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St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge


Mrs Ashton's Class 1957
Mrs Ashton's Class 1957
Photo: David Jackson
Views: 4,829
Item #: 26068
I'm in the middle of the back row. Back in touch with Alan Hill (2nd right back row) after 47 yrs. and he has recently made contact with Marilyn Morris (first left third row).
Went to a Moss Lane class reunion just before Christmas and met many of the lads that went on to Moss Lane when I went to HAGS:- Brian Robinson, Joe Bevan, Tony Bold, Tony Dean, Lawrence Jolley, Les Hart, Barry Halliwell, David Jones and Bill (Cyril) Dodd - who's parents ran the "Railway" at the top of Moss Lane.
Sadly, Jeff Batley, Stuart Purse, Alan Smith and Harry Stevens are no longer with us.

Comment by: Jeff on 23rd February 2015 at 16:42

David,see Marilyn's moved away from you on this photo.

Comment by: Wigwann on 24th February 2015 at 08:39

Hello David, I wonder if you remember me, Ann Stevenson as was! I really enjoyed seeing this photo and it was taken at the same time as the one I put on some time ago of our class and is posted under St Nathaniel's school. I was sorry to read about Harry Stevens and the others who had passed. I keep in touch with Brenda Richards as was and I hope to be at the next reunion.

Comment by: maggie on 24th February 2015 at 09:55

I can see from the faces that things were different from when I was there. I had such a nightmare time with Miss Rimmer that my Mum went out to work in order to pay the fees for me to go to the High School after I passed the entrance exam.

Comment by: david jackson on 24th February 2015 at 10:26

Jeff. What is your surname? If you are Jeff Batley I am sorry to have "written you off"! Hope you are still alive and well. Could I have my marbles back?

Comment by: david jackson on 24th February 2015 at 10:51

Ann. I remember your name and Brenda's, but I can't place you on the photo. I have seen quite a lot of Muriel Moore (first left on row 2) - that doesn't sound quite right but you know what I mean. My wife and I used to go dancing at the "Highfield" near Pemberton station and Muriel and her husband Tommy also went every week.

Comment by: Wigwann on 24th February 2015 at 12:51

Hi all. I am not on this photo as I was in a different class when these photo's were taken. See the other photo on the St Nathaniel page, I am in the centre on the front row. Eunice Bibby and Sandra Dewhirst are also on that row and Brenda is on the middle row. Hope that is helpful.

Comment by: les hart on 24th February 2015 at 17:05

i david jeff batley is no longer with us he died a few yrs ago so did harry rothwell i dont remember you being at the reuion at buck i was there me & terry belshall dont remember seeing you good photo enyway les hart

Comment by: Brian Robinson on 14th March 2015 at 12:09

Hi Ann, Glad you've disclosed your ID,that you are also in touch with Brenda Richards.Please see the other class photo again & my entry re the photo & reunion for ML.Get in touch via my e/m,as I couldn't see yours on the Wigwann.Also on the other photo several ? that I couldn't name.Maybe you might ID them.

Comment by: Marilyn Partington (nee Morris) on 15th March 2015 at 15:22

Have only just seen this photo. It was was taken when David Jackson, Alan Hill, Tony Dean and myself were moved up a class so that we took the 11+ when we were 10. Tony passed when he was 10. I think Brian Robinson and David Ingram also went up. I recognise a few on this this photo but as I said, it's the class ahead of the one we spent most of our time in eg with Eunice Bibby, Ann Stevenson, Brenda Richards, and the names David mentions. Can't name them all here. Sorry to hear of those no longer with us. David, I also went dancing at Highfield when Muriel Moore was there! What a small world. I have just e-mailed Brian and Ann regarding the next reunion.

Comment by: Marilyn Partington (nee Morris) on 15th March 2015 at 15:52

Have only just seen this photo. It was was taken when David Jackson, Alan Hill, Tony Dean and myself were moved up a class so that we took the 11+ when we were 10. Tony passed when he was 10. I think Brian Robinson and David Ingram also went up. I recognise a few on this this photo but as I said, it's the class ahead of the one we spent most of our time in eg with Eunice Bibby, Ann Stevenson, Brenda Richards, and the names David mentions. Can't name them all here. Sorry to hear of those no longer with us. David, I also went dancing at Highfield when Muriel Moore was there! What a small world. I have just e-mailed Brian and Ann regarding the next reunion.

Comment by: David Jackson on 17th March 2015 at 12:56

Marilyn - Muriel told me that you had been to the Highfield on one of the few occasions that we missed but I think that you only went the once.

Comment by: Marilyn Partington nee Morris on 18th March 2015 at 10:50

David, no we went several times but I found it really stressful instead of a pleasure. Could never remember the steps from one week to the next! Obviously I didn't recognise you or I would have spoken.

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