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Wigan Album

St Peter's, Bryn


St Peter's 1966
St Peter's 1966
Photo: Ann
Views: 5,985
Item #: 24054
Class photo approx. 1966

Comment by: whups on 20th October 2013 at 14:34

looks like ste simm 2nd from the left at the back ( sadly no longer with us ) & paul manacheski 4th from the left at the back.

Comment by: Ann on 21st October 2013 at 15:50

I think you're right. 2nd row down 4th from left is Paul Lewis (my brother, sadly also no longer with us).

Comment by: Chocker on 21st October 2013 at 18:20

Alan Gregory far left on the back row.
And is that Willy Kenneally 2nd left ,4th row up ?

Comment by: Brynner on 21st October 2013 at 19:51

sorry to here about Paul and Ste..good lads both of them,knew them at Central school..back row next to Ste,is Pey Gray..Also on back row,Paul Yeates

Comment by: Karen. on 21st October 2013 at 21:57

2nd row from bottom:- 3rd Carole Ashworth, 4th Alison Cunliffe, 6th Jacqueline Fairhurst, 7th Marion Bentham.
3rd row:- 8th Mark Prior.

Comment by: wuz on 23rd October 2013 at 11:02

Front row second from right looks like Clive Winstanley from Grange Road

Comment by: Chocker on 23rd October 2013 at 12:43

Front row 3rd from left could be David Hankin and 4th row up 3rd from the left I think is Philip Simm who lived on Rose Hill. I could be wrong though

Comment by: Shirley Roberts on 25th October 2013 at 06:44

3rd row , 5th from left looks like Janice Ryder

Comment by: Janice on 26th October 2013 at 13:46

You got me Shirley,it was Janice Woods back in those days lol

Comment by: Janice on 26th October 2013 at 14:14

Top Row Lt to Rt
Alan Gregory,Stephen Simm,Peter Grey,Paul Malecheskwi,Paul Yeates,?Geoffrey ------.

2nd Row Lt to Rt
?----- ,Willy Keneeley,Ian Davies,Paul Lewis,Philip Simm,?----,Stephen Jones.

3rd Row Lt to Rt
Howard Bond,Paul Sherman,Sheila Davies,Denise Oysten,Janice Woods,Janet Moss,Geoffrey Harrison,Mark Prior,

4th Row Lt to Rt
Carol Mather,Linda Heyes,Carol Ashworth,Allison Cunliffe,?Linda Bond,Jacquline Fairhurst,Marion Bentham.

5th Row Lt to Rt
Alan Lesenko,Philip Archer,David Hankin,?----Prior,?Michael Winstanley.

for some reason David Hankin,?---Prior, and Michael Winstanley were on this photo but I think they were in the year below because David Hankin's sister was in this year Julie Hankin.

Comment by: Brynner on 27th October 2013 at 11:38

Think its Eric Higham next to Phil Simm
looks like Nigel Woolham next to Willy K

Comment by: Janice on 27th October 2013 at 19:58

Ah yeh your right it is Eric Higham

Comment by: Janice on 28th October 2013 at 22:24

Sorry when I put the names on the 5th row should have read
?---- Fairhurst,Alan Lesenko,Philip Archer,David Hankin,----Prior,Michael Winstanley.

Comment by: Shirley on 29th October 2013 at 13:01

He's name is mark prior

Comment by: Geoff Melling on 28th August 2014 at 08:39

Back row on the right Geoff Melling.
Anybody know where Paul Sherman is these days? Would love to get in touch.
Anyone on here also drop me a line to catch-up.

Comment by: joeseph belshaw on 18th February 2017 at 09:35

only just seen this photo, am so sorry about paul and ste. i played just a couple of games for school footy team, what a good keeper ste was. i send my condolances, to relatives of paul and ste. i had some great times with them at school. ashton central was the school in question. i should have gone more often. Joe belshaw from abram.

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