Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Thomas Linacre School
Class 4a 1956
Photo: Len Dissado
Photo: Len Dissado
Views: 3,252
Item #: 26119
Item #: 26119
Class 4a with form master Dennis Pegg in October 1956. The Form Room was located in the Technical College building opposite the TLS school The only person I can identify is Fitzpatrick 2nd from left 2nd row, but there should be two Taylor's J.K. whose father was made a Freeman of the City of Liverpool and C.M.
Comment by: t on 3rd March 2015 at 17:59
1st left front row, trevor anders ?
first row far right Daniels ?
2nd row 3 from left Carrol, 6th from left Hargreaves ?
7th from left Nightingale, 8 th from left Frame.
Back row 5th from left Winstanley? 6th from left Govan? 7th from left Guy.
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