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Wigan Album

St Benedicts, Hindley

1 Comment

Standard 3 1947
Standard 3 1947
Photo: James Dunne
Views: 3,477
Item #: 18686
St.Benedicts Hindley standard 3 (9year olds)
back row F Lawton:P Grimes:B Harrison:Mr, James MacGowen:T Unsworth:J Hayse:M Cairns
2nd Row T Barton:J Casey:E Ashurst:B Draper:
D Banks:G Harcourt:V Higham:L Mann:T Edwards:
T Lydon
3rd row M Smith:B Marsh:C Chaters: H Abrams:
N Morley:B Churton:V Baines:M Case:E Powell:
M Dunne
Front Row:J Atherton:B Robinson:B Landers:
R Mawdsley:F Walsh:K Mathews:J Talbot:
W Atherton:B Hankinson:M Davy

Comment by: jenna green on 21st February 2013 at 14:33

Just looking at this picture. My grandad is on this Keith Matthews. Great picture xx

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