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Standish Grammar School


me and the bulldog
me and the bulldog
Photo: albert langton
Views: 2,897
Item #: 21563
hi peter this is the only photo of the so callbulldog

Comment by: Peter W. on 2nd October 2012 at 00:36

The bulldog used to chase a gang of us and we all scattered.
I was about 9or10 at the time; the dog if you can think back was a churchill type, and it could certainly run, a lot faster than the todays bulldogs. Anyway Albert, you haven't changed much since last I saw you, let me in to the secret.

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 2nd October 2012 at 11:21

Bert, whippets and ferrets from the animal world are all i remember from those days, also remembering two lads that are no longer with us, your George and John Simm.

Comment by: albert langton on 2nd October 2012 at 14:09

hi peter and roy still puzzled about the bulldog this one was named spot your right roy we did have whippets and ferrets plus peter not much hair now

Comment by: Peter W. on 2nd October 2012 at 16:01

I had heard about George (my commiseration to you Albert) but not about John; I am slightly out of touch here. Albert, when you put not much hair now, do you mean, the dog, me, or yourself? The colour of the bulldog was predominantly white, with a few black patches, I assumed it was your dog Albert as it was nearly always there when you were; a friendly dog until some person tormented it. I remember 'Spot'.

Comment by: albert langton on 2nd October 2012 at 17:33

hi peter sad to say edith and esther also pass away i think i must have been about fourteen here

Comment by: Peter W. on 4th October 2012 at 01:54

Hello There Albert. That's really very sad loosing three; is your Jimmy still as tough as ever?

Comment by: albert langton on 4th October 2012 at 14:54

hi peter yes jimmy still puffing away on the cigs also our lilys still working have some more school photos to send yet when i get time

Comment by: Peter W. on 4th October 2012 at 16:29

Give my regards to Jimmy please Albert. You mentioned Mans' two worst enemies there; Oily Rags and Time.

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