Wigan Album
Ashton-in-Makerfield Secondary School
Photo: Alan Twiss
Item #: 223
Back row: (?), Douglas Melling, Roberts, John Walls, Webster, Taylor, Alan Twiss
Forth row: Gilligan, (?), David Green, Foster, Ken Holland, Norman Pilling, (?) Graham Marshall
Third row: Mr McKenzie Clifford Leather, Howard Bibby, John Edwards, Pritchard, (?), Ken Hughes, Brown, Ken Sutton Ashcroft, Ken ?
Second row: Jamieson, Woodward, Leslie Cunliffe, (?), Tabener, Len Winstanley, (?), Syd (?)
Front row: (?), Thomas, Heaton, Ratcliffe, Fox, (?)
The Fox on this photo is Keith Fox - my Uncle!!!! And he hasn't change one bit - apart from some grey hairs. don't tell him i said that though!!!!
That is my brother John Edwards thank you for the photo it was a nice surprise
Back row first left Keith Carter,4th row first left Joe Gilligan,4th row next Norman Pilling is Kenny Hughes 3rd row Ken Hughes is Jeffrey Hughes, next to Kenny Sutton is Barry Ashcroft, second row far right looks like Sidney Middlehurst, front row first left brilliant left handed lead guitarist with 60's beat group Keith Pennington, Roy Heaton, Alan Ratcliffe, Keith Fox,and Alan Banks. And I wasn't in this class I was in 3a
I hope you don't mind but I put a small picture of John Edwards on mt blog cut from this picture
God !!!, how young does my Uncle Kenny look, why do all Taberner's look alike.....
third row far right Barry Ashton then Thomas Pennington.second row middle Bert Leach.ps even though i did go to ashton sec mod i managed to learn how to spell when i went to tekknikall coolidge, and thanks davy at least somebody remembers me and as you say ,you was in the posh 3a were they did lernn ow two speel
I do not remember any Ashcrofts being in 3B i was in the same year but in 3A that is not me in that class
Hello Brian Dave Thompson here I got the boy's name wrong it was Barry Ashton in 3b I probably mixed him up with you
Hi Dave nice to contact you again,2nd time in 50years? time flies,Ellis Brown has a form photo of 1A he should put that on,would bring back a few memories to some old mates,if he has lost it let me know and i will send another one.
Hello Brian, Ellis gave me 3 photos 1a, 3a, 4a, I published them all last year you will find them on page 2 on this site. Dave
is Joe Knowles the joe Gilligan who lived near the Blue bell?
yes kieth the same one
hiya Joe its certainly a long time no see ,how're you doing.I'm the only one ,or should i say mug still working .its terible that once you lesve school everyone goes their seperate ways.I saw Bert Lynch and Alan Ratcliffe about 15 years ago in the simms road end.not seen anyone else since.I seem to remember Ken Holland was a brilliant drawer ,am i right.Norman Pritchard used to play drums with us and went out with Ann Ogden who used to live near the motorway bridge,Taylor ,i was told lives in Abram ,apart from that its all i know,anyway Joe nice to hear from you
do you think we could have a reunion sometime,
I was in 3b class in that year but once again I was most likely not at school on that day
Heaton in the front row is my uncle Roy. My Mum is Joan twin sister of Pat.
Steve Kelsall. Well I never, Pat and Joan Heaton, I dont think I have seen them since they left St Thomas's junior school. I dont think they would remember me, but may remember my brother and sister Joe and Sylvia Travis.