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Thomas Linacre School


School Colours Badge
School Colours Badge
Views: 3,957
Item #: 22072
Badge awarded to Tony Bennett for representing the school at football

Comment by: Chuff on 7th December 2012 at 19:20


Comment by: broady on 7th December 2012 at 22:45

That doesn't look right to me!!! Were you in the same year as Tony Dean??

Comment by: Roy on 8th December 2012 at 01:26

May we progress?

Comment by: Chuff on 8th December 2012 at 09:51

According to Wiki it is !! - yes same year

Comment by: RON HUNT on 8th December 2012 at 10:12

Got to say I was as "Proud as Punch" to wear that badge on my blazer.

Comment by: Albert. on 8th December 2012 at 14:26

What do the three motifs' signify?

Comment by: Roy on 8th December 2012 at 15:21

I didn,t do Wiki Chuff, that was from my memory box, having started at TLS in 1953, 60 years next September!!!

Comment by: Chuff on 8th December 2012 at 21:02

Correct Roy. Now, how about this:

Linacre whose name we proudly bear,
whose coat of arms we wear,
beckons us to follow in his steps,
In science and service we shall strive,
his heritage to keep alive,

Good old Clarence Thorpe.

Comment by: David Simm on 9th December 2012 at 01:44

What a pleasant surprise to see this old school badge. I went to Linacre 1956 straight from Wrightington Hospital School, follwing two of my former teachers from Highfield, St Mattjews.
I would love to hook up with old friend from that time, I kow some are scattered all over the place.
My class mate/neighbour Gordon Brown is in Austin, Texas. we're still in contact but I had a bunch of other pals that I long ago lost touch with.

Comment by: broady on 9th December 2012 at 04:25

I am sure I was in Crompton House (Light Blue)

Comment by: RON HUNT on 9th December 2012 at 09:27


Comment by: RON HUNT on 9th December 2012 at 09:29

David are you back in Wigan? I have a scrapbook, school mags, the Opening Brochure. and other items from the school if you would like to borrow them.

Comment by: broady on 9th December 2012 at 11:57

I am positive I wasn't in any of those. However time does play tricks with the memory.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 9th December 2012 at 12:35

These were the houses when I was there 1957-62.

Comment by: Roy on 9th December 2012 at 16:17

As you say Chuff, good old Clarence Thorpe. Those house names are bang on Ron, i was a Stephenson man myself.

Comment by: keith on 10th December 2012 at 07:56

I was in newton and sure we were light blue,as far as athletics my exercise was a walk at lunch to Fanny Orgills

Comment by: Brandon Hilton. on 12th December 2012 at 16:26

There were eight original houses at TLS as described in previous posts but these were cut down to four around 1962. The new houses were Arkwright, Bridgewater, Crompton and Peel. I was originally in Harvey House which was amalgamated with Rutherford to become Peel.

Comment by: broady on 12th December 2012 at 22:36

Thank goodness. I was beginning to think I had lost my marbles.

Comment by: Roy on 13th December 2012 at 03:31

Very interesting Brandon, this is news to me and probably to many other ex TLS boys as it would appear from previous posts, i was long gone in 1962 so therefore new nothing about the changes.

Comment by: broady on 13th December 2012 at 13:16

I started in September 1961 and am almost certain I went straight into Crompton House. When I have been reading about these houses I was almost convinced I must have been wrong.

Comment by: Brandon Hilton on 13th December 2012 at 15:03

From memory Rutherford and Harvey became Peel, colour red. Brunel and Wren became Bridgewater, Colour Yellow, Faraday and Newton became Crompton, colour blue and Dalton and Stevenson became Arkwright Colour green. Although I am not 100 percent sure of the last two could be the other way round with the colours and house names.

Comment by: Albert. on 14th December 2012 at 15:33

Can anyone enlighten me, relating to my earlier question, regarding the three motifs. I believe it is quite interesting to know why such motifs are chosen.

Comment by: AB on 14th December 2012 at 16:31

The Thomas Linacre house always numbered 8 but when they amalgamed, were taken over by, the Wigan Grammar School the Grammar School Houses were kept and the Linacre Houses were assimulated into them. This happened in 1983. I know because i was the House captain of Farady and we joined into Bridgewater. I was made the House captain of bridgewater. Nothing that part of the Linacre was taken up by the new school. All school records which discarded also, so the first magaine of the new school apologises for there being no record of an events or awards at the Linacre.
Re the awarding of school colours to so called outstanding sports people, there were half colours, ie a cap badge for 16 year olds and full colours, blazer badges, at 18. I was fortunatr to be awarded both full and half colours for football, cricket and athletics. At the amalgamed school I was awarded full rugby colours, a sport not played at the Linacre but the sport I played most at for Orrell RUFC colts.

