Wigan Album
Belle Green, Ince
Photo: Maureen Rutter (nee Green)
Item #: 229
names if poss
Hi - I'm on the far right of picture sitting in the second row. I can remember most of the names even though I left soon after the pic was taken.
Love Joan
second row up 4th from left Mary Galvin my cousin.second row up 3rd from right Sylvia Gaskell.
Are the two girls on second row 1st and 2nd on left the fairhurst twins?
Hi Sylvia Gaskell youv'e never altered,I didn't go to your school but you where in my class at Rose bridge school 1960 1964 you'll know me better as Betty & Ellen Winstanley(twins). do you remember when you where on the school fields having our sports day when you ran on the field and Ellen throw the Javelin and it landed in your foot. Mrs Green(teacher) was beside her self. she's still alive, I some times see her in Asda with her Hubby.Hope your Well. also I reconise Alan Derbyshire who went on to marry Susan Shawcross. front row L-R third one in.
what memories this photo brings back can remember every one on here .where have those years gone.
Third row second from right is Jean Holcroft my cousin
Sorry about the mistake I was taking the rows from the bottom. Second row from the top is Jean Holcroft second from the right.
The lad standing next to the female teacher is my older brother Kenneth Winstanley, he passed away at the age of 39, miss him loads .