Wigan Album
St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge
Photo: Leslie Judson
Item #: 16227
Front row.Pauline ? Christine (I think) and Barbara Occleshaw.These were all my classmates for
many years, Apologies to them for my poor memory.
I am almost sure that the 1st on the front row is Pauline Hurst, my cousin, who now lives is Chorley.
Yes the one at the front left is Pauline. She was a good friend of mine at school as was Christine who is next to her.
I remember Miriam although she is a little older than me; her mother used to give piano lessons.
Yes front row me Pauline Hurst that was, now Barlow. I remember most of the others, like Miriam memory is going. Where has all those years gone? The play was Cinderella.
Aye, the one on the front row in centre is Christine Pendlebury, her father Sammy was a bus driver with the Lancashire United Transport,Cap St, Platt Bidge. And wife's cousin Vera Davies is stood behind her. Don't know where Christine is now, never seen her for years. Tatty By.