Wigan Album
St Cuthbert's, Norley Hall
Photo: Vince McCarthy
Item #: 17066
Can anyone help with names?
Front Row Left to right - Mary Cunliffe, Monica Murphy, Margaret Freeman, Rita Smith, Sheila Tighe, Pat Marshall, Sandra Bithell, Theresa O'Neil, Ann Atherton, Margaret Flood.
Second row from top - ?, Irene Bilsborough, Pat Sharrock, Jean Lathom, Winifred Adamson, ?, Theresa Dowd.
Second row from the front,middle boy,is it Michael Sullivan?
The school / canteen was located on the field in front of Brindley St. That area now has the Telephone exchange and Brown Court. I lived in Brindley St since a 2 year old (1961). I used to go into the school and they would let me chalk on the blackboards. The Canteen buildings were a great adventure playground.
BR L-R ?,Connor?,Vose?,James Stapleton,Frank Prior
3rd down L-R Tommy Ainscough,Tom Meehan,Tommy Quinn?,Brian Donnelly,Bernard Berry,Tony Winstanley,Vince Johnson,Mick Brogan,Vince McArthy
Lovely photo. My Uncle, Peter Vose is on the back row, third from left