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St Cuthbert's, Norley Hall


St Cuthbert's Infants, c1949/50
St Cuthbert's Infants, c1949/50
Photo: Vince McCarthy
Views: 4,821
Item #: 17065
I'm not very good at remembering names but here are just a few. Tommy Dickens, John Vose, Vince Cottom and Tommy Ainscough who was the smallest in the class ( The one on the end right ) and I was the next to the smallest on the far left of the same row.

Comment by: tommy c on 11th February 2011 at 11:30

recognise girl bottom left, from enfield st. sandra bithell.

Comment by: antar on 11th February 2011 at 17:18

hi Tommy did Sandra Bithel marry Tony Gorman .

Comment by: tommy c on 11th February 2011 at 18:08

sorry antar i dont think i ever saw her after school years.

Comment by: vince cotom on 12th February 2011 at 12:57

Vince Cottom , middle row 2nd from left. John Brady, back row far right

Comment by: J P on 5th April 2011 at 22:41

Is this the Vince Cottom who refereed in the Wigan Amateur League?

Comment by: vince cottom on 20th September 2011 at 17:39

Who is JP ?, Yes that was the Referee, have been called other things

Comment by: Ann Taylor on 29th February 2012 at 13:26

4th from left is my sister Therese O'Neill - who died suddenly almost 3 years ago - I recognise some of the faces, but a bit dim on names

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