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Abraham Guest


Pre. Abraham Guest
Pre. Abraham Guest
Photo: Sylvia Airey nee Wilcock
Views: 14,128
Item #: 17228
Last photo at Orrell Council before we went to the new Abraham Guest ? 1959

Comment by: Sylvia W on 26th February 2011 at 11:06

Does anyone remember any of the faces and names. I am 2nd row from top 4th from right. I think the teacher on right was Mr Farrimond but not sure.

Comment by: Doreen Cockrell (Nee Melling) on 26th February 2011 at 13:49

Teacher on the right is Mr Bob Jones, the one on the left is Mr Budworth, both of whom taught my elder sister Margaret Melling who went to St Jihns and then on to Abraham Guest.

Comment by: indalo on 27th February 2011 at 06:36

2nd left back row, Geoff Hickman, i must also mention Mr Alan Budworth,he had the cruel habit that if he wanted to emphasise a point he was trying to make,he would pull on the on the small hairs above the ears of the boy he was talking too, and try to lift him off the ground, it was very painful,it makes me think did he do it to his own children. He would not get away with it today. I have no good words to say about this teacher.

Comment by: Jean Proir nee Ollerton on 27th February 2011 at 16:48

Margaret melling was in my class I remember you doreen and your twin sister.the boy fouth from the left on the back row is Colin Prescot and i'm not sure but I think the boy second from the right is Jim Richardson. o and by the way Ken I thought Mr Budworth was lovely' he was with us girls anyway.

Comment by: INDALO on 27th February 2011 at 21:27

Hiya Jean, i can only say, !speak as you find!,perhaps he found the Lord after i left

Comment by: JP on 11th April 2011 at 22:21

Front row forth from the right is that David Ashcroft who played footy for Wigan schoolboys as well as Colin Prescot? if so where are they now.Is there a girl called Carol Shufflebottom? on the picture who lived behind the pub The Old Engine at Kitt Green?

Comment by: britboy on 20th April 2011 at 00:25

first row, 1st and snd boys...Arther Turner and Adrian Parks.
I always thought Allan Budworth was the greatest teacher I ever had but I loved science. I remember Bob Jones, never did have him as a teacher but remember him marrying Miss Aikin I think her name was when they moved to Abraham guest.1959 was probably the year I moved to Abraham Guest, we thought the new school was wonderful, alass now it is demolished :( happy days :)

Comment by: Jean Clark nee Alker on 6th May 2011 at 17:06

Just found Wigan World Great photograph. I remember quite a few,Top row 1st rt Frank Bayman 10th Lesley Stetton
2nd row down 1st rt Isobel Colley 3rd Ellen Farrimond 4th Sylvia 5th Ann Houghton 7th Marjorie Cunliffe 7th Mavis? 8th Catherine Aiscough 9th Sylvia Miller.
3rd row down 2nd rt Iris ballantyne,3rd Valerie Heyes, 4th Me 5th Kathleen Bsrton 6th Kathleen Aspinall, 7th Barbara Parkinson, 8th June Magnall, 9th Susan Robinson, 10th Susan Gore, 11th Barbara? 12th Betty?
7th rt Tony Heaton?

Hope these names help. I look forward to see how things progress.

Jean Clark

Comment by: Sylvia nee Wilcock on 15th May 2011 at 13:14

Jean you have a brilliant memory, thanks for putting names to faces.

Comment by: BARBARA SHEARD (PARKINSON) on 6th June 2011 at 16:12

TOP ROW FROM LEFT; leslie stretton,geoffrey hickman,?, colin prescott, ?, ?, billy fairhurst,?,billy hughes,jim richardson
Second row fro left, alan budworth sylvia miller, catherine ainscough,mavis yates,christine cobley,marjorie cunnliffe sheila walsh,anne houghton sylvia wilcock,ellen farrimond, christine ?, isobel colley
3rd row from left: betty walsh, barbara aspey, susan gore, susan robinson,june magnall, barbara parkinson(ME) kathleen aspinall, kathleen barton,jean alker,valerie heyes, iris ballentyne, pat wood. Mr Jones
Front row from left: Arthur turner, adrian parkes, Geoffrey ?, Tony heaton, ?, ?, david ashcroft, ?, john ormesher, ?
hope i have filled in some of the names too faces

Comment by: Tom Cadman on 5th October 2011 at 20:08

Mr Budworth was a great teacher and a good rugby person

Comment by: Sylvia W. on 10th November 2011 at 10:21

Thanks Barbara You have a really good memory to put all those names to faces. Do you still live in Pem?

Comment by: ann aspinall on 24th November 2011 at 18:00

is there a class photo of 4B 1961/62 out there?

Comment by: ann aspinall on 8th December 2011 at 14:31

remember lots of faces here and some names.photo says orrell council, isn't this lamberhead green junior school.I left here in 1959 to go to abraham guest.Left this school in the summer of 1962 my last form teacher was Mrs Bisbrown our class 4B.Been looking at all photo's on this site hoping to find one of me with my class as all my own have been lost. Here's hoping!

Comment by: barbara sheard on 10th December 2011 at 20:32

I moved to Stafford 30+yrs ago would love to here any news See facebook or friends reunited

Comment by: Neil Rigby on 5th February 2012 at 20:07

This photograph is almost certainly of a first year class at Orrell Council Secondary in the last academic year at Orrell Council Summer 1959. I recognise Adrian Parks who was 1 year ahead of me (but I had not arrived yet). The teacher on the left is Mr. Alan Budworth who was the teacher for the 1 year class. The next academic year 59/60 actually started off at Orrell Council because Abraham Guest was not ready, and I was then in Mr. Budworth's class as a first year pupil (having just come St John's) for 1 term. Then in January 1960 the whole school moved to Abraham Guest for the rest of the academic year of 2 terms. The other teacher in the photo on the right is Mr. Bob Jones. The picture is taken against the wall of the cycle shed (I think), main school off to the left beyond the railings next to Mr. Budworth, and playing fields off to the right. Further on the right (not shown) is the primary school.

Both Mr. Budworth and Mr Jones were both very nice people but both were no stranger to the cane (boys only!) At Abraham Guest the cane was banned by the new head (except in special circumstances) and this allowed their true personalities to come to the fore.

Comment by: rachelfarrimond on 11th December 2012 at 13:25

if this is Sylvia Miller r u my nans sister marie miller if you are can you send me a picture of you and my nan it would be a big help becuase its her anniversary the week before xmas and i would like to show it to her

Comment by: Margaret Brown (nee Corless) on 11th October 2015 at 04:54

Front row second from the right is my cousin Graham Turner who sadly died some years ago.

Comment by: June Mangnall on 21st September 2020 at 19:35

I'm on the photo.My dad,Mr Mangnall taught us for geography.Does anyone know where Marjorie
Cunliffe is now? I'd love to get in touch with her again.

Comment by: John Baxter on 25th March 2021 at 20:32

I have many memories of John Magnall. He took a group of us fishing a few times and was always good fun.
I also remember delivering your grocery order. ????

Comment by: John Baxter on 25th March 2021 at 20:36

I have many memories of John Magnall. He took a group of us fishing a few times and was always good fun.
I also remember delivering your grocery order. ????

Comment by: michael on 31st August 2021 at 00:38

furthest left, second row from front certainly is Betty Walsh. Would be wonderful to know for sure which person is her cousin Sheila? The 3 or us last met in person was a chance meeting in Wigan Asda about 1984.

Comment by: Tom C on 29th May 2024 at 17:07

Mr Budworth sadly passed on last week

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