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Thomas Linacre School


Form 1A Thomas Linacre School,October 1956
Form 1A Thomas Linacre School,October 1956
Photo: Frank Brindle
Views: 4,367
Item #: 17983
Yours truly 2nd row 2nd left.Others I can remember Brian Partington 1st row 2nd left,Peter Lowe 1st row 4th left,next to form master whose name I forget but I'm sure taught Maths,Norman Ashurst 2nd row 3rd from right,Michael Ratcliffe 2nd row far right all pupils from Westhoughton.Norman Vernon 2nd row 3rd left John Baxter,from Huyton,2nd row 4th left,Sammy Rowlands back row far left.Can anyone put names to anybody else on the photo.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 22nd June 2011 at 19:03

Was the master's name DAY?

Comment by: dave marsh on 22nd June 2011 at 21:06

I think Mr.Day was a little chap like myself,Ron.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 22nd June 2011 at 22:15

Hi Dave yes you're correct he was. Is this master's name INGERMELLS?

Comment by: Frank Brindle on 22nd June 2011 at 23:24

Mr Ingemells taught German in my forms throughout my terms at T.L.from 1956 to 1961,with little success to me unfortunately,but a more ameable teacher from my recollections than the fearsome Mr Gelling.who also taught German,who I can remember being told from other pupils stood no nonsense.Living in Westhoughton throughout my time at Thomas Linacre I recollect 2 teachers who also lived there during at least some of that time,Mr Colley who taught History and Mr Collins who was the Engineering teacher.Does anybody remember them?

Comment by: Mal Leather on 23rd June 2011 at 06:50

Teacher certainly not Mr Day or Mr Ingamells. Mr Day was a Maths teacher from St Helens and Mr Ingamells was my form teacher for most of my stay at Linacre. I do remember Mr Collins who taught me Engineering in the upper school. The three teachers I have mentioned were excellent.

Comment by: Ivor Hilton on 23rd June 2011 at 10:50

Although I attended HAGS, I think it's Mr McAvoy (?) He lived
in Standish which is why I think I know him.

Comment by: Trevor Berry on 23rd June 2011 at 11:28

The Master's name was McAvoy. Can't remember his subject.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 23rd June 2011 at 12:55

Coley taught History and was a Rugby Union referee. Does anyone remember another History teacher, can't remember his name, He only lasted one term, and was like a Tramp.Unfortunately he taught out form. Everyday, he wore a couple of overcoats, which I never saw him without<g>At the end of every lesson he would give us a test of 10 questions, During the whole 40 mins of his lessons we were inundated with various dates 'Repeal of the Corn Laws' 'Truck Acts' etc. I think it was at this point I lost all interest in History. What use was there in remembering hundreds of dates, which you then had to match up to hundreds of Acts of Parliament???? After he had gone!!! I remember we asked another teacher why he had gone and was told that his appointment had been a mistake L.O.L.
Happy Days

Comment by: Frank Brindle on 23rd June 2011 at 14:05

Yes Trevor as you say the form master was definately Mr McEvoy and I'm 99% certain he taught Maths

Comment by: dave marsh on 23rd June 2011 at 14:16

I remember that odd fellow,Ron.I think he was living in a mens hostel at the time.I rather like odd balls but that guy could get real nasty.

Comment by: MIKE HEATH on 3rd August 2011 at 10:27

I remember that old guy. I was in form 3r at the time. I think he was an ex pat who had spent most of his life teaching in India and couldn't acclimatise to the UK weather.He used to wear long johns that hung below his trouser bottoms. he also had a liking for liquid refreshment and we used to see him going out of the school when he wasn't teaching. Acouple of the lads in our class followed him one day and he was nipping out to the pub in the market square. He was given a rough time by some of the lads and I guess that the drink helped him cope with them and the "cold". A bit sad really.

Comment by: Tommy Taylor on 26th April 2012 at 14:42

I was in year 2 by this time, but it is McEvoy and he did teach maths. On his left is Desi Glenn who also came from Huyton with 'Boff' Baxter. Tony Mulvey was another Huytonian but I can't recognise him on the photo.

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