say the same.

Comment by: David Brown on 11th April 2019 at 12:27

Have to agree with Den S, we used to make out own amusement, we used to play on Whitley Fields before it was turned into a housing estate - messing about in the stream and pond, among other things. My sister, Linda, on front row far left.

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