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All Saints School


7th wigan allsaints scout group (circa 1952)
7th wigan allsaints scout group (circa 1952)
Photo: eric davey-robinsdon
Views: 3,479
Item #: 19934
this photo was taken just after some of the parents helped to convert this 2nd hand lorry to carry the scouts on trips. the scouts collected 10,000 jam jars for which they received 1 penny each.The photo was taken (I think)just before a trip to stratford-on-avon the scoutmaster is "jock" shaw with headmaster mr rigby. I am on the top row extreme right.

Comment by: Brian Acton. on 16th February 2012 at 18:53

The back three boys stood up apart from yourself are L to R Arthur Bannister,Kenny Orrell, and next to you is Arthur LLoyd.

Comment by: puddkle on 16th February 2012 at 19:13

Shaw was an awful teacher.

Comment by: carol on 17th February 2012 at 09:04

Great photo, and not a seatbelt in sight, just all piled in the back.

Comment by: harry barrow on 17th February 2012 at 10:36

I joined "Jock's"scouts in 1954 and, even after all this time,I can't think of anything good to say about the man,he just used the scouts for his self promotion.I went on summer camp to Wells in Norfolk.One of the scouts"Dusty Cummings" dad had a coach and we all had a very good week travelling around,we also went up on a flight from R.A.F.Marham, a tour of the base and a slap up meal,and then it was back to the camp for burned everything for the rest of the week.The tents and all the other equitment were kept in an old air raid shelter known as "The Bastille"from one year to the next, and Jock didn't give us any time to check or waterproof anything before going to camp, needless to say, one night we had an almighty downpour and we were all washed out,Tents clothes sleeping bags,the lot,so much for "being prepaired",but that was JOCK! he was asleep on the coach.I can't discribe what sort of a teacher he was? I had some good mates in the scouts and in the school have lots of very happy and funny memmories.I left All Saints on the same day as Mr.Rigby and,years later he came across the road in Wigan lane,called me by my first name and began to shake my hand,he put the fear of god up me at school, but he was a good head master and a good man.

Comment by: Dave Marsh on 17th February 2012 at 14:28

I only met Jock Shaw once when I was 9/10 years old.He kindly let me hike up Rivington in heavy snow with the All Saints Scout Troop.A most enjoyable day that I remember well especially when one of the boys told me to touch an electric fence...I kneed myself in the chin.

Comment by: puddkle on 21st February 2012 at 12:33

Did he not charge you Dave?

Comment by: Bill Woodcock on 7th March 2012 at 22:32

I joined Jock Shaws scouts in 1948.We spent Saturdays pulling a cart collecting jam jars,which we stored in the air raid shelters.This was towards buying an ex army truck,probably this one.My first holiday was in a Bell Tent in North Wales.No ground sheets or sleeping bags,just a couple of army blankets.Cooking was on an open fire.Very basic

Comment by: Peter.francis on 8th January 2015 at 20:35

I was on the trip to North wales ,still remember this.as a very exciting life building experience , thanks jock

Comment by: puddlek on 21st October 2015 at 16:22

Hy David Frances,
Would the North Wales camp have been at Criccieth.

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