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Standish Grammar School


Teachers at Standish Grammar - 2 - approx 1952
Teachers at Standish Grammar - 2 - approx 1952
Photo: Jim Orrell
Views: 3,934
Item #: 21548
This photo mirrors the earlier photo from Albert Langton only slightly better focus, the same people, same clothes in different positions. Original here:

So apologies if much of the detail is repeated.

Top LR - Miss Olwyn Rowena Elizabeth Cordelia Lloyd Wilding, (?) , Mrs Goodwin, Ken Orrell (my father). Bottom LR - Tommy Snape, Miss (Molly) Light, Billy Garner, Mrs Turner.

I got my info from Ken Orrell's cousin Hilda Day (nee Lythgoe), still going and living in Blackpool. This is a compilation of the info from other comments.

<> Miss Wilding's father Tom Wilding had a bike shop adjoining the White Duck on Standish High Street. (Comments Roy Huxley, Irene Roberts, Hilda Day)
She was also Guide leader (Comments linda massa)
<> Mrs Goodwin - lived in Greenland Avenue (Comments alan lad, Hilda Day)
Had a daughter Christine.

<> Miss (Molly) Light was Australian 99% sure (Comments Roy Huxley, Hilda Day)
<> Billy Garner was headteacher (Comments Roy Huxley)
<> Mrs Turner ended up Headmistress after Mr Garner (Comments Roy Huxley)

Date. From my calculations it is somewhere between 1949 and 1954 (after the war with the encouragement of his teacher wife my father took up teaching, and started at a new school Sept 1954)

As well as this I now have the original of Albert's photo, so if anyone wants digital copies, just email me.

Jim Orrell

Comment by: irene roberts on 28th September 2012 at 12:39

Yes, I do recognise Miss Wilding as a customer at the chemists where I worked, though she was much older then than she is on the photo. What an impressive list of names she has, and all lovely, but I seem to remember the name on her prescriptions was just Rowena

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 28th September 2012 at 14:40

Sorry Jim for using your posting for a message, Irene refer back to the White Duck photo.

Comment by: Roy Huxley on 29th September 2012 at 00:27

The missing member of staff i believe is Mr Halton,

Comment by: Peter W. on 29th September 2012 at 16:53

Mr.Halton was the board duster and chalk thrower, at times the missiles came from the rear of the class. The other one, Mr.Diprose, I think went to another school, he used to live in a bungalow on the right of Pepper Lane, just before Graham Farm/Old Pepper Lane (Wigan Corporation Turning Point).

Comment by: Linma on 13th November 2020 at 07:01

Jim you’re spot on with Miss Wilding’s name.

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