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St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge


St. Nathaniels mid 1940's
St. Nathaniels mid 1940's
Photo: Aubrey Fairclough
Views: 4,414
Item #: 26000
This photo has previously been submitted by my wife Jean (nee Darbyshire) under Platt Bridge. I have doctored the photo to re-submit under schools.
The known names are as follows:-
Back row left to right.1) Billy Knowles. 2) 3) David Prescott 4) Betty Fitzgerald. 5) 6) Kathleen Powell. 7) Mary Reeves. 8) Arthur? Needham 9) 10) Frank? Meadows. 11) Arthur Moore.
Row next to the back, 1) Gordon Livesey 2) 3) 4) Granville Balmer 5) Graham Darbyshire. 6) Proctor 7) Terence Ackers
8) Christopher Shaw 9) Peter Gorton. 10) Brian Gregory
Row behind the front 1) 2) Kathryn Wilson 3) Kathleen Mason 4) Eileen Shaw 5) Joan Reid 6) Joan Collier. 7) Gladys Bailey 8) Pat Aspinall 9) Jean Herd
10) Sally Webster? 11) Gladys Atherton. 12 myself, Jean Darbyshire.
Front row sitting on the floor,
1) Stuart Wheeler 2) Brian ? 3) 4) Sheila Jones 5)
6) Joe Walker 7) Kenneth Green

Comment by: irene roberts on 10th February 2015 at 19:03

Aubrey, I am a bit lost here. Can't find you. Could you go right-to-left, and perhaps start with the lad to the far right, wearing dark clothes, to lead us to yourself?

Comment by: Aubrey on 10th February 2015 at 20:24

Sorry if you are confused, this was my wife's school. She is seated at the end, on the right. Her name was Jean Darbyshire.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 11th February 2015 at 15:05

Thanks, Aubrey.

Comment by: Debi Jones on 4th December 2017 at 14:46

I do believe ive seen my aunty sheila on here.. front row sat on floor..would love to speak privately with owner of this photo and love a copy.. willing to pay for any costs incurred.. we have no images of our aunts and parents.. this woild be fantastic ..also anyone rememeber a gladys jones ..sheilas sister ..went same school does anyone have any images of her..would greatly appreciate any help ..usual contact debitither@gmail.com if any info guys thanks in advance xx

Comment by: Stacey on 30th April 2020 at 21:39

I know this post has been up for a few years, but I’m
Wondering if someone could help please!
We’re searching for photos of our grandad who went to St Nathanials 1940s
The boy on the 3rd row up 3rd in looks just like a photo we have, that we know is him.
He was called George Edward Higham and he was 1 of 7 children (he was the only boy) and him and his family all loved on Hart street, also his Nan and Grandad lived 2 doors down from them, they was Mr & Mrs Hall
If anyone can help we’d be very greatful XX

Comment by: Stacey sharples on 30th April 2020 at 21:50

Hi I’m wondering if anyone could help, I’m looking for photos of my grandad when he was at school!
He went to st nathanials in the 1940s and we have a photo of him and it looks just like the boy on the 3rd row up 3rd boy in, now I’ve noticed no ones named this boy yet! Could this be George Edward Higham does anyone know
Thank you for reading xx

Comment by: Rita Culshaw on 5th February 2021 at 18:07

Hi would your grandad have a sister named Joan if so I am relation to you I lived in Miller's lane and the boy on the 4th from the left on second row is Granville balmer my cousin

Comment by: Stacey on 26th February 2021 at 23:18

Hi Rita yes auntie Joan was grandad Eddie’s sister.
She married jack Lived on glouster crescent in hindley.

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