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Belle Green, Ince


Belle Green School, c1933.
Belle Green School, c1933.
Photo: John Cartwright
Views: 6,173
Item #: 225
Belle Green School, taken from a booklet written in 1933 - Belle Green Mission 1883 to 1933 Jubilee. The booklet also contains some adverts from the local shops and businesses in Ince.

Comment by: june wilcock nee mcdermott on 22nd October 2007 at 19:48

Iwent to this school from the age of four and a half and left Ithink in 1964.I have lovely memories of being there and I recall my first teacher being Kathleen Major wife of artist Theodore.Janet and John were my reading books in her class.Iremember other teachers Mrs.Cheetham Mrs.Perrin Mr.Fearnley,Mr.Winward and Mr.Ball.I really wish I could turn back time and do it all over again.Being next to the railway line always meant friendly waves from the engine drivers and firemen on the steam trains -Ican smell them now.Mr.Barnes looked formidable at times but he was a good headmaster.I used to be the biscuit monitor and sold them at playtime.- - 7 cheesets for a penny.jammy dodgers a penny each and wagon wheels were threepence.Ihad to collect my wares from the staffroom and all the teachers were gathered there having their cuppa and there was always a nice open fire burning in the grate.The nit nurse used to inspect us every so often and you could tell who had nits cos they would come out carrying a note.I used to go home to Reservoir Street for my dinner passing aunty amys shop on the way. Penny daintys,penny arrows,licquorice sticks and spanishes etc all sweating away nicely in the window.What a wonderful childhood I had.

Comment by: Andrew on 18th August 2008 at 22:49

Just wondered if any one can tell me where on belle green lane was the school. I know the road as it is today but cant place the school. Can anyone help.

Comment by: wes knight on 22nd August 2008 at 20:57

hello andrew the school was located just passed the bush pub on the left as you go up the hill, the first few houses on applethwaite now occupy the spot, the houses are built level just like the school was.

Comment by: Jenny Roby nee Harrison 9th July 2009 on 9th July 2009 at 17:35

I went to Belle Green School from 1947-1953 Mr Winward and Mr Ball were teaching then Mr Barnes head teacher used to cane us we had a choice of canes we did not have sweets or biscuits at school everything was on ration but I was happy.

Comment by: Christine Geeves (was Hinks) on 17th October 2009 at 01:35

I went to Belle Green school from about 1952-53. I think I was about 4 and a half. I remember all the same things you do June and they are wonderful memories. I remember the trains running along the back (over the bridge). I lived in Hemfield Road with my Grandma.

Comment by: trevor hardy on 19th December 2011 at 17:28

did two years there before moving to the new school. mrs major was the 1st teacher then miss? knowles both wonderfull teachers

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