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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Belle Green, Ince


Class photo, 1963.
Class photo, 1963.
Photo: Maureen Rutter (nee Green)
Views: 10,338
Item #: 232
Mr Ball's class, 1963.

Comment by: june wilcock nee mcdermott on 2nd November 2007 at 03:06

I see myself on this photo - 1st.row of girls sitting -I am the one on the end right hand side-wearing a striped cardigan,which Ithink was purple.Got it off my grandad who was a rag and bone man.Not too proud to say all his family at some time were fitted out from the second hand clothes he collected.

Comment by: john porter on 29th November 2007 at 00:10

Hi, that's me fourth from the left on middle row. Left Wigan in the summer of 1962 and moved to Southport. Still visit Wigan to watch rugby but not that often these days. Remember most of the names but not all.

Comment by: Maureen Rutter on 23rd January 2008 at 21:59

Hello John and June
I remember you both well. Remember me- I'm Maureen Green (now Rutter) I'm the tallest one in the middle on the back row (looks like I've had a twinky perm!) I have been married nearly 37 years, live in Coppull Moor Near Chorley with my husband Ken and we have 2 sons and 1 little granddaughter. Those school days were something to remember weren't they? Mr Barnes vegetable patch on Hemfield Road, I used to love helping to sell all the garden produce in the school yard do you remember that? and all those wire cages that we kept the gym equipment in i.e. rubber rings, balls etc and oh those horrible brown coco mats! I have put quite a few school photographs on the site also some under Rose Bridge

Comment by: kath byrne on 5th April 2008 at 13:12

can anyone put names to this picky

Comment by: June on 25th April 2008 at 20:42

Yes Maureen, I remember you and your mum and dad,mostly from going to church at Belle Green school.I remember the old mats and the open fires in the classroom,health and safety would have a field day now !!Those tiny toilets in the schoolyard,the rows of coat hooks as you went in the front door and the big pile of coke out in the yard.Mrs.Cheetham playing piano and us singing,couldn't work out how she knew someone wasn't singing,til I realised she had the mirror over the piano at an angle.Innocence at its best.!!!

Comment by: June on 25th April 2008 at 20:48

Nearly forgot, it was Baron's farm in Hemfield Road,where we picked the veggies and the gooseberries.Not sure if they kept pigs,maybe Mr.Barnes got his 'garden' there in exchange for school dinner leftovers.I'd like to think so.

Comment by: pam on 27th May 2008 at 17:39

Maureen, is that Irene Gould, second from left, back row.

Comment by: heaton on 6th June 2008 at 10:38

yes it is irene

Comment by: Jack Cian on 19th March 2009 at 15:50

This was my class dont know why im not on would be greatful if anyone has any school pis with me on to post them as i have,nt any to show my children and grandchildren , I remember most of this fine bunch of students though lol please correct me if i get any wrong
Front row sitting i think is S Meadwell, E Westhead, A Urwyn
2nd row LtoR Ann Sinclair, Rita Galvin, Ann Scrivens, Ann Duckworth, Susan Anderton, ? ,Gwyneth Mulvey, Linda Atherton ,June Mcdermott,
3rd row LtoR Alan Hart, Graham Lawton, John Porter,Terence Buckley, Alan Parks,Ian Eatock,Peter Banks, David Dawber, Alan Johnson,
back row LtoR Mr Ball, Janice Bennett, Irene Gould, Doreen Appleton, ? , Ann Aspinall, Carol Wilson, ?,

Comment by: Jack Cain on 20th March 2009 at 06:49

Re last comment i missed Mr Barnes off also this was 1962

Comment by: Bill Eatock on 1st April 2009 at 18:03

To the best of my knowledge you've got the names right, Jack. Mind you it's so long ago, I've forgotten most of them!

Comment by: Jack Cain on 2nd April 2009 at 09:20

Thanks for that Bill, Dont know about you but ive all on to remember yesterday never mind forty odd years ago lol often wonder where they all are now .

Comment by: Bill Eatock on 17th April 2009 at 16:58

They probably had the good sense to emigrate to warmer countries, Jack! Scary to think how quickly time has passed since those days at Belle Green. In two years time I'll be getting my bus pass...

Comment by: Anne Sealey (Aspinall) on 27th April 2009 at 10:43

Remember my mother used to be caretake of Belle Green, I had to shovel that coke every night into the boiler house to help my dad and dust every single classroom to help mother I hated every minute of it, use to get a chance to plonk away on the piano thought

Comment by: Jack Cain on 27th April 2009 at 12:57

Hi Anne, Just read your comments that would be considered child abuse these days lol. Pity kids today dont have to do stuff like that. dont think it did you any harm happy days

Comment by: s meadwell on 31st December 2009 at 13:06

same as you jack not on this photo i think it might be dave greenhalgh not me ste meadwell but know most of the others on photo

Comment by: Jack Cain on 2nd February 2010 at 23:50

Hi Ste could have sworn it was you ,You dont happen to have any from previous years with us on do you ,If so i,d be greatful if you could post them on here .

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 8th June 2010 at 23:29

i remember loads of kids on this pic , although i went to st williams , i lived in york st a stones throw from bell green school why did my mam and dad send us downt lane when this school was almost next door? religion i suppose.

Comment by: sharratt on 9th February 2013 at 22:25

Does any one know what happened two Irene Gould

Comment by: Sheila Gaskell on 15th May 2024 at 13:55

3 row 3rd from left Eric Kennedy

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