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Wigan Wesleyan School


Wigan Wesleyan Day School
Wigan Wesleyan Day School
Photo: Mary Scott-Parker
Views: 3,578
Item #: 22133
My grandma Mary Leigh was pupil teacher back row - by blackboard - in white. Don't know the date but she was born in 1889

Comment by: Helen on 18th December 2012 at 13:44

The school couldn't have changed much over the years. I went there in about 1948/49. I can still recognise the playground which was below the school building...the arch to the right went through to the back playground, high walls all around, couldn't see anything but the sky above & flagstones under our feet.....anyone else being a pupil there ?

Comment by: Dave C on 18th December 2012 at 17:41

Where exactly was this school,I remember the Wesleyan Church in Standishgate, where the Iceland store is now

Comment by: Helen on 19th December 2012 at 08:10

Dave, if you turned left into Dicconson St from where the Wesleyan Church stood on the corner & faced Standishgate...the school was in Dicconson St practically opposite the side of the church & the church hall etc. We used to go over the the church hall for singing lessons & always had a carol service in the church. Typical Methodist church with a gallery above, there was a huge church organ up at the front of the gallery, the whole interior of the church was wood. I described the interior of the school somewhere else on WW. Buldings come & go...but it must have looked better than an Iceland store.

Comment by: Dave C on 19th December 2012 at 09:52

Thanks Helen, I remember the corner opposite the Church was often referred to as "Bill Davies Corner" and was a bathroom shop. Further up Dicconson Street on the same side as the Shop was a Chiropodists and another shop. I vaguely recall the building you refer to, but never associated it as being a school. Further up the Street was the building that St Johns Youth Club occupied. Lots of nice buildings long forgotten. I totally agree with you about the Iceland Building (and one or two others I could mention)

Comment by: RON HUNT on 19th December 2012 at 10:44

Check out the other pictures of Diccinson Street and Standishagte in the Album under PLACES.

Comment by: Helen on 19th December 2012 at 13:44

Thanks Ron for reminding me that there were photos of Dicconson St in 'places'

Comment by: Dave C on 19th December 2012 at 23:55

Cheers Ron, I'd forgotten tat there were so many shops along that street. It was quite a busy area in is hey day by the look of it.

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