Wigan Album
St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge
Photo: dennis moore
Item #: 21132
dennis have you got a photo of wilson st platt bridge CLIFF
I never thought I would see that man's face again -0 Mr. Davenport. It has brought back memories of a nightmare year I spent there with Miss Rimmer being my main tormentor with his aid. Thank goodness my parents got me away from there.
I will put names on the above photo whose names i remember perhaps other people can fill in the question marks.
back row from left-Terry Entwistle,(me)Dennis Moore,Brian Lord,? ,Duncan Willoughby,?,Ronnie Ralphs,Albert Gregson,
2nd row-? Walker,Roy Towers,? Connors,Derek Kyte,?,
front row-Terry Baldwin, ? ,Brian Shaw.
I got the cane off Mr Hurst afew times but i deserved it but nobody could not like Sammy Davenport,he was great.
Dennis,the boy sat on the ground on the left of the photo looks like Derek Baldwin. Could he be a brother of Terry Baldwin?
evelyn- it probaply is derek baldwin not terry- i have not remebered it correctly-how did you know ?
The boy sat on the ground is Derek Baldwin he used to live near me in Millers Lane Terry is his younger brother.
Dennis here is the full team back row (l-r)Terry Entwistle, Dennis Moore, Brian Lord,Dennis Rostron,Duncan Willoby,Charlie Harding,Ronnie Ralphs,Albert Gregson,
Middle row (l-r)Tommy Gorner,Roy Towers,Jimmy Connor,Derek Kyte,John Fairhurst,
front(l-r)Derek Baldwin Billy Heyes
appolgies if the names are spelt wrongly
thanks Derek Baldwin for putting in the blanks-hope you are still plodding on