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St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge


St. Nats Football Team 1949
St. Nats Football Team 1949
Photo: dennis moore
Views: 3,148
Item #: 21132
1949 St Nats football team.the teachers are Sammy Davenport and Harry Hurst

Comment by: cliff on 30th July 2012 at 18:32

dennis have you got a photo of wilson st platt bridge CLIFF

Comment by: maggie on 31st July 2012 at 09:13

I never thought I would see that man's face again -0 Mr. Davenport. It has brought back memories of a nightmare year I spent there with Miss Rimmer being my main tormentor with his aid. Thank goodness my parents got me away from there.

Comment by: dennis moore on 31st July 2012 at 12:50

I will put names on the above photo whose names i remember perhaps other people can fill in the question marks.
back row from left-Terry Entwistle,(me)Dennis Moore,Brian Lord,? ,Duncan Willoughby,?,Ronnie Ralphs,Albert Gregson,
2nd row-? Walker,Roy Towers,? Connors,Derek Kyte,?,
front row-Terry Baldwin, ? ,Brian Shaw.
I got the cane off Mr Hurst afew times but i deserved it but nobody could not like Sammy Davenport,he was great.

Comment by: Evelyn on 4th August 2012 at 23:03

Dennis,the boy sat on the ground on the left of the photo looks like Derek Baldwin. Could he be a brother of Terry Baldwin?

Comment by: dennis moore on 5th August 2012 at 12:19

evelyn- it probaply is derek baldwin not terry- i have not remebered it correctly-how did you know ?

Comment by: JOHN BAILEY on 27th November 2012 at 15:48

The boy sat on the ground is Derek Baldwin he used to live near me in Millers Lane Terry is his younger brother.

Comment by: Derek Baldwin on 14th October 2015 at 14:02

Dennis here is the full team back row (l-r)Terry Entwistle, Dennis Moore, Brian Lord,Dennis Rostron,Duncan Willoby,Charlie Harding,Ronnie Ralphs,Albert Gregson,
Middle row (l-r)Tommy Gorner,Roy Towers,Jimmy Connor,Derek Kyte,John Fairhurst,
front(l-r)Derek Baldwin Billy Heyes

appolgies if the names are spelt wrongly

Comment by: dennis moore on 2nd April 2016 at 22:03

thanks Derek Baldwin for putting in the blanks-hope you are still plodding on

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