Comment by: broady on 14th December 2012 at 17:04

I was always in Crompton at TLS. I started in 1961. The amalgamation was in 1963. I went into Bridgeman at WGS. Read the reply regarding only four houses at TLS.

Comment by: noknok on 15th December 2012 at 13:47

I started at Thomas Linacre Sept.1962.We where the last intake.As Broady says all houses changed in 1963,for the life of me I cannot remember what house I was in at Linacre.I was in Crawford at W.G.S.

Comment by: Carl Fairclough on 15th December 2012 at 21:16

Hi Albert, apologies if you already know the folowing info. The school was named after Thomas Linacre 1460- 1524. He was a humanist scholar and a physician. He became Rector of Wigan in 1520. The school badge is part of the Linacre family coat of arms. It would appear that the 3 scallops are a common occurence in heraldry. According to Wiki it is thought that the 3 scallops have some bearing to "The way of St. James" which is a pilgrimage route to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. Apparently there are some scallop shells marking some of the route, and a lot of scallops are farmed on the Galicean coast which is in the region of the cathedral. Sorry I am unable to find any more positive info. We were never told anything about it when I was at the school.

Comment by: Albert. on 16th December 2012 at 11:54

Carl. I am very much obliged for such a knowledgeable answer. In case any old boys' didn't know what you know,at least, they know it now.

Comment by: AB on 17th December 2012 at 11:08

Re scallop shells on the Linacre coat of arms being related to the Camino De Santiago. I was fortunate enough to walk nearly 200 miles of this pilgramage two years ago. The scallop shell was carried in days gone by by the pilgrim as a vessel to drink from and a plate to eat off. Pilgrims were fed by locals each morning and each night and it is only 20 years this custom was stopped. The scallop shell is used on some signs but this is rare and is a modern thing. You still see the walking pilgrims with the shell hanging from their rucksack. Today the pilgrimage is carried out by cyclist and tourists on a coach. All Shout Bon Camino to each other as they pass. It was a truely remarkable experience and one I would recommend.

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 29th December 2012 at 17:12

Brandon, i do believe your father was my favourite teacher of my favourite subject and was also my first form master 2A in 1953 the year the scool opened, he also encouraged me to play rugby, a game which i took up and enjoyed and still do enjoy but from a sittng position now, he was a smashing fellow Brandon.

Comment by: Bill lewis on 5th March 2013 at 14:43

In all of these wonderful ramblings through the passage of time I have only seen one mention of a TLS institution Fanny Orgils ... Where lunch was a pie, bottle of orange juice and a woodbine !!!

Comment by: Malcolm Ryding on 25th April 2013 at 19:25


An interesting article for any TLS old boy.

Comment by: Len Dissado on 6th September 2014 at 14:34

As I remember it in the first year or two the house names were Drake, Frobisher, Rayleigh, and so on. I was in Drake. Then it was decided that these names weren't appropriate for a technical school and they were changed to Newton etc as mentioned above. Does anyone else remember these early house names?

Comment by: Stephen Connelly on 7th March 2015 at 21:26

I still have a pristine blazer badge as above that never got sewn on. I was in 2E to 5E with Carl Fairclough. After 4 years of listening to morning registration: Arrowsmith, Aspey, Baldry, Baldwin, Brown, Clark, Clucas, Connelly, Dean, Eckersley, Fairclough, Fairclough, Gaskell, Gasser, Goulden, Grey, Hart, Hilton, Holland, Johnson, Jones, Kenyon, Roberts, Savage, Shepherd, Smith G., Smith S., Webster, Wilding, Winstanley. (30 in class). Can't believe it's over 50 years since I left. Was only thinking about Clarence Thorpe (music) last week. Lovely guy.

Comment by: Owdkewyed on 8th May 2015 at 15:42

Yes I agree Mr Thorpe was a great mild mannered teacher..............until you got on the wrong side of him and he took you behind the curtain to meet 'His Friend'......a very whippy cane !!!.

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