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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Woodfield School


Early 50's
Early 50's
Photo: John Barbour
Views: 5,178
Item #: 23585
Class photo taken some time in the early 50's

Comment by: John Barbour on 16th June 2013 at 19:00

Christine Barbour is there...it's from her collection ...other names would be great please.

Comment by: MartinW on 21st June 2013 at 14:53

Strictly speaking this should be late 50's. Also I don't think it is a class photo, Woodfield didn't have such big classes so it is either two classes or more likely Miss Parkinson's beloved choir. (that would explain why I am not on it LOL.) Some of my class mates are there though, for example on the backrow my mates Alan and Geoffrey Foley, then ? then John Aspinall. On the middle row I can see Judith Wilding 6 in from the left with Suzanne Crowe on her left. The other teacher in addition to the formidable aforementioned on the left, is possibly Miss Maybury (sp?)?

Comment by: John Barbour on 22nd June 2013 at 22:13

Fair enough on the date...I was'nt that sure...but thanks for your info...keep them coming !

Comment by: Sue Hockaday on 25th August 2014 at 22:12

I'm the last girl on the right on the second row. Susan Carrington. I'm sitting behind Wendy Bradburn and Pat Warburton. I can also see Hilary Fishwick, Mavis Hirst, Josie Roberts, Anne Brown, Paul Benbow, Alistair and Ian MacDonald, Valerie Peet. It may be the choir as not all the people in the photo were in the same year. I think Wendy's elder sister Jennifer is also there and one of the Atkinson sisters., maybe Hilary. Lots of others are familiar, even after 50+ years! I think it was taken around 1960.

Comment by: Carol Fowler on 7th February 2015 at 22:57

Yes I think this is 1960. I'm second row from front, 5 in from right ( the one with the dodgy fringe), Carol Holding. I can see Carol Brown, Susan Ellison, Janice McCreery, can't see my best friend Edah, and not sure what the group is. Could be the choir. Very happy memories of Woodfield.

Comment by: Judith Molyneux now Grant on 19th October 2015 at 20:40

I'm almost positive this must be the choir. I see Christine on the front row. I'm not there so I must have already left and was a year ahead of Christine. I'd love to hear from anyone. ajudithadams@yahoo.com

Comment by: CHRISTINE BARBOUR-MOORE on 22nd December 2015 at 13:51


Comment by: JanetM on 14th January 2017 at 23:06

Middle row from right (in front of Miss Maybury) - fairly sure it's Janet Livesey, Nicolas Kershaw, (x), Louise Burney, Edah Boardman, (x), Sheila McKinley, Susan Ellison, Janice McCreery.
Is it Sarah Boardman to right of Suzanne Crowe?
On 2nd row from front to left of Susan Carrington, think it's Kathryn Jones (one of the twins), then Carol Booth, (x), Carol Holding. Boy on far left of same row looks like Tony Cowpe.
Think boy from left on 2nd row from back is Ian Thompson. 6th from left (blond wavy hair) is Timothy Linacre.
Think it must be the choir as other person suggested. Choir wore a 'uniform' like that.
Recognise a few others but can't recall names.

Comment by: Allison poole nee Ashcroft on 19th July 2017 at 12:05

I remember the Woodfield choir well. I'm on thefront row 5th from the right next too Christine Barbour. I can remember singing at the winter gardens in blackpool. The choir Winning a trophy. First place I think.

Comment by: Tony Cowpe on 17th November 2019 at 19:15

Yep Just seen myself and confirm its me as per original poster.
Happy days!!

Comment by: Neil MacKenzie on 21st April 2021 at 01:31

Very pleased to discover this photo. I am certainly in it and remember those far off days very fondly.

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