Wigan Album
Thomas Linacre School
11 CommentsPhoto: Graham Lowton
Item #: 26208
Martindale Crescent at Newtown is named after his family who owned the land it was built on.
Is that Eric Dowbekin extreme right..we used to see him regular at Asda but haven't seen him for a good twelve months..he was a good mate of my Brother Michael McGovern who also went to Thomas Linacre..
I also read a good book all about Mr Martingales garden,it was a fascinating read,he had a beautiful garden..wish I could find the book again.
Maureen if you find the book I would love to read it.. I was in the Judo club for the five years I was at the school
I think the book Maureen refers to is 'Growing Up In Wigan 1930 - 1950' by F.S. 'Joe' Winstanley.
Should be able to order a copy through Amazon.
Mick thanks for the info I have that book.
I borrowed the book 'Growing Up in Wigan 1930-1950' from Standish library relatively recently and would assume that there will be a copy at every branch library in the borough.
Hi Maureen, yes it is Eric Dowbekin, i haven't seen Eric since i left TLS. I have the book to which you refer, i will contact you on your e mail address if you are still using the same one.
Roy,I've left you a message on the other thread,
and also the name Winter I mentioned should have
been Barnes nee Winter,I'm sorry for the confusion.
John Thompson, stood 2nd from left.
I would have been in either the 3rd form or 4th form when this photo was taken, but I don't remember anyone except for Mr.Martindale--shocking really. I do remember the Judo club being set up though. A group of boys were horsing about and Mr.Brace said that he would find a master to run a judo club if they were interested.
Bottom row extreme right - Lowton
I never saw Martindale looking so young!
Hi, yes that is my dad Eric Dowbekin sadly he passed away just before Xmas in December 2014. I miss him terribly and I know just how proud he was of his sporting achievements at school.