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All Saints School


All Saints - St Andrews House (blue badge) with the Work Shield circa 1961/2
All Saints - St Andrews House (blue badge) with the Work Shield circa 1961/2
Photo: JohnAlan
Views: 5,856
Item #: 21155
St Andrews House won the Work Shield which is shown on the photograph. I (John Hankin) am to the right of the shield on the front row as you look and also on the photo are Norman Passant, Darrel (Daz) Mason, Arthur Right, David Gladwin, Geoff Seddon, Alan Austin?, Tommy?, ?Fishwick? Geoff Yates? - School Head Boy, Tommy Gore and Roy (Taffy) Jackson House Masters. Many other faces I recognise but can't put names to them. Can you help?

Comment by: John on 1st August 2012 at 19:05

Great picture John - - my era at All Saints

Comment by: RG on 1st August 2012 at 20:30

Roy Jackson also taught at Moss Lane School in the early 50's. I think he taught history and music.

Comment by: aggi on 1st August 2012 at 20:51

geoff yates (who now lives in perth w aus) will be in wigan at the end of august

Comment by: Carl Fairclough on 1st August 2012 at 23:46

I think the lad on the right of the front row kneeling is Alan Pedder, behind him standing maybe Arthur Tolley and standing behind him is David Johnson who had the chemists shop on Park Road. I think 6th from the left on back row is Alan Armstrong.

Comment by: stephen halliwell on 2nd August 2012 at 04:29

hi john i was in st andrews house as well round about 1962/63 you were a couple of years older than me. i became house prefect later on , i remember people like len myers being house captain and i think yourself also. i think your picture maybe slightly before 1961/2

Comment by: stephen halliwell on 2nd August 2012 at 04:54

hi john i was in st andrews house as well round about 1962/63 you were a couple of years older than me. i became house prefect later on , i remember people like len myers being house captain and i think yourself also. i think your picture maybe slightly before 1961/2

Comment by: JohnAlan on 2nd August 2012 at 10:14

Roy Jackson taught English at All Saints when I was there and also ran the football teams (at least the younger ones). He took me to watch Bolton Wanderers at Burndeb Park to play Sheffield Wednesday. He did that with all his team members. Tommy Gore taught Geography when I was there. Derek Hurst was the History teacher and ran the rugby teams he also wielded a mighty cane, which I know to my cost and sore bum!). Mr Cutter was the music teacher and couldn't control his classes. Hursty's classroom was next door and I can remember him coming in to restore order! Used to train spot and the upstairs classrooms just gave you a glimpse of locos on the main line. Got into trouble for it too. I think Jock Shaw taught maths in between his stories.... "During the war" Maybe Uncle Albert from OFAHs got that line from Jock. Once I got 100% in an algebra test.... floored everyone that did. Maybe it was 1960/61 when the photo was taken. I did become a prefect but passed the 13+ and transferred to the Grammar School along with a few others on the photo too. Norman Passant and Daz Mason and David Gladwin from our house alone that I can remember

Comment by: jeff yates on 2nd August 2012 at 12:44

yes another good photo bringing back lots of memories.yes i will be in wigan end of aug so if you feel like a chinwag over a beer contact the bellingham end of aug.reveal yourself aggi

Comment by: steve dunn on 6th August 2012 at 08:11

its me mam jeff owd age catching up lol

Comment by: BEWLEY on 6th August 2012 at 11:52

Back row third from right is Jimmy Winstanley on his right is ? Dukes, third row second from left is Gordon Knowles who lived in Scot Lane.

Comment by: Richard Hill on 16th August 2012 at 19:55

third row back behind shield looking to his left David Austin, sixth from left back row can't remember his first name but i think its Alan Armstongs younger bother, forth from right third row back my school mate Alan Bagley.

Comment by: JohnAlan on 10th September 2012 at 14:54

The Tommy I mentioned is Tommy Butler and used to see him at Central Park and in Morrisons Ince. Not seen him for about ten years now.

Comment by: Dud. Lyon on 12th January 2015 at 22:41

Back row 6 from left.Big Al Alan Armstrong.
Far left sec. row my cousin Eric Lowe

Comment by: Dud. Lyon on 6th February 2015 at 21:20

I Was in St Michaels ,but lets have a go at some names.
Left of tree Alex? .Think next is David Oliver, Alan Armstrong.Right of tree Dave Jukes ?.In front of Al. is Jeff Seddon,Harry Wallwork left sec. row.Mr.Gore tec. drawing.

Comment by: Robert Wallace on 17th July 2015 at 20:09

I think the boy behind the shield is Alan Topping.

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